Marxist Tax-funded Abortion Measure Defeated in Fulton County

On Wednesday, Fulton County Commissioners Bob Ellis (Dist. 2) and Bridget Thorne (Dist. 1) led a valiant effort against a measure that would have given $300,000 to fund abortion murder in Fulton County. The Resolution, sponsored by Commissioner Dana Barrett (Dist. 3) would have forced pro-life residents of Fulton County to pay for “financial assistance and logistical support for abortion” through a socialistic donation of tax dollars to an organization called Access Reproductive Care (“ARC”) Southeast. This pro-abortion organization funds abortions, transportation to abortion mills, and child care for the living children of expectant mothers during the murder of their pre-born brother or sister.
More than fifty attended the meeting in person to give public comment, including some GRA members and former State Rep. Alveda King, niece of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
“I would not have been okay with my taxes funding the gas chambers or ovens in Nazi Germany, or even the train transportation to the death camps,” said Fulton GRA Member Sarah Pedro during public comments. “Just as I am not okay with any funding that would promote the current holocaust of our youngest and most vulnerable Georgians. It is shameful to even be discussing the killing of the pre-born as health care. Health care for whom? Certainly not the baby!”

Speakers highlighted the disproportionate abortion rates in the black community. According to the Georgia Department of Public Health, 65% of babies killed in the womb by elective abortion in 2020 in Georgia were black babies.
Former abortion supporter turned pro-life advocate Angela Stanton King, founder of Auntie Angie’s House and president of the American King Foundation, who gave birth in prison while shackled and was pardoned by President Trump for her 2004 conviction in a vehicle-theft ring, also gave public comment.

A number of commenters identified themselves as Democratic Socialists and were vocal from the crowd supporting the pro-abortion, wealth redistribution measure. The argument from supporters of the measure was that there is “deepening health inequity” in the community that is impacting black women. They cited the overturn of Roe v. Wade and implementation of Georgia’s Heartbeat law as a reason why the funding is needed, however unlike some states, Georgia has not seen it’s abortion facilities shut down nor a massive decline in abortion numbers. Thirteen abortion facilities remain open continuing their bloody work, and pro-life sidewalk advocates report that abortion clinics are as busy as ever. Advocates for the measure urged Fulton County to match a donation made by the Atlanta City Council to the pro-abortion non-profit to help with this socialistic “equalizing” effort.
Surprise opposition to the measure came from pro-choice Commissioner Khadijah Abdur-Rahman (Dist. 6). Abdur-Rahman had made a motion a few weeks prior to appropriate funds to help meet homeless needs that was rejected with Commissioner Dana Barrett opposing the motion. Abdur-Rahman took a position against other Democrats who supported Barrett’s motion funding ARC Southeast, asking “How can you support funding an abortion non-profit with budget money you don’t have for the homeless?”
Commissioner Thorne strongly opposed the measure highlighted the fact that $300,000 is four times the amount the County gives to The Boys and Girls Club.
“Pro-abortion advocates who are constantly requesting tax dollars to fund their abortion agenda do this in the name of “choice”…however, they unequivocally reject the notion of a woman’s “choice” to have the baby. True choice provides women the help and resources they need to have their babies,” said Fulton Resident Sarah Pedro.
Democrat Commission Chair Rob Pitts did not vote. After making a statement opposing the measure, Commissioner Bridget Thorne had to leave and was not able to vote. Lacking the four votes required to pass, the motion failed on a 3-2 vote.

The pro-abortion motion might be added to a future agenda, and if that happens pro-life and limited government activists are committed to providing even stronger opposition. As Abolitionist Wendell Phillips quipped, “The price of liberty is eternal vigilance.”
If you would like to see all pre-born children given legal protection in Georgia, so that it is illegal for organizations like ARC to promote prenatal homicide, sign this petition.
If you live in or near Fulton County, we encourage you to attend their meetings and voice your concerns. Commissioners’ meetings are held on the first and third Wednesdays of each month at 10 a.m. in the Fulton County Government Center Assembly Hall, 141 Pryor Street SW, Atlanta, Georgia. The next meeting will be held October 18.
Residents have three options to participate in 2-minute public comment: in person, in writing, or virtually via Zoom. All virtual public comments and requests to speak in person must be submitted before the clerk sounds the start of the meeting.
To submit a public comment in writing, residents can contact or by filling out the form located here.
Register in advance for the webinar by accessing the link via the calendar website.