2nd District GOP “Low Country Boil” Out-Shines Infamous 8th District’s Fish Fry

Pelham, Georgia — The Georgia Republican Assembly sponsored the Second District Republican Rally and Low Country Boil in southern Georgia on Saturday, October 21. The rally was held under a large shed at Montaña Produce on US Highway 19, across the street from the Flint John Deere dealership. Pelham is an agricultural community in Mitchell County.
Attendees praised the event as being much better than the 8th Congressional District GOP’s Fish Fry in August, in which the hosts came out with hostility against grassroots activists who were promoting election integrity.
After the invocation and pledge of allegiance, Georgia GOP First Vice Chair Brian K. Pritchard laid out a plan to take back the country. “The first phase to taking the country back has to be local,” Pritchard said, “We have to put candidates up for school board, good candidates up for county commission, good candidates up for city council and mayor.”
One candidate for Congress from the Second District who spoke was GRA member Chuck Hand. Chuck Hand and wife Mandy—who both spent time in jail on federal charges for attending an election integrity rally in Washington, D.C.—have been very active in the Second District GOP and in the Taylor County GOP as well. Congressional candidate Hand said, “What we’ve allowed our country to become is not a good look. I’m not here to cozy up to the status quo, ya’ll, I’m here to put them on notice.” Hand continued, ”We are not alone. There are more of us than them. We are the majority now. David took down Goliath with a slingshot and a rock. Allow me to be your rock and slingshot me into United States Congress where I will do all that I can to restore America back to America.”

The Second Congressional District is the largest geographical district in Georgia, encompassing the southwest corner of the state from Columbus to Macon and points south, all the way to the Florida state line. The Second District GOP Chairman is GRA Member Tyler Johnson, who was unable to attend the rally due to military deployment. Other volunteers pitched in to help, though, making the event a success even with the Chairman’s absence.
Crawford County GOP Chairman and GRA member Troy Cook was very involved with planning the event, and was responsible for the successful silent auction which took place during the rally. Troy said, “Even though Tyler Johnson, the Chairman of the Second District, was unable to attend due to his military obligations, he deserves the credit for the success of the event. It was because of his hard work behind-the-scenes planning, organizing, making calls to vendors, and working out the logistics of deliveries that a small group of great people were able to pull together one of the best events I’ve attended in a long time. Unlike the 8th District Fish Fry, everyone was welcome, regardless of their political stance. It was a great event with great people from all across the state.”

The large shed where the event was held was spacious and accommodating. Weather was pleasant for the gathering, with a mid-afternoon high temperature of 78 and a constant breeze from the northwest most of the day. Attendees had plenty of opportunity to fellowship, visit with vendors, and enjoy the music and food in between speeches. GRA First Vice President Brant Frost V, who also spoke at the event, later said, “It was great to see so many GRA Members in Pelham. Over the last few months the Georgia Republican Assembly has grown like a weed in southwest Georgia. And based on the reception we received the overwhelming majority of people there are with us in spirit.”
GRA member Field Searcy spoke about election integrity and the need for paper ballots. “The QR Code is illegal, and it’s a spoilation of our ballot, and we can’t read it,” Field said. “When people get informed and get engaged they can make a difference. Over the last three years people have been getting the facts, and learning the law. They’ve been standing up, they’ve been going to county commission meetings or election meetings,” Field continued, “and you guys need to do the same, and we’ll give you all the tools you need on our website georgiansfortruth.org.”

Other speakers included Georgia Labor Commissioner Bruce Thompson, Freedom Caucus Representative Mallory Staples, and State Senator Colton Moore. Senator Moore spoke about the nineteen individuals who were indicted by Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis. Senator Moore—standing in front of a John Deere cotton harvester—asked the crowd, “If I had a spare million dollars, I’d rather buy that cotton picker behind me than defend my innocence in Atlanta. Wouldn’t you?” Legal costs for defense of the indicted individuals have mushroomed. The GRA is sponsoring the Fulton Defense Fund fundraising event in Banks County, Georgia on November 2 (https://votescope.org/fultondefensefund/).

Many GRA members were in attendance at the rally. GRA member Amanda Prettyman drove down from Bibb County. Prettyman said of the event, “I really enjoyed the atmosphere and commend the Second District Republicans and Tyler, for upholding Republican, Constitutional values of free speech. We don’t have to agree on everything, but election integrity is certainly a part of the Republican platform—even the RNC issued a resolution about election integrity and hand-counting where able—and healthy debate and discourse within the party over how we achieve election integrity is so important. The Second District upheld that and demonstrated the best of the Republican Party. It was a fun, warm, family atmosphere!”