Make Your Voice Heard: Resolutions That Matter
Year after year, the GAGOP passes resolutions that don’t seem to have an impact. That’s because certain people don’t want the party to do anything except follow after politicians, instead of holding them accountable to you. That’s why people are always in a rush to adjourn conventions instead of letting more business take place. You can fix that.
This year, don’t let them stop the grassroots. Vote against attempts to adjourn or shut down debate.
As county conventions approach, it’s vitally important that you make sure you both submit resolutions to various conventions, and get other likeminded people involved. Why? Because resolutions from the party can be actions that influence what happens (such as the recent decision by the State GOP to prohibit Geoff Duncan from qualifying as a Republican in the future), or create state the party’s opinion on important issues.
I will likely be submitting versions of the following resolutions to be considered at the state convention. These are personal projects. You can, if you agree with them, edit them and make sure to have similar versions adopted at your county and district conventions (there are .doc versions for you to edit):
1. Resolution Unifying the Party in Prohibiting Brad Raffensperger from Qualifying as a Republican (.doc) (.pdf); (Simplified Version Here)
2. Resolution Protecting the Party by Prohibiting Anyone Voting to Make Elections Non Partisan from Qualifying as a Republican (.doc) (.pdf);
3. Resolution Supporting Free Speech and Condemning Jon Burns; (See LINK/Story Here for Background) (.doc) (.pdf)
4. Resolution Supporting Delegate Control of GOP Branding (.doc) (.pdf).
You could even submit them to the state convention. Be sure to follow the deadlines and limitations in the Convention Call, which also governs rules changes AND declaring you’re running for state office.
It is great news that GAGOP has already taken their constitutionally authorized step to prohibit fake Republican/RINO former Lt. Governor Geoff Duncan, from running as a Republican in Georgia.
As I mentioned in the last message, we have a GAGOP Convention Cycle this year. This is where voters like you attend the GAGOP Precinct Meetings, County Conventions, District Conventions, and the State Convention to (1) pass motions (resolutions) regarding party actions; (2) elect delegates to other conventions; (3) elect party officers; (4) pass party rules.
Your participation is vital. People who make their careers off politics or the “paid political industry” (such as lobbyists, political consultants, etc.) sometimes show up and try to persuade people to elect “nice” people who refuse to hold politicians accountable to our state party platform/principles.
It is vitally important you be involved, as you do not want Establishment/Paid Political Industry sycophants running the Georgia GOP. If you look at past messages, going back years, you can see the history of the GAGOP and the results of having people who refuse to stand for principle, versus the improvements we’ve had since 2019, though there is much to be done.
You need two things before the state convention: (1) get good information on who is running for various offices; (2) training/knowledge on how to use Roberts Rules of Order so you can have your voice heard and participate effectively in the convention process.
The Convention Call is attached, which has DEADLINES for submission of Resolutions, Rules, and Candidacy for office. Read this carefully and follow it if you wish to have the party take any actions (Resolutions), change party Rules, or to run for party office.
For the information, we encourage you to not lose credibility by making or supporting candidates for party office until later in the cycle. The Georgia Republican Assembly (“GRA”), consisting of principled grassroots Republicans like you (and you are welcome to apply to join at, holds a convention for our members (who are actual principled grassroots Republicans) to choose who to endorse with at least a 2/3 vote of those members.
This is after the GRA has a team that puts out a report on the candidates, including information from their history, answers to questionnaires, and other information. You can see previous reports on the GRA website (
We encourage you to not lose your freedom by getting into a divided candidate fight without all of the information. The GRA Endorsing Convention will be held this year on May 10, 2025 (with local endorsing conventions for local offices prior to that), and we encourage you to wait in supporting candidates for State GOP office until after all candidates have declared and the GRA endorsing convention has concluded.
The way the GOP Establishment takes back control of the GOP is by dividing grassroots anti-Establishment Republicans against each other, including by falsely advertising who they are. It is up to us to stop them.
Now more than ever, we need dedicated individuals like you to step up and make a difference. The GRA ( is a grassroots volunteer organization committed to empowering members and ensuring that our party stays true to its principles. We stand for transparency, accountability, and the power of “we the people.” I encourage you to join the GRA and be a part of this vital movement.
Thank you for your unwavering commitment to Republican values. Together, we can build a stronger, more principled party that truly represents the voice of the people. Let’s continue to stand for truth, integrity, and the principles that make our party great.