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Make Your Voice Heard: Resolutions That Matter

Make Your Voice Heard: Resolutions That Matter

Year after year, the GAGOP passes resolutions that don’t seem to have an impact. That’s because certain people don’t want the party to do anything except follow after politicians, instead of holding them accountable to you. That’s why people are always in a rush to adjourn conventions instead of letting more business take place. You can fix that.

This year, don’t let them stop the grassroots. Vote against attempts to adjourn or shut down debate.

As county conventions approach, it’s vitally important that you make sure you both submit resolutions to various conventions, and get other likeminded people involved. Why? Because resolutions from the party can be actions that influence what happens (such as the recent decision by the State GOP to prohibit Geoff Duncan from qualifying as a Republican in the future), or create state the party’s opinion on important issues.

I will likely be submitting versions of the following resolutions to be considered at the state convention. These are personal projects. You can, if you agree with them, edit them and make sure to have similar versions adopted at your county and district conventions (there are .doc versions for you to edit):

1. Resolution Unifying the Party in Prohibiting Brad Raffensperger from Qualifying as a Republican (.doc) (.pdf); (Simplified Version Here)

2. Resolution Protecting the Party by Prohibiting Anyone Voting to Make Elections Non Partisan from Qualifying as a Republican (.doc) (.pdf);

3. Resolution Supporting Free Speech and Condemning Jon Burns; (See LINK/Story Here for Background) (.doc) (.pdf)

4. Resolution Supporting Delegate Control of GOP Branding (.doc) (.pdf).

You could even submit them to the state convention. Be sure to follow the deadlines and limitations in the Convention Call, which also governs rules changes AND declaring you’re running for state office.

It is great news that GAGOP has already taken their constitutionally authorized step to prohibit fake Republican/RINO former Lt. Governor Geoff Duncan, from running as a Republican in Georgia.

As I mentioned in the last message, we have a GAGOP Convention Cycle this year. This is where voters like you attend the GAGOP Precinct Meetings, County Conventions, District Conventions, and the State Convention to (1) pass motions (resolutions) regarding party actions; (2) elect delegates to other conventions; (3) elect party officers; (4) pass party rules. 

Your participation is vital. People who make their careers off politics or the “paid political industry” (such as lobbyists, political consultants, etc.) sometimes show up and try to persuade people to elect “nice” people who refuse to hold politicians accountable to our state party platform/principles.

It is vitally important you be involved, as you do not want Establishment/Paid Political Industry sycophants running the Georgia GOP. If you look at past messages, going back years, you can see the history of the GAGOP and the results of having people who refuse to stand for principle, versus the improvements we’ve had since 2019, though there is much to be done.

You need two things before the state convention: (1) get good information on who is running for various offices; (2) training/knowledge on how to use Roberts Rules of Order so you can have your voice heard and participate effectively in the convention process.

The Convention Call is attached, which has DEADLINES for submission of Resolutions, Rules, and Candidacy for office. Read this carefully and follow it if you wish to have the party take any actions (Resolutions), change party Rules, or to run for party office.

For the information, we encourage you to not lose credibility by making or supporting candidates for party office until later in the cycle. The Georgia Republican Assembly (“GRA”), consisting of principled grassroots Republicans like you (and you are welcome to apply to join at, holds a convention for our members (who are actual principled grassroots Republicans) to choose who to endorse with at least a 2/3 vote of those members.

This is after the GRA has a team that puts out a report on the candidates, including information from their history, answers to questionnaires, and other information. You can see previous reports on the GRA website ( 

We encourage you to not lose your freedom by getting into a divided candidate fight without all of the information. The GRA Endorsing Convention will be held this year on May 10, 2025 (with local endorsing conventions for local offices prior to that), and we encourage you to wait in supporting candidates for State GOP office until after all candidates have declared and the GRA endorsing convention has concluded.

The way the GOP Establishment takes back control of the GOP is by dividing grassroots anti-Establishment Republicans against each other, including by falsely advertising who they are. It is up to us to stop them.

Now more than ever, we need dedicated individuals like you to step up and make a difference. The GRA ( is a grassroots volunteer organization committed to empowering members and ensuring that our party stays true to its principles. We stand for transparency, accountability, and the power of “we the people.” I encourage you to join the GRA and be a part of this vital movement.

Thank you for your unwavering commitment to Republican values. Together, we can build a stronger, more principled party that truly represents the voice of the people. Let’s continue to stand for truth, integrity, and the principles that make our party great.

Wonderful Time at the 3rd Annual Faith & Medicine Conference

Wonderful Time at the 3rd Annual Faith & Medicine Conference

Buford, GA — This past weekend the GRA was pleased to once again co-host the political panel for the Faith & Medicine Conference. Practicing medical doctor Rhett Bergeron with Real Health Medical founded the conference after the 2020 lockdowns led many to reevaluate how medicine should be handled.

GRA President Nathaniel Darnell moderated the panel, which featured Dr. Joe Boot from the Ezra Institute, Dr. Jason Garwood (author of the book Health for All of Life), Dr. Heidi Klessig, Dr. Ed Payne, and Dr. Joe Morecraft.

Among other things, the panel evaluated the policy changes forthcoming for the better from the Trump administration, which are expected once Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is approved to the cabinet.

Click here to watch the political panel from the 2025 Faith & Medicine Conference
Sen. Colton Moore Attacked & Arrested! 😳

Sen. Colton Moore Attacked & Arrested! 😳

Atlanta, GA — The story is going viral nationwide. 

GRA-endorsed State Senator Colton Moore today was illegally blocked from entering a joint session of the state legislature by minions of GA Speaker Jon Burns. The purpose of the joint session was to hear the Governor’s State of the State address. When Senator Moore insisted on exercising his lawful right and duty to attend the joint session, he was wrongfully arrested and sent to the same Fulton County Jail where Donald Trump obtained his famous mug shot.

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This treatment of Senator Moore was completely unjustified. Both Lt. Governor Burt Jones and GA GOP Chairman Josh McKoon have put out statements acknowledging that fact, but Speaker Burns’ office continues to publicly attempt to rationalize their actions.

If you haven’t yet seen the video of the altercation, you have to see it right away here.

What led up to this scene was likewise petty and tyrannical. 

Speaker Burns originally banned Colton from the State House chamber last year when Colton expressed a dissenting opinion about a resolution promoting the late previous Speaker David Ralston. Ralston had a terrible record of corruption, and it was completely inappropriate for him to be put up on a pedestal as a model for other politicians to imitate.

Regardless, however, the Georgia State Constitution explicitly forbids elected state legislators from being treated this way in Article III, Section 4, Paragraph IX, which says:

“Paragraph IX. Privilege of members. The members of both houses shall be free from arrest during sessions of the General Assembly, or committee meetings thereof, and in going thereto or returning therefrom, except for treason, felony, or breach of the peace. No member shall be liable to answer in any other place for anything spoken in either house or in any committee meeting of either house.” (underlining added)


The GRA stands against corruption and cowardice by Republican elected officials. While GRA-endorsed Sen. Colton Moore is willing to let Americans know about the corruption and problems in politics and exemplify courage to uncover and fix them, people like State Rep. Jon Burns and those elected government officials and party officials staying silent exemplify cowardice. They disregard and hate the Constitution. They let people like Donald Trump and Colton Moore go to jail, in hopes they will go away.

To fight against this cowardice and corruption, we need every Republican appalled by this behavior to get involved and join the GRA.

Help us get more true Republicans elected with the integrity and courage of Colton Moore!

The GRA proudly stands 100% with our endorsed State Senator Colton Moore. Our attorney team will support charges Senator Moore pursues against those that assaulted him and obstructed him from performing the duties of his elected office.

We urge you to contact your State Representative and Speaker Burns’ office to register your outrage about how Senator Moore was treated. State Representatives’ contact information can be found at this link. You can call the Speaker’s officer during normal business hours at 1-404-656-5020.

The Faith & Medicine Conference Is Back!

The Faith & Medicine Conference Is Back!

The GRA is thrilled to report that the Faith and Medicine Conference is back in 2025! Moreover, the GRA is pleased to be co-sponsoring the event again, particularly the political panel on Saturday, which our GRA President Nathaniel Darnell will be moderating once again with a mix of new and returning panelists. This conference will be timely as we’ve recently seen breakthroughs on the medical freedom front with some of President Donald Trump’s forthcoming cabinet appointees. 

You may recall that this conference started after the 2020 COVID lockdowns forced churches around the country to shutdown their Sunday morning services and after many were shamed and coerced into taking the COVID vaccine and other “boosters” or risk losing their jobs. Christians and many others began to re-evaluate where the lines were drawn on the limits of civil authority and how we should take care of our health.

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The U.S. House Committee on Oversight and Accountability just released a report on COVID-19 After a two-year investigation. It’s everything you would have expected. They found that the social distancing recommendations — which shut down churches, schools, and small business across the country — was arbitrary and not based on science. Moreover, there was no conclusive evidence that masks effectively protected Americans from COVID-19. See more on that report here.

For more insight, join us for the 2025 Faith & Medicine Conference on the weekend of January 31st – February 1st in Buford! 

Click here to pre-register for the 2025 Faith & Medicine Conference.

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This Thanksgiving, Let Us Remember to Whom We Should Be Especially Thankful …

This Thanksgiving, Let Us Remember to Whom We Should Be Especially Thankful …

We at the GRA wish you and yours a happy Thanksgiving Day tomorrow as we celebrate the blessings of God upon our nation! These blessings were particularly evident in the recent general election as we saw NFRA-endorsed Donald Trump re-elected as U.S. President, and Republicans win back the U.S. Senate and the U.S. House!


We’re also thankful for a newly emerging breed of local and state Republican leaders like State Senator Colton Moore (District 53) who are providing a higher caliber of Republican in Georgia—focused on advancing Republican principles.

I recently had the delight of joining Senator Moore, Rep. Charlice Byrd (District 20) and former State Rep. Matt Gurtler (now Chief of Staff to Congressman Thomas Massie of Kentucky) at Moore’s Machine Gun Shootout in northwest Georgia. We had a blast celebrating together the recent wins.

Moore has been a voice of conviction for truth in the state legislature when many others shrink in cowardice. For example, you may have seen Moore’s recent reaction when Laken Riley’s murderer was convicted. Moore immediately called for GA’s Attorney General Chris Carr to act so that the convicted murderer would receive capital punishment, but do-nothing Carr continues to sit on his hands as usual in failing to enforce critical Georgia laws.

The Word of God says that the best way to protect innocent life is with the death penalty against those who would destroy it. “Whoever sheds the blood of man, by man shall his blood be shed; for in the image of God has God made man” (Genesis 9:12). This is much of the reason for why we stand for gun rights in America: Everyone has the right to defend himself with deadly force against those who would threaten him with deadly force

But after a crime has occurred, God has delegated the authority and responsibility only to civil government to impose capital punishment for convicted murderers who have received due process. (See Exodus 21:12Romans 13:3-4.) The brutal murder of Laken Riley deserves such a punishment.

But instead the taxpayers are being forced to provide Riley’s vicious murderer with free room and board for the rest of his life.


And yet Mr. Carr is not only ignoring the necessary action, but he’s apparently tone deaf enough to have announced he’s the first candidate to run as Georgia’s next so-called “Republican” Governor. We hope better candidates will enter that race in the days to come.

In the meantime, the GRA is going to continue to work alongside and support courageous and principled champions such as Colton Moore and resist the RINOswho would make America pathetic again.

The Bible teaches clearly that the role of Civil Government is to do justice, not charity, and not economic development. We look forward to the day when civil government gives more attention to doing real justice for victims, and less attention to micro-managing people’s lives and livelihoods.

To Whom Are You Thankful?


The Pilgrim fathers who gathered in Plymouth for the first Thanksgiving Day knew exactly to whom they owed gratitude. Likewise, President George Washington made it abundantly clear who our nation should be thankful for in his first national Thanksgiving proclamation.

Being thankful always requires an object of that gratitude.

The other day I was listening to a high school teacher explain to his students how the word “love” only makes sense if there is a specific target of that love. In grammar, words like “love” are what they call transitive verbs. No matter what the Democrats say, one is not simply a love person or a hate person. Everyone loves something and everyone hates something. Usually, we hate that which opposes what we love. It is the same with being thankful. Thankfulness is not just a warm fuzzy floating around in our feelings directed at no one in particular. We must have an object.

Who is the object of your thanksgiving this year? Hopefully, we are counting our blessings and thanking our families for their support throughout the daily grind. Tell them how much you appreciate them. Being grateful is good for the soul.

We should also be grateful for all of the hard-working volunteers in the GOP who made the recent victories possible. They worked tirelessly for the families in their community, who will all benefit from Republican policies, but never know who made it happen and will likely never express their gratitude.

There are many people we should thank. But most of all, we must give thanks to God.


This need is particularly underscored when we witness remarkable acts of providence and blessing for which mere coincidence cannot adequately account. Events like Donald Trump turning his head at just the right split second to only be grazed on the ear by a would-be assassin’s bullet.

Such events do not play out that way without, as George Washington would say, “the finger of providence” being in it.

Thanking God necessarily means we are acknowledging our dependence upon Him, and thus are acknowledging our need to trust and obey Him above all others as we continue to live.


We are thanking God with you this week! Together let us seek His wisdom and blessing as we work to improve Georgia. He has granted us a merciful reprievein the recent election results. Let us make the most of it.

We have not achieved success merely because Republicans were elected. We have achieved success when Republicans policies get enacted into law. So our work to provide accountability begins today.

If you are not currently engaged in the Republican Party, or if you would like to be more effective at advancing the principles and fighting off Democrats and Establishment RINOs, we invite you to contribute to our outreach in Georgia! Join the team of grateful warriors.

Time to Make the Most of the “Red Wave”

Time to Make the Most of the “Red Wave”

Georgia Republican Assembly members are ecstatic about the results from the General Election this past Tuesday! Obviously, we are thrilled that our NFRAendorsed candidate for POTUS Donald Trump made history by becoming the first since Grover Cleveland (1837 – 1908) to be elected to two non-consecutive terms. But far more significantly, we are excited about the real policy differences this election win forecasts.

This election revealed that at least 72 million Americans have not been completely brain-washed by MSNBC, CNN, the Washington Post, and other “fake news” legacy media outlets.

With a newly won Republican majority back in the U.S. Senate and a renewed Republican majority appearing to materialize in the U.S. House, Trump is poised to make strides to accomplish a lot. “With these wins, Republicans need to make hay while the sun shines to implement as many changes as possible while they have the majority,” said GRA President Nathaniel Darnell. “No more playing it safe to try to stay in power (which always eventually back-fires)! They need to get as much good done as possible while they can!”


This election represents not only a warm embrace of the policy changes proposed by the Trump-Vance ticket, but also a firm rejection of the clown world policies that have accelerated under Democrats over the last four years! Americans don’twant the wild Woke policies of trans-your-kids, push DEI, make taxpayers pay for trans surgeries for prisoners, pit the skin colors and the sexes against each other, finance both sides of a war across the world, cutoff energy pipelines in our land, and compel private social media outlets to censor anyone who disagrees!

Americans want to open up our oil pipelines, protect the border, lower our tax burden & inflation, provide a healthy environment for Americans businesses and workers, support medical freedom, cut waste and overregulation in the federal bureaucracy, and many other strong policies that the team Trump is assembling, appear well equipped to advance.

GRA-member Marjorie Taylor Greene also won reelection for her 14th GA Congressional seat with 64.39% of the vote, and GRA-endorsed Congressman Andrew Clyde (GA-9) won re-election with 69.02% of the vote in his race. They will no doubt be among the Republicans in D.C. working hard to implement positive changes quickly.

President Trump’s indication to include other notable leaders like Kentucky’s Thomas Massie, Robert Kennedy Jr., Elon Musk, Ron Paul, and Joel Salatin in areas of his administration where they excel, gives hope for real progress on the horizon.

How Did this Georgia Victory Happen?

How Did this Georgia Victory Happen?


There’s no disputing that all eyes were on Georgia Tuesday as the election results arrived. At the latest tally, it appears that Trump beat Harris in Georgia by 117,812 votes.

Several factors contributed to ensure Democrats did not effectively cheat state-wide and to make sure Trump’s success was “too big to rig!”

For one, the legal team did not get caught flat-footed.

One of the most critical things was the success by GA GOP Chairman Josh McKoon(working with RNC Chairman Michael Whatley) to expedite an appeal to the Georgia State Supreme Court over the weekend. The high court responded by ruling that no non-military absentee ballots could be counted if they were received after Election Day. That cut off an avenue for the Democrats, in places like Fulton County, to stuff sufficient ballots in Georgia to overturn the results. If it wasn’t for that accomplishment, we might still be in suspense today, awaiting the final election outcome.

For another thing, GRA members who have been positioned in key county and congressional district GOP leadership positions worked hard with their teams to get out the vote. The massive early voting by Republican voters in all counties was crucial. Even in counties in metro-Atlanta that are now eclipsed by majority Democrat voters, the Republican raw vote was essential.


For example, Gwinnett County brought in 172,812 votes for Trump, Cobb County brought in 168,286, and Fulton County brought in 142,912. If you subtract those results from any of those counties, Trump would not have won. Even DeKalb County with its 62,482 votes for Trump helped to push the margin of victory far enough from the Democrat’s clutches so as to render it too significant to steal the election.

That is why it was valuable to have so many Republicans running in down-ballot races, even in places that were considered too blue to win. We are grateful for all of those who put in the effort to recruit candidates before March this year!


In addition to the top-of the ticket victories, our GRA members in local GOP leadership also enjoyed other hard-fought wins in their communities. For example, in Whitfield County, GRA member Eddie Caldwell (Whitfield County GOP Chair) and his team defeated a Democrat who has held office as Sheriff for 32 years!

In Cobb County, GRA-member Salleigh Grubbs (Cobb GOP Chair) resoundingly defeated an M-SPLOSTincrease proposed by the Democrat commissioners and helped Republicans retain majority control of the county School Board. Brad Wheeler and Randy Scamihorn were incumbent Republicans on the school board who had been targeted for removal by the Southern Poverty Law Center after they opposed trans and other perverse indoctrination taking place in classrooms behind parents’ backs.

Meanwhile, Middle GA RA Chapter leader Troy Cook overwhelmingly won his race for Crawford County Commissioner District 2 with 67.45% of the vote.


The third main contributor to success on Tuesday was that so many GRA members and other grassroots activists have worked tirelessly and vigilantly over the last four years to push hard for real election integrity reformin our state. Although not everything we’ve been fighting for has yet been accomplished, the wins we have experienced definitely made our election systems much less vulnerable to the Democrats’ potential cheating efforts than they were in 2020.

More GRA-Endorsed Legislative and Local Candidate Victories!

More GRA-Endorsed Legislative and Local Candidate Victories!


The Georgia Freedom Caucus has another member among its ranks at the State Capitol. In spite of opposition and harassment from the Republican Establishment in Atlanta, our GRA-endorsed State House candidate Noelle Kahaian came out on top in her election for State House District 81 with 19,122 votes to the Democrat’s 14,392 votes. Noelle has been a patriot activist for several years working on common sense legislation to protect children from obscenity and harmful gender ideology in government schools and libraries. Her victory is particularly notable because she defeated a R.I.N.O. incumbent in the primary earlier this year.

Meanwhile, GRA-endorsed State Senator Colton Moore (R-53) resoundingly won re-election with 78.77% of the vote in Northwest Georgia. Moore has had the best vote score of any legislator in the Georgia General Assembly over the last term — a fact that seems to have sparked some jealously among the R.I.N.O.s in the State Senate who removed him from their Senate so-called “Republican” Caucus.

Ken Pullin

In other local down ballot races, several GRA-endorsed candidates also clinched it. For example, GRA member Keith Bowen won election as Miller County Commissioner, receiving 84% of the vote! Endorsed candidate Clyde McDaniel for Whitfield County Cornor won his race with 73% of the vote.

Still more GRA-endorsed candidates won without opposition in the general election, including State Rep. Charlice Byrd (R-20), Tony Abernathy for Murray County School Board, and Ken Pullin for Pike County Board of Commissioners.

GOP Majority Continues to Shrink in GA State House

GOP Majority Continues to Shrink in GA State House

Although Republicans made wins up and down, far and wide, on Tuesday there was one area in Georgia GOP circles where enthusiasm was more muted.

GA Speaker Jon Burns

Democrats reportedly took two seats away from Republicans in the GA State House. One of the lost seats was from Rep. Mesha Mainor, who had been a Democrat who switched parties mid-term.

The Georgia State House Republican Caucus has been slowly diminishing its majority in the legislature since 2016, first under David Ralston‘s leadership and now under his successor Jon Burns. In 2020, Republicans lost five seats in the State House. In 2018, Republicans lost nine seats. Not since the election of 2016, when President Donald Trump beat Democrat Hillary Clinton, have Republicans in the State House not lost seats in their caucus. 

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But even Trump’s coattails were not able to keep the State House “Republican” Caucus from losing seats this year. Indeed, even with Governor Brian Kemp campaigning and financially supporting the incumbent GOP caucus candidates so heavily, reports are showing that they appear to have lost two seats in the State House this week.

During the wave of the T.E.A. Party movement in the first half of the 2010s, Republicans saw steady gains in the Georgia legislature and across the country. But as Republicans have failed to live up to the promises of reform made under that movement, Republican voters have grown increasingly disillusioned.

The State House has also developed a reputation of being the more Left-leaning of the two legislative chambers at the State Capitol. They have blocked and watered down Election Integrity reform, they pushed the notorious ominous “Mental Health Parity” bill (socialized medicine), they have locked up pro-life and medical freedom legislation so that it is not even allowed to be discussed in committee, etc., etc., etc. This year they sanctioned State Sen. Colton Moore when he accurately began to speak on the harmful legacy of the late Speaker David Ralston. 

Janelle King

About the only significant positive achievement the House can claim is the appointment of Janelle King to the state Elections Board this year.

Even this year’s legislative accomplishments touted were a mixed bag, such as the election integrity reforms that don’t do into effect until two years from now, or the “school choice” voucher system that will likely lead to new government intrusions into private education (“with shekels come shackles”).

However, we are not discouraged because GRA members are making huge strides to provide needed accountability to our state legislators! When Republican politicians don’t advance true Republican policy, GRA members are ready to expose the truth to the voters in their community. GRA members are using our scorecards across the state to inform the electorate, organize local chapters, recruit and endorse principled candidates, and sacrifice the time and treasure required to save our state from fake Republicans. 

If you would like to help continue building on the successes of the last year, please consider becoming a GRA member today!