Month: September 2023
“Republicans” Betraying Republicans! Help Fight Now!šŸ’„

“Republicans” Betraying Republicans! Help Fight Now!šŸ’„

Click to watch the video of Senator Moore’s interview with Steve Bannon yesterday.

A little over a month ago (LINK), we applauded the bravery of GRA-endorsed Senator Colton Moore and others in fighting for accountability. He was leading the charge in response to Fulton DA Fani Willis’s political prosecutions in Fulton County. He was a lone voice in the State Senate pushing for a special session to defund her office, as well as investigate her actions for potential impeachment, a power explicitly given to the legislature by the Georgia Constitution.

Any decent Republican would support this, if not to stop the prosecutions, then to simply draw attention to the corrupt nature of these political prosecutions in Democrat-run Fulton County.


But instead, alleged Republican “leadership” has apparently become jealous and spiteful of the existance of actual leadership. Despite President Trump’s open support for Colton Moore, and that Senator Moore is the only Senator opposed to “kicking the can down the road” to an unelected commission which may be found unconstitutional and choose to do nothing, they have decided to effectively kick Colton out (“indefinitely suspend”) of the Republican Legislative caucus.

They don’t have the spine to challenge Brad Raffensperger by passing legislation that increases public confidence in our election system.

They don’t have the spine to challenge Democrats, or efforts to expand government power and cronyism in Georgia.

Yet they are willing to effectively defend Democrats that are instituting political prosecutions of Republicans by kicking Republicans out of the caucus?

This is appalling.

Any “Republican” politician not publicly supporting Sen. Moore’s efforts, or decrying “leadership’s” decision, is a coward. Silence is not acceptable in the face of politically motivated prosecutions, and it’s also not acceptable when elected officials are called upon to make a stand on one of their own being intentionally attacked by alleged Republicans.

If we hope to unify and defeat the Democrats in 2024, these people who betray our party and basic common sense principles need to be stopped. Only can you stop them.


First, here is a list of so-called “Leadership” who allegedly made this cowardly decision to avoid the ire of their donors and/or Democrat friends. Call them and let them know that not only are you a Republican disappointed in their behavior, but you’re going to find challengers for them and support anyone who runs against them in the Republican primary. Please call them all.

Sen. John F. Kennedy
President Pro Tempore 

Sen. Steve Gooch
Majority Leader             

Sen. Randy Robertson    
Majority Whip                 

Sen. Jason Anavitarte
Majority Caucus Chair 

Sen. Larry Walker III
Majority Caucus Secretary   

Second, contact your own Senator and Representative and let them know that you expect them to make a public statement opposing the removal of Senator Colton Moore from the caucus. They will gladly tell you, in private, that they disagree with “leadership”, but that is only because they are trying to hide behind “leadership” as an excuse. You know who elects “leadership”? They do.  And unless they are willing to stand up to “leadership”, they are implicitly supporting the decision to remove Senator Moore. If they refuse to issue a public statement, let them know that you’ll run against them (if you will…hopefully you will), or support any other actual Republican that is willing to take such a stand.

Third, apply to join the Georgia Republican Assembly (GRA), and organize with others around the state to have only principled Republicans elected to office, both through your endorsements, as well as by ensuring that the GAGOP is run by principled people that will not allow fake Republicans to run for office as Republicans and attack principled leaders like Senator Moore.


1. There seems to be an effort to demonize both Fulton County Republican Susan Opraseuth (who was elected, and then un-elected due to GOP Establishment wranglings two years ago: see articles HERE and 2nd HERE for a history), as well as the current GAGOP Leadership by alleged Republicans over a “corporate structure” issue. 

This is all counter-productive. The attached e-mail was provided by the GAGOP (the “Alex” referenced in it is not me) that shows the legal counsel for the Secretary of State affirming that the GAGOP is in compliance with state political party law. While there certainly are issues that need to be fixed regarding some historical issues (and the GAGOP has created a committee to address), this e-mail alleviates my concerns regarding the possibility of Republican candidates being excluded from the general election ballot in the foreseeable future.

2. The Forsyth County Republican Party, which had grassroots leadership elected this last year, attempted to have their chosen election board member appointed to the local election board. This was and is currently being thwarted, according to these links by Hank Sullivan. Another case of the GOPe (Establishment) attempting to hold on to power. (Link 1) (Link 2)

3. It is alleged that the Fish Fry hosted by the 8th District GOP (Chairman: Chandler Jones) restricted entry of Republicans, who had already purchased tickets, who were wearing “Paper Please!” (advocating election integrity) shirts until after numerous politicians left the event. While this is perfectly legal, it is interesting that politicians and/or their supporters are trying to marginalize active and engaged Republicans.

We must stop allowing cowardice and selling out in politics if we want to maintain our brand. By unifying around Republican principles, we can work together to defeat the Democrats. 

GRA Members Charter New Chapter in Middle Georgia

GRA Members Charter New Chapter in Middle Georgia

Roberta, Georgia ā€” Activists and GRA members gathered today at the Frozen Joe’s restaurant to charter a new local GRA regional chapter and elect officers. This new Middle GA RA (MGRA) chapter incorporates Bibb, Houston, Peach, Crawford, and Monroe counties, which are at the northern tip of the 2nd and 8th Congressional Districts in Georgiaā€”two areas where the GRA has not until now had any local chapters organized.

Local GRA member and activist Paul White was elected as the chapterā€™s new local President. Troy Cook, the Crawford County GOP Chairman, was elected as his 1st Vice President. The rest of the local chapter Executive Committee team elected also includes Lisa Neisler, Edith Noriella, and Kathy Moody.

One of the major concerns expressed by those gathered was the recent treatment of patriots at the 8th District GA GOP Fish Fry a month earlier where the Atlanta Establishment-oriented Chairman Chan Jones at the last minute refused to allow ticket-holders to enter while wearing t-shirts with election integrity reform messages on them. At this charter meeting, they critiqued a maxim often promoted by the Establishment GOP: “Keep it small, rule it all!”

One of the reasons Republicans often lose to Democrats, the officers said, was because the local Establishment leadership is more obsessed with maintaining control over their “fiefdoms,” and so they deliberately keep their organization small so they can exercise more control. This is not how the GRA operates. We welcome all grassroots activists into the party who share a commitment to the Republican Party principles and are not merely interested in the popularity, prestige, and power that so enamors the Establishment with dollar signs in their eyes.

Several GRA officers and action group leaders were on hand to help with the charter, including the GRA’s 1st Vice President Brant Frost V, NFRA Director Nathaniel Darnell, 3rd Vice President Abigail Darnell, Chapter Relations Chairman David Carlson, and New Membership Committee Chairman Stephen Alligood.

The MGRA chapter scheduled their monthly chapter meetings, which they intend to give each county in the region a chance to host so they can make it easy for local members to participate. Let us know if you would like to join this local chapter’s meetings or activities.

Press Conference on InvestigatingĀ D.A. Fani Willis Packed-Out Ā 

Press Conference on InvestigatingĀ D.A. Fani Willis Packed-Out Ā 

Atlantaā€”Yesterday’s press conference at the state capitol calling for the legislature to investigate Fulton D.A. Fani Willis was standing room only as GRA-endorsed legislators State Senator Colton Moore (R-Dade) and State Rep. Charlice Byrd (R-Cherokee) affirmed the urgent need for a special legislative session before an ecstatic crowd that frequently broke into applause.

According to a recent poll, about “83% of Georgians across this state recognize that what is happening right now with District Attorney Fani Willis is politicization,” said 29-year-old State Senator Moore at the conference. “I represent 200,000 hard-working Georgians in northwest Georgia. The people who I represent ā€¦ they sweat hard for their tax dollars, and they don’t want their tax dollars funding this type of corrupt government power!”

“We as a legislature have no power to do anything until we are in session,” he continued, “and thatā€™s why we must have session now, because we must investigate Fani Willis.ā€  Concerning the indictments, Moore said that it was a political attack, and that this fight ā€œis about basic fundamental First Amendment rights to question the results of an election.ā€  

Senator Moore and Rep. Byrd were joined at the press conference by a wide variety of activist leaders, including Dr. Alveda KingJenny Beth Martin of Tea Party Patriots ActionBruce LeVell, and Mallory Staples of the Georgia Freedom Caucus. An even broader array of leaders spoke at the rally at the Liberty Plaza thereafter, including Georgia Republican Party 1st Vice Chairman Brian Pritchard, 2nd Vice Chairman David Cross, VoterGA’s Garland Favorito, attorney Jared Craig with Veterans for America First, Sam Carnline with Georgians for Truth, and representatives of Blacks for Trump. State Senator Brandon Beach (R-Fulton) has also signed onto the petition for a legislative session.

Jenny Beth Martin said, ā€œThey are doing this because they want to scare you. They want to scare you so much that youā€™ll stop speaking out.  They want to scare you so much that you stop gathering together with your like-minded countrymen. They want to scare you so much that you will no longer express your concerns about an overbearing government, and they want to scare you so much that you will not want to get involved in our election processes to ensure they are free and fair and transparent.  What they are doing is frightening, but now is the time for courage.  Now is the time to speak louder.  Now is the time to gather in greater numbers, and now is the time to raise your concerns. Now is the time to get involved in the election process so we can secure the vote and we can win elections in 2024, and hold these freedom thieves accountable!ā€

GRA members from every corner of the state travelled far and wide to be there and show support. Many people present wore t-shirts or carried signs about election integrity and the District Attorneyā€™s indictment against nineteen people in Georgia in relation to the 2020 presidential election.   

In spite of the numerous calls from constituents, many Republican politicians under the Gold Dome have been reluctant to show support for a special session to investigate Willis, citing such excuses as “not having the numbers.” The various excuses from these politicians could be summarized as “Itā€™s really hard to do that, so we shouldnā€™t try.” Itā€™s the same thing weā€™ve heard every time there has been a push for an urgent special session. You might call it the “Pontius Pilate” excuse: “A grave injustice is about to occur, but it would be hard to stop it. Iā€™m just one person. Itā€™s not politically expedient for me to intervene, so I should just let the injustice continue.”

In contrast, a principled Republican says, “I have a responsibility to ensure justice is done. It doesnā€™t matter how slim the chance of success, I have a duty before God to intervene.”

One speaker named Angela asked about Fani Willis, ā€œWhat has she done for this community in Fulton County, Georgia since sheā€™s been in office?  She showed up to speak for abortion when Roe v. Wade was being overturned.  But I opened a pregnancy home for women right here in her district and she hasnā€™t showed up for that!  They show up when itā€™s time for us to abort our babies, but they donā€™t show up when itā€™s time for us to give life.ā€

Garland Favorito of said that for the past 17 years his organization has published reports of election problems in Georgia.  Garland said, ā€œIn 2020 Georgia suffered the most corrupt election in our history.  We were victims of a multi-faceted attack on our election that included robbery, interference, ballot trafficking, electronic vote tampering, audit fraud, and voter role manipulation.  So what did Fani Willis do about that?  She covered it up; she kept two grand juries from knowing anything about that.ā€

Reports released today show that the Fulton Grand Jury originally attempted to indict even more Republicans than the 19 charged in mid-August. Typically, it is the district attorney who suggests a person to a grand jury. Only 19 of the 39 recommended were approved for indictment, but that original list included former Georgia U.S. Senators David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler. It illustrates what a broad brush Fulton Democrats were painting with, and underscores how the entire investigation has been a blatant attempt at political harassment from the beginning.

With the release of this news today that Fulton prosecution targets included Kelly Loeffler, one wonders if Governor Kemp would be more open to intervene and investigate Willis. A special legislative session can be called either by the governor or by a consensus of the legislators themselves.

Please continue to contact your legislators and urge them to support the call for a special legislative session. Newnan attorney Jared B. Craig encouraged the audience to get out the vote come election time, ā€œbut in the meantime, we need to support those people that are willing to stand up and do the noble work with courage and integrity as Senator Moore and the Freedom Caucus.ā€  Craig urged listeners, ā€œWe need to fund their campaigns and their efforts.ā€ 

Sam Carnline from GeorgiansForTruth spoke about the need to return to hand-marked paper ballots.  Carnline then challenged the group to get out of their comfort zone.  Carnline said, ā€œI want to challenge all of yaā€™ll, to challenge all of your friends,  that they need to get out there and make these representatives that we have uncomfortable.  Saturday was a couple of weeks ago, I made Secretary of State Raffensburger uncomfortable, and he ran from me!  Then I had the opportunity to speak to Governor Kemp and I made him so uncomfortable that he spoke the truth!ā€

Click here to watch the full video of the press conference.

Tonight’s Georgia Right to LifeĀ REACH Dinner a Great Success

Tonight’s Georgia Right to LifeĀ REACH Dinner a Great Success

GRA officers Nathaniel & Abigail Darnell with Georgia Right to Life

We at the GRA appreciate our friends atĀ Georgia Right to LifeĀ (GRTL) for leading the charge in the pro-life cause in our state for over 50 years! Last night we were pleased to once again support them at their annual REACH Benefit Dinner at the Cobb Galleria where GRA-endorsed StateĀ Charlice ByrdĀ (R-Cherokee) and State Rep.Ā Emory DunahooĀ (R-Hall) were honored for their pro-life legislative efforts. Protecting all innocent life from murder from the moment of conception to natural death is a moral principle we share, and look forward to being implemented in our state.

It was delightful to have Public Service Commissioner Tim Echols and Georgia Republican Party National Committeeman Jason Thompson attend the event.

Guest keynote speaker Alison Howard Centofante (derogatorily called the “pro-life Barbie”) is a mother of two who gave a compelling message, sharing touching personal stories and reports about shutting down abortion clinics engaged in medical malpractice. She discussed how families and ministries can provide safe places to young ladies who find themselves pregnant out of wedlock. She also addressed misconceptions surrounding the issue, stating that abortion (the intentional murder of a human being) is never necessary to “save the life of the mother.”

Doctors have two patients when dealing with pregnancy complications, and while it may become medically necessary to separate the preborn infant from the mother, that is not the same thing as intentionally murdering “by poisoning or dismembering the child,” Alison said.

Alison Howard Centofante delivers her keynote address at the GRTL outreach dinner.

Will Georgia Republicans Investigate Ā Fulton D.A. Fani Willis? Ā 

Will Georgia Republicans Investigate Ā Fulton D.A. Fani Willis? Ā 

So it seems Republicans everywhere want to investigate and potentially sanction Fulton D.A.Ā Fani WillisĀ ā€”Ā except Republican elected officials under the Gold Dome in Atlanta!Ā GRA-endorsed State SenatorĀ Colton MooreĀ (R-Trenton) received accolades forĀ his call for a special session investigating herĀ from former PresidentĀ Donald TrumpĀ in a video as he undergoes political harassment from her trial:

Meanwhile, even Republicans in Congress are looking into ways to investigate Willis and possibly bring federal sanctions against her. Georgia CongressmanĀ Andrew ClydeĀ (R-District 9) andĀ Marjorie Taylor GreeneĀ (R-14) have been among the advocates for this move. Even U.S. House Judiciary Committee ChairmanĀ Jim JordanĀ from Ohio agrees. State Rep.Ā Charlice ByrdĀ (R-Cherokee) also joined with Senator Moore in callingĀ for a special legislative session, and other legislators are adding their names to the call.

But the automaton “Republican” legislators at the state capitol who love reciting the talking-points handed down to them from Governor Brian Kemp and Speaker Jon Burns‘ office, keep insisting that they “don’t have the numbers to impeach Fani Willis” and the new “Prosecutorial Oversight Commission” should be the group that investigates and possibly sanctions Willis. One legislator even told a constituent that “sometimes you just have to kiss the ring!” This passing of the buck has several problems with itā€”not the least of which is that it is likely unconstitutional.

Yet in a recent NewsMax interview that included attorney and GRA President Alex Johnson, State Senator Clint Dixon (R-Buford) insisted on this very process being the only way. Alex said in the interview that Senator Moore’s proposal would be a legitimate legal approach, but the legislator disagreed, citing incorrect numbers on the threshold needed to effect a special session and to impeach or remove from office.

This newly-created commission is not even scheduled to meet until mid-October, and it currently does not have standards in place for evaluating prosecutors. More problematic, though, is that this commission is composed of an unelected bureaucracy. One cannot circumvent the constitutional requirement of a two-thirds majority from elected legislators by delegating that power to a non-elected body operating within a simple-majority. If the commission were to actually implement removal from office of an elected prosecutor, that would no doubt be challenged as a violation of the state constitution, and it would probably take years for the suit to be resolved.

Contrary to Senator Dixon’s claims, the state constitution does not require a “three-fourths majority vote of both chambers to impeach.” It does not even require impeachment by a two-thirds majority. Under Article III, Section VII of the Georgia State Constitution, the only requirement involving a two-thirds majority is for the State Senate vote to remove from office after the State House has voted by a simple majority to impeach. An “impeachment” operates effectively as an indictment. Here is the actual text of the state constitution on the procedure:

Republicans in the State House already have the simple majority necessary to impeach, if such a move proves necessary after an investigation. So claims that Republicans “don’t have the numbers for impeachment” is just a flat out lie.

Whether two-thirds of the State Senators find it necessary to follow up such an impeachment with removal from office, will depend entirely on what the hearings and investigations by the legislature may uncover. But the cowardly Republican state legislators don’t even want to allow for the possibility that they could find sufficient evidence during that process to warrant removing Willis from office.

Allegedly “lacking the numbers” did not stop congressional Democrats under Nancy Pelosi from twice impeaching President Trump as an act of political harassment, and it should not stop Republicans from meting their political attacks with equivalent measures.

However, even if the new bureaucratic commission in October considered removal from office in lieu of the legislature,Ā Governor Brian Kemp has already declared that he would not approve that outcome.

Other possible sanctions that would requireĀ lessĀ than a two-thirds majority vote of the state legislature include such options Senator Moore has listed asĀ de-fundingĀ her Fulton County operation. Again, the RINOs in the legislature claim this cannot be done. But the Fulton County Commission appears to be taking these possibilities seriously. They haveĀ drafted a resolutionĀ being brought up at a meeting later this week begging both the federal government and the state government not to withhold funding from the Fulton D.A.’s office. Why would they do this if withholding funding was not possible?

Today the ultra-statist liberalĀ newspaperĀ The AJCĀ put out a piece suggesting that other Republicans in the legislature should impeach and remove Senator Colton Moore from officeĀ for pressuring them to do the right thing so publicly. This is an ironic proposal considering how The AJC and Establishment Republicans of Atlanta have previously characterized the GRA as “just wanting to purge”out anyone who disagreed with them. Guess they don’t really have any problem with “purgings” within the GOP after all. But should we be surprised since they were already sitting on their hands letting Democrats purge leaders like Donald Trump?

It should serve as notice to real Republicans everywhere that when the far left media starts praising certain “Republican” politicians, they are on the wrong side of the issue.

If RINOs in the legislature actually were to bring sanctions against Senator Moore, they shouldn’t be surprised if the GA GOP responds with a vote to block many of them from re-qualifying to run in the Republican primary next year. Since the GA GOP has not yet voted to adopt the proposedĀ Accountability Rule, constitutionally the organization’s Executive Committee has the power protected under the First Amendment to vote by simple-majority to disassociate with any incumbent.

The GA GOP’s Executive Committee has 28 members, so only 15 members would need to vote in favor of blocking any incumbent from qualifying to run as a Republican again next year. Newly elected non-Establishment members on that committee such as Brian PritchardDavid CrossSalleigh GrubbsSuzi Volyes, and Caroline Jeffords could lead this effort, and they have plenty of other reasons to be upset with incumbent Republican legislators given the resistance they have shown to considering serious election integrity reform. Even Immediate Past Chairman David Shafer may be open to considering this move since he is one of the alternate electors being harassed by Fani Willis in this trumped-up indictment.

Regardless of the push-back, Senator Colton Moore, State Rep. Charlice Byrd, and the rest ofĀ the GeorgiaĀ Freedom CaucusĀ are moving forward with a scheduled press conference and rally over this issue at the state capitol on Thursday, September 7th at noon. Show up at that event and/orĀ donate to support these brave Republican legislators!