We have a confession to make.
We are not sad to receive the news about David Ralston (R-Blue Ridge) resigning from serving as the Speaker of the Georgia State House of Representatives. We are notgoing to miss him.
Yes, the current Speaker of the GA House David Ralston announced Friday that he would not be seeking re-election as Speaker when the Georgia General Assembly reconvenes in January for the next legislative session. Of course, the bulk of our endorsed State House candidates who won their Republican primaries had already pledged to not vote to re-elect him anyways. When you combine that fact with how much the Republican majority in the State House has shrunk — particularly given how Ralston redistricted some of the most conservative represenatives into Democrat districts — Ralston’s chances of getting re-elected have become tenuous.
But Speaker Ralston cited health concerns, about which rumors have been spreading for months. We take no pleasure in Ralston’s bad health, but we do rejoice in the Lord for providentially using such an illness to rescue us all from Ralston’s reign of tyranny over the last decade. We confess that we are unapologetic in making that statement.

We won’t delineate again right now the long list of grievances against Ralston that have accumulated over his tenure as Speaker. It would take too much time. But he will answer to God. Most of you probably haven’t forgotten at least the highlights. Suffice it to say, most of the Republican principles Ralston has obstructed advancing over the years have been conducted in the following ways:
- Block good legislation with grassroots support from ever getting out of committee so as not to embarrass your fellow RINOs when they vote against it. Tell your committee chairmen to never let the bill see the light of day or else they will lose their chairmanships!
- Lay it on heavy if any Republican does not support your pet legislation. Tell them you’ll take away all their preferred committee assignments, put them in the office overlooking the dumpster, and move their assigned parking space to the compact one in-between the two giant pillars at the farthest end of the parking deck, etc.
- Raise up RINOs to primary any principled Republican who dares to cross you. Call upon your committee chairmen to each make a considerable campaign contribution to the troublemaker’s RINO primary opponent and hire consultants to assist in stomping the little twerp into the ground!
Now any professed Republican legislator who allows himself to be intimidated from serving the well-being of his constituents and doing what is morally right before God due to these tactics is also arguably at fault. Few have been willing to confront Ralston — but the few who have been were GRA-endorsed state legislators!

Nevertheless, when our representatives in the Republican Caucus of the Georgia State House of Representatives meet after the election to decide who they will elect to succeed Ralston, they should look for a candidate who will not follow in Ralston’s example in these key misbehaviors.
We urge you to contact your Republican State Representative and urge them to vote for a new Speaker who will not obstruct Republican principles as David Ralston has!
The next Republican Speaker of the House in Georgia should at least allow legislation with popular grassroot’s support to run through the legislative course and make it to the House floor for debate and a vote. Regardless of whether the legislation is over securing gun rights, saving preborn babies from abortion murder, enacting realelection integrity reform—or anything else!
Comments: 2
I’ll contact My senator, we must have a grassroots Speaker
Please put in Fleming
He represents the republican cibservative point of view
Which we need to truly represent us