GRA Regional Metro Chapters Pass Resolution Supporting Catoosa GOP and Donate to Catoosa Legal Fund

GRA Regional Metro Chapters Pass Resolution Supporting Catoosa GOP and Donate to Catoosa Legal Fund

Canton, GA – On Saturday GRA Members from ten counties gathered to hold a convention where they passed a resolution supporting the accountability efforts of the Catoosa GOP.

GRA Members heartily support the right to freedom of association and were enthusiastically in support of their fellow patriots in Catoosa county who are trail-blazing the Accountability Rule that could benefit Republicans across the state.

The Resolution states that “elected officials who do not implement the Republican platform tarnish the Republican brand, discourage voters, and deter party participation”.

The resolution included a donation of $500 from two GRA chapters to help support the Catoosa GOP in this legal battle since this precedent will affect liberty-lovers everywhere. The resolution also encouraged all GRA members in the three congressional districts represented at the convention to make a personal donation to fight this lawfare battle.

The Catoosa GOP has made it known that their attorneys are all volunteering their time to help with this case, but that there are many other expenses and court costs that people can help them cover. You can donate to their GiveSendGo here:


The Catoosa GOP is merely upholding the GAGOP platform policy positions.

It is likely that Republicans everywhere – from the Governor’s mansion on down – are watching this legal battle with keen interest. It is clear that the establishment, faux-Republicans across the state feel threatened by this precedent being set in Catoosa and will stop at nothing to squash it.

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