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RINOs Sweaty-Palmed as Chattooga GOP Implements Local Accountability Rule

RINOs Sweaty-Palmed as Chattooga GOP Implements Local Accountability Rule

Last Thursday, the Chattooga County GOP hosted a public forum for questions and respectful debate regarding the local Accountability Rule recently adopted by their organization. The meeting attracted enthusiastic attendance from no less than eight different counties and included four different GOP County chairs who came out to show their support for Chattooga GOP Chairwoman Jennifer Tudor and her team.

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Attorney and GRA Chairman Alex Johnson answered questions from the crowd and moderated the discussion. The vast majority of comments and crowd feedback was overwhelmingly supportive with only a few who opposed the rule.

Jennifer Tudor read aloud from the 2023 Georgia Election Code Annotated a passage that says:

“Authority of Party to Refuse To Qualify a Candidate: The state and county executive committee of a political party have the authority to refuse to qualify a candidate upon a determination that such candidate does not meet the qualifications for nomination to a public office.”

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Brian Pritchard, GA GOP 1st Vice Chairman also presented to the crowd his reasons for supporting the Chattooga team that implemented the rule. He shared how his area in rural Fannin County is overwhelmingly Republican and suffers from the same problems as counties like Chattooga where the community is roughly 75% Republican, making it nearly impossible to win an election as a Democrat. In these cases, Republican primaries can be flooded with Democrats in disguise. One woman in the crowd commented that this rule would help people like her who are “tired of having to hold their nose to vote Republican.”

“I’ve never had to hold my nose to vote Republican!” retorted one of the handful of men present who opposed the by-law change. “Never!”

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Members of the Etowah RA chapter attend up to show support.

One of the concerns brought forward was that the Accountability Rule might in the future be used arbitrarily by the local party against a candidate for no good reason. Alex Johnson shared how Chattooga citizens could remedy that problem if it ever arose by participating in the local party convention and show up to elect different leaders who could be trusted to be loyal to the principles of the party. One of the main goals of the GRA is educating grassroots Republicans so they know how to get involved in the convention process and in elections to replace people who abuse power with those who steward it with integrity. This is one of the reasons the GRA hosts parliamentary procedure trainings and mock conventions where patriots can practice making motions. 

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Interestingly, the Chattooga County Democrat Party used a similar Accountability power to block a candidate from running as a Democrat back in 2014. The Democrat Party Chairman wrote: “When you sign the qualifying papers, it signifies that you are a Democrat. If you wish to support the opposition, then you should feel free to do so. But, do it as a member of that opposition. We must and should expect a Democratic elected official to actually be a Democrat, and to publicly conduct themselves as one. And frankly, those of us who labor for the Party and candidates like yourself as volunteers don’t feel that’s too much to ask. We must stand for something. We have a philosophy unique to our Party as all political parties do.”

Click here to watch the full video broadcast of this Chattooga GOP Meeting.

Political Lessons from Advent Season

Political Lessons from Advent Season

As the recently elected new GRA President, I want to extend a happy greeting to you on behalf of our organization at this “most wonderful time of the year!” We count it a privilege to work alongside all of our grassroots friends across the state. Although we’ve changed a few things on our leadership team, we want to renew our commitment to you to continue to stand for the American principles of the Republican Party which have made our nation great.

The Christmas season is a good time to consider how we should reform the political landscape in our state. The themes and archetypes of the season depicted in the popular stories, songs, and movies are rooted in the original historic story of Christ’s birth and the circumstances surrounding it. Here are some lessons we can learn from them:

1. Don’t Be a Herod / Grinch / Scrooge / Mr. Potter


All the classic Christmas fiction seems to have a hardened bully character with a bad attitude who opposes the spirit of the season. Whether the character goes by the name of “Scrooge” or “Mr. Potter” or “the Grinch,” they ultimately hearken back to the curmudgeon of the original Christ’s birth story: King Herod. At the state capitol in Atlanta, we’ve had our share of real-life characters of this sort. Sometimes they come under the label “Democrat” and sometimes by the label “Republican,” but they all have some things in common such as a lording of their human power over others, a closing of their ears of compassion to needs they have the jurisdiction and power to alleviate, and a rejection of the significance of Christ’s coming in their lives.

King Herod in the Bible was so desperate to cling to his material political power that he became notorious for murdering a whole generation of babies in his land in his attempt to kill Christ, and today we also have politicians complicit in the murder of thousands of babies—and they force you to pay for it with your tax dollars. In fact in Georgia since Dobbs, there are now more abortion murders committed at clinics each year than there was before!

The Herod-type political characters are not only cold to the murder of those who cannot vote, they’re hard hearted to the stealing of millions of dollars through socialist programs, they turn a blind eye to evidence of stolen elections, and they don’t care about the dissolution of the nuclear family.

In some of the Christmas fiction stories, the Herod archetype character experiences redemption (such as Scrooge or the Grinch). We observe that kind of thing in the Bible when the persecutor Saul of Tarsus had his Damascus Road experience and became the Apostle Paul. But in the original Christ’s birth story, King Herod sadly never experienced any change of heart. Only judgment.

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Revitalize Georgia’s GOP: Stand with Us Against the Establishment!

Revitalize Georgia’s GOP: Stand with Us Against the Establishment!

Donald Trump was elected President because people are sick and tired of lying, selfish politicians that sell out the country for their own advancement and the love of their paid political industry/lobbyist friends.

That is why the Democrat DA Fani Willis is prosecuting him and other Republicans in Fulton County, and it’s also why the National Federation of Republican Assemblies has endorsed him for re-election at our October Convention in Orlando, Florida. 

It’s also why these Establishment people are refusing to do what’s necessary to end the prosecutions, and kicked out Senator Colton Moore instead of standing behind him to hold Willis accountable. But this isn’t unexpected.

It was just in 2017 that the Georgia GOP elected a lobbyist as party Chairman, who donated to Democrats. Even today, a GAGOP district chairman exists who is a paid lobbyist who had donated money to Democrats. It was only after 2019 that the Georgia GOP instituted a state party platform: throughout much of 2013-2019, the Georgia GOP refused to take a stand on any issue, allowing spineless alleged Republicans to do things like expand Obamacare with impunity, or to raise taxes.

If the branding of Republicanism is this terrible, is it any surprise that we look so weak publicly? As we’ve been pushing for years, if the GAGOP doesn’t maintain its brand, we will lose elections. The Establishment, instead of trying to secure and thereby increase trust in our elections, regularly tries to suppress the election integrity movement.

But there’s good news: the Establishment is losing, and with your help, we’re going to end their control over Georgia elected officials and public policy.

As we pointed out before, the Republican Party has the power to maintain its brand. Under the First Amendment to the United States Constitution, we have freedom of association: meaning that the Republican Party cannot be forced by the government, or anyone else, to qualify certain candidates for office.

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The Accountability Rule is going into operation in local GOP county organizations around the state.

The Establishment doesn’t want you to know this, dislikes it, and, frankly, has probably forgotten about it. They love contested primaries where they can just convince the public that their America-Last, sellout candidates are the “best” by raising and spending millions of dollars from corporate interests. They will never want to prevent figures like Obama, Pelosi, or other actual Democrats from running on the Republican ballot because they benefit financially from such conflicts. They don’t care who wins, as long as they get paid and their clients are happy.

But the grassroots, anti-Establishment people understand the issue: it is virtually impossible to beat people raising $500,000+ for a job that pays $20,000/yr, funded fully by interests looking to make money off the government. People like Liz Cheney and Brad Raffensperger will happily destroy our party’s reputation and brand while ignoring the grassroots.

This ends when the Republican Party, through your involvement, simply votes in the party to not let them run as Republicans.

Last year, we proposed a GAGOP rules change that would prohibit anyone other than convention delegates and county parties from refusing to qualify fake Republicans for office. This measure was never brought up for a vote.

But the power of the GAGOP, and its local parties, to simply not allow people to qualify for party office who do not meet your very basic standards remained unchanged.

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Excitement at the GRA State Convention: New Officers, Impressive Speakers & Awards

Excitement at the GRA State Convention: New Officers, Impressive Speakers & Awards

Newnan, GA — Saturday, GRA members from as far as Catoosa County in the northwest corner to Chatham County in the southeast corner of the state gathered to vote on approving resolutions, adopting bylaw-changes, and electing new officers to serve on the GRA’s state Executive Committee. They also got to hear from an array of inspiring guest speakers.

Alex Johnson presiding over the convention.

The body voted in favor of a bylaw change that created a new officer position on the Board and Executive Committee: Chairman of the Board. Attorney Alex Johnson, who has served as the GRA President for about a decade, was elected to this new position, freeing him up to give more time and attention to his elected position as the NFRA President while still providing counsel and oversight of the GRA and still presiding over official meetings and conventions.

Nathaniel Darnell from Cobb County was elected as the new GRA President, which the amended bylaws specify would operate more like a C.E.O. or Executive Director for the organization. Nathaniel has served as the NFRA Director for the last four years. Prior to that, he served as the 3rd Vice President. His wife Abigail Darnell was elected to replace him in his NFRA Director position.

Anne Lane from DeKalb was elected as the new Assistant Secretary, and Stephen Alligood was elected as the new 3rd Vice President, after Mrs. Darnell’s promotion.

The other elected officers on the GRA Executive Committee will be unchanged. Brant Frost V of Coweta will continue to serve as the 1st Vice President, attorney Catherine Bernard of DeKalb as the now Senior NFRA Director for the GRA, Jim Fernander of Douglasville as the 2nd Vice President, Joanna Hildreth of Catoosa as the Secretary, and Banks Wise of Cherokee as the Treasurer.

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The new GRA Executive Committee: Brant Frost, Jim Fernander, Alex Johnson, Nathaniel Darnell, Stephen Alligood, Joanna Hildreth, Catherine Bernard, Abigail Darnell, and Anne Lane. (Treasurer Banks Wise is absent from the photo.)
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Alex Johnson bestowing the award for exceptional service upon Denise Burns.

The convention also honored Walker County’s Denise Burns, who for the last term has done double-duty, serving as the GRA’s Assistant Secretary while also being the elected 14th District GA GOP Chairwoman. She decided to not run for another term on the GRA Executive Committee, given her many other duties, but the GRA praised her for her exceptional service over the last few years of growth within the organization.

The newly elected officers were joined at the convention by most of the other members of the GRA Board (pictured at top), including the local chapter Presidents and Action Group Chairmen.

Brittany Brown of SEGRA

One of the local chapter Presidents who spoke at the convention was Brittany Brown of the SEGRA chapter, who was also elected this year as the Chatham County GOP Chairwoman. She and Fulton County GOP Chairwoman Stephanie Endres gave a presentation on how their county GOPs were stolen by the RINO Establishment two years ago only to be re-claimed this year during convention season. Now these promise to be strategic high-population counties that could have a significant impact on the up-coming 2024 elections.

Kandiss Taylor

Kandiss Taylor (1st District GA GOP Chair) served as the Resolutions Committee Chairwoman at the GRA Convention Saturday. The body adopted resolutions supporting medical freedom, election integrity, the Accountability Rule, and RICO reform, while “censuring” the Republican legislators who voted for the Mental Health Parity bill, H.B. 520 last year. Kandiss encouraged the activists to reserve ammunition for the RINOs and Democrats rather than firing on each other.

Garrett Ziegler

One of the keynote speakers at the convention was Garrett Ziegler, founder of Marco Polo — an opposition research group. Mr. Ziegler served as the Associate Director of Trade & Manufacturing Policy under former President Donald Trump. He spoke at length especially about the Hunter Biden laptop scandal.

In addition, attendees got to hear the latest report from Georgia Freedom Caucus leaders Mallory Staples, State Rep. Charlice Byrd (R-Cherokee), and State Senator Colton Moore (R-Dade). Moore and Byrd concluded the special legislative session with the rest of the Georgia General Assembly last Thursday, and now are preparing for the regular legislative session starting in January 2024. We honored Charlice and Colton with special awards for their courageous statesmanship:

Chattooga County GOP Adopts Local Accountability Rule

Chattooga County GOP Adopts Local Accountability Rule


Summerville, GA – Chattooga GOP Chair and GRA Member Jennifer Tudor announced a new bylaw amendment adopted by the county party in early November that specified how the Chattooga County GOP could exercise their accountability power and prevent known RINOs from running on the Republican ballot. Notice of the bylaw change was posted in the local courthouse for all to see. This ruffled quite a few feathers and made front page news in the rural community despite the fact that the Democrat Party of Chattooga County had previously exercised this same power to prevent a candidate from running on the Democrat ballot.


Tudor issued a statement on behalf of the party:

“Republican voters deserve truth and transparency. The Chattooga County GOP believes that when a candidate is labeled a Republican, they ought to represent the principles of the Republican Party such as limited government, low taxes, the right to life, gun rights, etc. (See GAGOP Platform:

“Should we be forced to accept a candidate who claims to be Republican but supports abortion, gun control, big government and high taxes?

Struggling families in our community continue to be hurt by high taxes, inflation and wasteful government programs. Deceptive politicians should not be allowed to take advantage of poor, low information voters.

“With this bylaw in effect, the people of Chattooga county can rest confident knowing that, when a candidate runs on the Republican ballot, they will work to truly advance Republican policy.

We believe, as members of the CCRP, we have a responsibility to the voters of Chattooga County to ensure the candidates on their Republican ballots are true Republicans that believe in the Republican platform. We strive to be worthy of this trust and believe this bylaw amendment will equip us to better serve the people of Chattooga County.”


The bylaw amendment establishes a “County Qualifying Committee” whose written approval is required before a candidate may be placed on the Republican ballot.

The statement from the Chattooga GOP also referenced the constitutional authority under which a political party may exercise this power – the First Amendment right to Freedom of Association. The statement included a quote from Justice William Brennan:

Jennifer Tudor and Charles Stoker

“There can be no clearer example of an intrusion into the internal structure or affairs of an association than a regulation that forces the group to accept members it does not desire. Such a regulation may impair the ability of the original members to express only those views that brought them together.”-Roberts v. U.S. Jaycees, 468 U.S. 609 (1984) U.S. Justice Brennan (also quoted by the late U.S. Chief Justice William Rehnquist in the case Boy Scouts of America v. Dale, 530 U.S. 640 (2000)).

“RINO policies hurt real people,” said Nathaniel Darnell from the GRA. “GOP leaders shouldn’t just stand by and watch families and communities be destroyed by harmful policies and politicians masquerading under the Republican label. This is a big win for the accountability movement in our state and we applaud Jennifer and her team for their courage.”

Chattooga County is one of several counties where local Republican Party leaders have indicated they will begin exercising their accountability power and serving as the gatekeeper for the low information voters in their County.

Election Integrity Activists Maintain Pressure at the State Capitol

Election Integrity Activists Maintain Pressure at the State Capitol

Atlanta, Georgia—On Wednesday the halls of the Georgia Capitol were filled with nearly fifty patriots rallying for election integrity and government accountability as the legislature convened its first day of the special legislative session. The legislature was convened to take up reapportionment and redistricting of maps for the state, but

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Journalists capture the press conference

GRA members and allied patriots took the opportunity to hold a press conference for election integrity at the north wing of the Capitol.  GRA member Kandiss Taylor opened in prayer and was the first to speak.  “We are here today because we finally—after three years of affidavits, and notices, and conversations, and demands, and speeches, and putting pressure on our legislators—we finally get a special session! In fact we were told we could not have a special session for three years but, amazingly, it is constitutional, and it is legal,” Taylor exclaimed, “What a miracle!”  Taylor urged legislators to “hold the line” and not forfeit Republican seats to Democrats.  “We are not asking for backroom deals,” Taylor said.  “We are asking for fair legal redistricting, and fair legal voting.”

Over the last few years, the Georgia Governor was urged to convene a special legislative session to address election woes and to deal with Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis, but this special session was called exclusively to address reapportionment and redistricting.  

The State of Georgia was ordered to redraw the congressional and legislative maps by U.S. District Court Judge Steve C. Jones who wrote “…the Court determines that in certain areas of the State, the political process is not equally open to Black voters.”  The “minority” population of Georgia has increased, while the number of white or Caucasian citizens have decreased, according to Census records cited by the court.  Judge Jones was appointed by Barrack Obama and has notably opposed protections for pre-born children from abortion in Georgia. The state has filed an appeal of that order.  

Other speakers at the press conference included David Cross, Kim Brooks, Dr. Doug Frank, Beth Mercure, Stacey Doran, Field Searcy, Sam Carnline, and Kevin Parker.

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GRA members Holly Kesler, Brittany Brown, Kandiss Taylor, Wayne Canady, & Gary Chaffee

We need Governor Kemp and the legislators to come together, and extend the call of the special session” to address election integrity concerns, said Field Searcy, GRA IT Chairman and a leader with Georgians for Truth.

GAGOP 2nd Vice Chairman David Cross referenced the Haldeman report, and gave examples of errors in the counting of ballots, and why we cannot have confidence in the Dominion voting system.    

Referencing voter data from 2020 and 2022, Kim Brooks said, “We have found manipulation of inactive voters and infrequent active voters unlawfully receiving credit for voting.”  Brooks said she has proof that votes were cast in those elections for dead voters as well.

Every single fraudulent ballot is depriving one other citizen’s vote—their constitutional right”, Dr. Doug Frank said.  “When your state and your legislature and your Secretary of State tell you, ‘you have to use these systems,’” Frank suggested to the audience, “You can tell them ‘pound sand, because you are depriving us of our constitutional right of our ballot.’”

Beth Mercure, a Cherokee County activist pointed out that well-documented concerns about election integrity have been largely ignored by politicians across the state.  Mercure urged legislators, “We beg you to fix it now!”  

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Delivering a petition to the Governor’s office

Whitfield County election integrity activist Stacey Doran stated, “Brian Kemp and Brad Rafensburger refuse to do their job.” Georgia officials claimed the 2020 election was secure, yet removed signature verification and allowed remote drop boxes.  “It can’t make sense; you can’t make an argument for it,” Doran said of the lack of election security.    

Sam Carnline of Georgians for Truth shared that Georgia is in the world spotlight because of state officials’ refusal to fix the election system. He urged the legislature to do “whatever it takes” to return us to hand-marked paper ballots.  

Tyranny can be overturned by the Sovereignty of God, Kevin Parker reminded attendees.  He referred to the passage in Psalm 7: “his mischief shall return upon his own head.”  Parker drew from historical instances of this and warned evildoers that their evil might return to them like a boomerang.  “We call upon the supreme court of Heaven to deliver us from evil.”  “We ask this legislature and this governor to rid us of unlawful voting systems,” Kevin Parker urged, “and replace it with hand-marked paper ballots, and give us our voting rights back.”  

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Dr. Douglas Frank with Holly Kesler

Dr. Doug Frank concluded the press conference by leading attendees in singing a verse of the song My Country Tis of Thee.

After the press conference, many of the patriots spoke directly with legislators about their concerns, others attended the legislative floor sessions.

Senator Colton Moore gave a rousing speech from the floor of the Senate that echoed the concerns of the Patriots at the rally.

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Field Searcy & Sen. Colton Moore

I’ll tell you what: for the last three months I’ve been calling for a special session.  The people in northwest Georgia–they’re going to be mighty excited today because we are in a special session!  Mr. President, I called for a special session with such intensity that I was booted out of the majority caucus.  I am now a free and independent agent sitting in the back. Mr. President, it’s very disgruntling to me that I called for a special session for three months, and then we come to this special session and the proclamation that the governor has given us does nothing to address the concerns that millions of Georgians have in our current state of affairs.”  Moore continued, “People in northwest Georgia, they don’t like thieves, and in 2020 people in my district believed the election was stolen, they’re upset that the governor took nineteen days to certify the election results, and if it takes that long, then how can you protest when other people agree that maybe the election was stolen? Mr. President, it’s one thing to have a difference of opinion of whether an election was stolen or not, but we’re in a much darker side of politics now in our state.  Because now if you disagree with the political ruling class you can be held political prisoner, and right now we have a former president and eighteen others–even a member of this body–who are facing the rest of their life in prison for questioning an election.”

Click the video to watch Sen. Moore’s speech on the Senate floor in full.
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Moore concluded, “Mr. President, if our maps are racist then let’s bring justice to our maps, but let’s also bring justice to a stolen election. Let’s also bring justice to the nineteen individuals who are facing the rest of their life in prison.”

Shocking Truth About Politicians’ Lies – Stand Now!

Shocking Truth About Politicians’ Lies – Stand Now!

It’s become exceedingly common for politicians to lie to voters in order to stay in office and avoid primary challengers and public criticism.

However, it is rare for politicians, when they know they are caught trying to lie to voters, to double down and simply hope that through their sheer arrogance that somehow they’ll get away with it.

For some reason, this is exactly what they have done, yet now they are indisputably caught doing it.


In our last message, we pointed out that the Prosecuting Attorneys Qualification Commission made clear through their public statements that they weren’t going to do anything to stop the political prosecutions of previous GAGOP Chairman Shafer, President Donald Trump, or the numerous lawyers and others that are being prosecuted by Fulton DA Fani Willis. In our message before that, we pointed out how the commission could face constitutional problems, and instead of being cowards, those in elected office should have been standing with GRA Endorsed Sen. Colton Moore and Rep. Charlice Byrd to get a special session to defund the prosecutor’s office or impeach her.

Obviously, they failed to do any of that, instead opting to target and attack the people wanting to do something.

As of Wednesday, November 22nd, 2023, the Georgia Supreme Court made clear that the Prosecuting Attorneys Qualification Commission was dead in the water

Be vigilant: politicians and their staffs have been and are either aware or willing ignorant: they and their staffs either knew this was going to happen, or were intentionally ignoring reality in their quest to be the perfect sycophants to the AJC. How do I know this? Because you just have to look back to see where they were being publicly warned by Sen. Moore and instead of working with an actual leader, they decided to kick him out of the Republican caucus.

And in either event, the people who decided to be dumb or to intentionally lie should all be removed from elected office and replaced with actual Republicans.


So, here’s the thing: the fake Republicans can always turn over a new leaf and start acting right. And there’s one very easy litmus test/piece of legislation that is coming up that you can rely on to determine if a “Republican” has any chance of redeeming themselves from cowardice, or if they definitely need to have a primary challenger:

A proposal to pass a law changing the State RICO law to end politically motivated prosecutions with RICO once and for all.

I know this may sound radical to some people, but imagine that the legislature (i.e. the lawmaking branch of government, which is tasked with creating law), which is allegedly controlled by Republicans, actually passing a law that does something good for the state of Georgia. In this case, something that ends politically motivated prosecutions in Fulton County, and the rest of the state.

This is what Sen. Moore is now proposing (link). A change in the law that would immediately end the RICO prosecutions of past GAGOP Chairman David Shafer, President Trump, and all the other people being charged with RICO in Fulton County by radical Democrat DA Willis.

Any politician that is not publicly, enthusiastically, and unashamedly advocating for this (or any similar bill that will almost certainly be proposed to try to avoid it looking like GRA-endorsed Sen. Moore had a good idea and they were cowards for trying to silence him), needs a primary challenger next year.

If we hope to unify and defeat the Democrats in 2024, these people who betray our party and basic common sense principles need to be stopped. Only you can stop them.

As stated before, the so-called “Leadership” who allegedly made this cowardly decision to avoid the ire of their donors and/or Democrat friends need to hear from you. Call them and let them know that not only are you a Republican disappointed in their behavior, but you’re going to find challengers for them and support anyone who runs against them in the Republican primary if they don’t change the RICO law. Please call them all, in addition to your own representatives.

*Sen. John F. Kennedy
President Pro Tempore
*Sen. Steve Gooch
Majority Leader
*Sen. Randy Robertson
Majority Whip
*Sen. Jason Anavitarte
Majority Caucus Chair
*Sen. Larry Walker III
Majority Caucus Secretary


Finally, apply to join the Georgia Republican Assembly (GRA) and organize with others around the state to have only principled Republicans elected to office, both through your endorsements, as well as by ensuring that the GAGOP is run by principled people that will not allow fake Republicans to run for office as Republicans and is actively working to replace them.

Time is of the essence; act now to safeguard our Republican values. We must stop allowing cowardice and selling out in politics if we want to maintain our brand. By unifying around Republican principles, we can work together to defeat the Democrats.

GRA Members Participate in Another Successful Pro-life Outreach in Dalton

GRA Members Participate in Another Successful Pro-life Outreach in Dalton

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NWGRA chapter President & Whitfield County GOP Chairman Eddie Caldwell holding a sign at the pro-life outreach.

GRA members in northwest Georgia were pleased on November 19th to join with our friends at Georgia Right to Life for NW GA RIGHT TO LIFE’s Stand for Life event. over the last two months, pro-life activists have lined up along busy interstates and highways to display pro-life messages near high-traffic areas and still active abortion murder clinics in our state.

In spite of the Georgia Heartbeat Bill, studies are showing that the number of allowed abortion murders in our state have actually increased as people from neighboring states with more protections for pre-born children have come here to commit their abortions. The Georgia Department of Public Health statistics for 2019 through 2022 report a total of 35,401 abortions were committed in 2022, up from 34,989 abortions in 2021.

The current law does not provide equal protection nor equal justice for all innocent human lives in the womb. Critical to the statistics is that the number of chemical abortions remains an anomaly. Reports indicate that 54% of abortions around the country are now performed by drugs that kill the growing child and then cause a premature delivery. Just how many chemical abortions take place in Georgia is unknown since this deadly drug regime is available online and the so-called “LIFE Act” doesn’t address chemical abortions.

Below are some photos from the gathering in Dalton:

Canton Fundraiser for Alternate Electors a Success

Canton Fundraiser for Alternate Electors a Success

GRA-endorsed 11th Congressional District Chairman David Oles, chapter President Richard Jordan, and the other leaders of the North-Metro RA chapter put on another successful fundraiser event in Canton on November 18th to help with the legal defense for the alternate electors. This event came on the heels of the Banks County GOP fundraiser with Senator Colton Moore leading the auction and where reportedly $30,000 – $40,000 were raised to assist with the legal defense.

Click to watch GRA President Alex Johnson & others speak at the recent fundraiser event.

At this second regional fundraiser, the GRA & NFRA President Alex Johnson spoke, joined by GA GOP Chairman Josh McKoon, VoterGA’s Garland Favorito, Georgia Freedom Caucus Executive Director Mallory Staples—and many others. You can watch the video of the speeches here. They met at the Mill at Etowah.

Donate to the Georgia Patriot Legal Defense Fund here.

1st District GA GOP Chairwoman Kandiss Taylor Interviews GRA President Alex Johnson

1st District GA GOP Chairwoman Kandiss Taylor Interviews GRA President Alex Johnson

Kandiss Taylor from our SEGRA chapter interviewed GRA & NFRA President Alex Johnson in the most recent episode of her show this last weekend. We think you’ll find it a fascinating story about how the grassroots have been transforming the Republican Party in Georgia over the last several years. Watch the video on Rumble here: