GRA Members Participate in Another Successful Pro-life Outreach in Dalton

GRA Members Participate in Another Successful Pro-life Outreach in Dalton

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NWGRA chapter President & Whitfield County GOP Chairman Eddie Caldwell holding a sign at the pro-life outreach.

GRA members in northwest Georgia were pleased on November 19th to join with our friends at Georgia Right to Life for NW GA RIGHT TO LIFE’s Stand for Life event. over the last two months, pro-life activists have lined up along busy interstates and highways to display pro-life messages near high-traffic areas and still active abortion murder clinics in our state.

In spite of the Georgia Heartbeat Bill, studies are showing that the number of allowed abortion murders in our state have actually increased as people from neighboring states with more protections for pre-born children have come here to commit their abortions. The Georgia Department of Public Health statistics for 2019 through 2022 report a total of 35,401 abortions were committed in 2022, up from 34,989 abortions in 2021.

The current law does not provide equal protection nor equal justice for all innocent human lives in the womb. Critical to the statistics is that the number of chemical abortions remains an anomaly. Reports indicate that 54% of abortions around the country are now performed by drugs that kill the growing child and then cause a premature delivery. Just how many chemical abortions take place in Georgia is unknown since this deadly drug regime is available online and the so-called “LIFE Act” doesn’t address chemical abortions.

Below are some photos from the gathering in Dalton:

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