Category: events
The Faith & Medicine Conference Is Back!

The Faith & Medicine Conference Is Back!

The GRA is thrilled to report that the Faith and Medicine Conference is back in 2025! Moreover, the GRA is pleased to be co-sponsoring the event again, particularly the political panel on Saturday, which our GRA President Nathaniel Darnell will be moderating once again with a mix of new and returning panelists. This conference will be timely as we’ve recently seen breakthroughs on the medical freedom front with some of President Donald Trump’s forthcoming cabinet appointees. 

You may recall that this conference started after the 2020 COVID lockdowns forced churches around the country to shutdown their Sunday morning services and after many were shamed and coerced into taking the COVID vaccine and other “boosters” or risk losing their jobs. Christians and many others began to re-evaluate where the lines were drawn on the limits of civil authority and how we should take care of our health.

The U.S. House Committee on Oversight and Accountability just released a report on COVID-19 After a two-year investigation. It’s everything you would have expected. They found that the social distancing recommendations — which shut down churches, schools, and small business across the country — was arbitrary and not based on science. Moreover, there was no conclusive evidence that masks effectively protected Americans from COVID-19. See more on that report here.

For more insight, join us for the 2025 Faith & Medicine Conference on the weekend of January 31st – February 1st in Buford! 

Click here to pre-register for the 2025 Faith & Medicine Conference.

This Thanksgiving, Let Us Remember to Whom We Should Be Especially Thankful …

This Thanksgiving, Let Us Remember to Whom We Should Be Especially Thankful …

We at the GRA wish you and yours a happy Thanksgiving Day tomorrow as we celebrate the blessings of God upon our nation! These blessings were particularly evident in the recent general election as we saw NFRA-endorsed Donald Trump re-elected as U.S. President, and Republicans win back the U.S. Senate and the U.S. House!

We’re also thankful for a newly emerging breed of local and state Republican leaders like State Senator Colton Moore (District 53) who are providing a higher caliber of Republican in Georgia—focused on advancing Republican principles.

I recently had the delight of joining Senator Moore, Rep. Charlice Byrd (District 20) and former State Rep. Matt Gurtler (now Chief of Staff to Congressman Thomas Massie of Kentucky) at Moore’s Machine Gun Shootout in northwest Georgia. We had a blast celebrating together the recent wins.

Moore has been a voice of conviction for truth in the state legislature when many others shrink in cowardice. For example, you may have seen Moore’s recent reaction when Laken Riley’s murderer was convicted. Moore immediately called for GA’s Attorney General Chris Carr to act so that the convicted murderer would receive capital punishment, but do-nothing Carr continues to sit on his hands as usual in failing to enforce critical Georgia laws.

The Word of God says that the best way to protect innocent life is with the death penalty against those who would destroy it. “Whoever sheds the blood of man, by man shall his blood be shed; for in the image of God has God made man” (Genesis 9:12). This is much of the reason for why we stand for gun rights in America: Everyone has the right to defend himself with deadly force against those who would threaten him with deadly force

But after a crime has occurred, God has delegated the authority and responsibility only to civil government to impose capital punishment for convicted murderers who have received due process. (See Exodus 21:12Romans 13:3-4.) The brutal murder of Laken Riley deserves such a punishment.

But instead the taxpayers are being forced to provide Riley’s vicious murderer with free room and board for the rest of his life.

And yet Mr. Carr is not only ignoring the necessary action, but he’s apparently tone deaf enough to have announced he’s the first candidate to run as Georgia’s next so-called “Republican” Governor. We hope better candidates will enter that race in the days to come.

In the meantime, the GRA is going to continue to work alongside and support courageous and principled champions such as Colton Moore and resist the RINOswho would make America pathetic again.

The Bible teaches clearly that the role of Civil Government is to do justice, not charity, and not economic development. We look forward to the day when civil government gives more attention to doing real justice for victims, and less attention to micro-managing people’s lives and livelihoods.

To Whom Are You Thankful?

The Pilgrim fathers who gathered in Plymouth for the first Thanksgiving Day knew exactly to whom they owed gratitude. Likewise, President George Washington made it abundantly clear who our nation should be thankful for in his first national Thanksgiving proclamation.

Being thankful always requires an object of that gratitude.

The other day I was listening to a high school teacher explain to his students how the word “love” only makes sense if there is a specific target of that love. In grammar, words like “love” are what they call transitive verbs. No matter what the Democrats say, one is not simply a love person or a hate person. Everyone loves something and everyone hates something. Usually, we hate that which opposes what we love. It is the same with being thankful. Thankfulness is not just a warm fuzzy floating around in our feelings directed at no one in particular. We must have an object.

Who is the object of your thanksgiving this year? Hopefully, we are counting our blessings and thanking our families for their support throughout the daily grind. Tell them how much you appreciate them. Being grateful is good for the soul.

We should also be grateful for all of the hard-working volunteers in the GOP who made the recent victories possible. They worked tirelessly for the families in their community, who will all benefit from Republican policies, but never know who made it happen and will likely never express their gratitude.

There are many people we should thank. But most of all, we must give thanks to God.

This need is particularly underscored when we witness remarkable acts of providence and blessing for which mere coincidence cannot adequately account. Events like Donald Trump turning his head at just the right split second to only be grazed on the ear by a would-be assassin’s bullet.

Such events do not play out that way without, as George Washington would say, “the finger of providence” being in it.

Thanking God necessarily means we are acknowledging our dependence upon Him, and thus are acknowledging our need to trust and obey Him above all others as we continue to live.

We are thanking God with you this week! Together let us seek His wisdom and blessing as we work to improve Georgia. He has granted us a merciful reprievein the recent election results. Let us make the most of it.

We have not achieved success merely because Republicans were elected. We have achieved success when Republicans policies get enacted into law. So our work to provide accountability begins today.

If you are not currently engaged in the Republican Party, or if you would like to be more effective at advancing the principles and fighting off Democrats and Establishment RINOs, we invite you to contribute to our outreach in Georgia! Join the team of grateful warriors.

Record-Breaking Success in the 14th!

Record-Breaking Success in the 14th!

We’re in the final stretch of the general election campaign season, and the GRA is busy all across the state, working to make the biggest impact possible on November 5th!

Last week, several of us from the GRA Board were pleased to support our GRA-member Denise Burns, the Chairwoman of the 14th Congressional District GA GOP, in her special fundraiser dinner featuring hero journalist Tucker Carlson and GRA-endorsed Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene (GA-14) at the beautiful new McClemore Resort in Senator Colton Moore‘s district of northwest Georgia. This event was primarily organized, promoted, and coordinated by GRA-members who lead the 14th District GA GOP Committee, especially Denise, Joanna Hildreth, and Jackie Harling, with help from others in the district.

As the Treasurer of the 14th GA GOP, I was thankful that the event turned out to be such a success. It was not the Buckhead corporate lobbyists who came to the rescue to sponsor the dinner, but many regular grassroots folks in north Georgia and Tennessee who admire the courageous efforts Tucker and Marjorie have taken for the well-being of the country — even when it has cost them dearly. The event ended up raising over $200,000 (gross), which is far more than we have ever seen a congressional district GOP organization in the state raise all at once!

In addition, at the dinner VoterGA‘s Garland Favorito presented Tucker with the “Truth in Journalism” award for exposing evidence of tampering and fraud from the 2020 election on his old FoxNews show before he was forced to leave that network.

Those of us on the 14th District Committee met shortly thereafter to put these hard-earned funds immediately to good use to help our key Republican nominees in the district facing Democrat opposition. GRA-endorsed candidate Gary Chaffee, for example, received the maximum contribution for his State House race. But the committee was also careful to reward only principled Republican candidates, not RINO incumbents who can get backing from Speaker Burn‘s House “Republican” Caucus, where their loyalties obviously lie. I’m proud of the committee for taking that approach. It is good to reward real Republicans who actually uphold and advance the principles of the platform.

Meanwhile, Georgia has been seeing new records of early voting turnout around the state. Have you voted yet?

One of the friendly neighbors in my precinct I had the pleasure of meeting while canvassing for candidate Brad Wheeler.

GRA members have been volunteering as poll workers and poll watchers. We’ve been out door-knocking and sign-waving for local Republican candidates. In-between the work, some of us have managed to squeeze in a rally or two with Trump or J.D. Vance.

There are only 15 days left before the polls close on Election Day. We need to make hay while the sun shines!

Tuesday evening GRA members will have a Zoom call with Trump attorney (and fellow graduate from my law school alma materMark Meuser from California.

It will be vital that we be all on the same page and coordinated about how to handle any possible election fraud that comes to light on November 5th.

Since we still have to put up with the Dominion voting machine systems for this election, please be sure to encourage all of your friends and family to be careful to review their printed ballot before submitting it to ensure the selections match the choices made on the computer touch screen. There have already been reports of inaccurate printed ballots in some cases.

Let’s stay vigilant and keep pressing on for victory!

SEB Chairman Fervier Makes Up-Coming Meeting Virtual Only

SEB Chairman Fervier Makes Up-Coming Meeting Virtual Only

After the huge attendance of election integrity advocates at the state capitol for the last several State Board of Elections meetings, Governor Kemp’s appointed Chairman for the Board, John Fervier announced that the next meeting(s) would only be virtual online.

The next Board Meeting is scheduled for August 19th. “I wonder if the first item of business,” said GRA Chairman Alex Johnson, “should be to vote to have all in-person meetings in the future unless there’s an emergency agreed to by at least three members?”

By making the SEB meetings virtual they are preventing election integrity activists from providing in-person, demonstrable proof of concerned voters, holding signs and getting media attention for election reform, thus making them easier to ignore. No doubt the Chairman probably hopes to squelch the growing momentum within the movement and prevent the morale boost that results from seeing hundreds of fellow activists joining forces from around the state. But election integrity activists have decided to double down.

Jason Frazier, the GRA Election Integrity Action Group Chairman, posted the email addresses of the SEB members on X and urged people to contact them: “Tell them the brave folks in GA want to meet in person!”

Please email the State Election Board today:

He also suggested the board members who are not afraid of concerned citizens perhaps book a room at the Capitol where they can log in to the virtual call and allow the public to join. This would help the voters participate who are technologically challenged. Please suggest this option in your email to the SEB members. Frazier also suggested everyone contact Governor Kemp as well.

This news broke as Attorney General Chris Carr announced that he would follow the State Board’s recent vote calling for him to investigate evidence of problems with the Fulton County elections from 2020. Carr said in a statement: “The State of Georgia will investigate specific claims of voter fraud. Based on the facts & the evidence, we stand ready to prosecute any voter fraud found in the State of Georgia.”

But Kandiss Taylor, GRA Member and First District GOP Chairwoman, remains skeptical. She discovered donor records showing the Republican Attorneys General Association gave Governor Kemp over $1.8 Million in four donations. She believes this is why there has been no investigation of voter fraud.

GRA member and GA GOP Over 80K Chairwoman Salleigh Grubbs from Cobb called on activists to sign the petition being promoted by VoterGA & the GA Constitution Party, encouraging the State Elections Board to vote for a new rule to increase election integrity.

Time for a Reagan Movie Night!

Time for a Reagan Movie Night!

We’d like to invite you to join us on Thursday evening, August 22nd, for a special pre-release showing of the final cut of the Reagan MovieAbout twelve years ago, when I was paying my way through law school while working as a film editor in San Antonio, I had the pleasure of meeting the filmmakers behind this movie when it was in the early stages of pre-production. I can’t tell you how excited I am that they finally got it made after all these years!

My wife and I had the delight of seeing an early cut of the film back in May, and it brought tears to our eyes. While there are many excellent documentaries about the life of our 40th President, we have never seen a dramatic film made about him before that was not out to make him look like a bafoon or heartless. What people will see in this film is a moving depiction of Reagan’s heroic presidency in spite of his flaws. It pays honor to a man who helped to tun the tide of American history. The Republican Party, and the world, has not been the same since Ronald Reagan.

So what a great way for us to get in the mood right before campaigning gets into high gear for the November General Election than to go and see this movie together! Supporting the movie will also support the brave independent filmmakers who have labored for so long to bring this to the screen.

Come join us on Thursday evening, August 22nd, at 6:00pm for this special pre-release showing of the FINAL CUT of the new Reagan Movie — hosted by the Cobb County Republican Assembly chapter! The showing will be at the NCG Acworth Movie Theater. Those who register will receive a drink and popcorn along with their movie ticket!

Seating is limited! There is an early bird $5 discount if you register before August 20th.

Here is a summary of the event:

Reagan Movie Night
Location: NCG Acworth Movie Theater
4421 Cinema Dr, Acworth, GA 30101
Time: 6:00pm EST
Cost: $35 for movie, popcorn, & drink

Funds raised go to the support of local Republican candidates in the general election.

Click here if you would like to register for the REAGAN MOVIE Night.

The Fight Against Tyranny Today

The Fight Against Tyranny Today

Happy Independence Day from the Georgia Republican Assembly!

It’s time to break out the fireworks and enjoy some tasty barbecue! Yes, it is good for our country to come together and celebrate days of remembrance.

But through all the fun, I hope that we make sure our children and grandchildren really know and understand why we are having all of these festivities. Because the battle-cry against tyranny that our founding fathers sounded in their generation is still the cry that we must sound today.

Our founders faced tyranny from the British King and Parliament. Today we face tyranny from global agencies, the White House, Congress, numerous federal agencies, sometimes the Gold Dome, and even our local county commission and board of election buildings!

Our founders gave their “lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor,” and we are standing on their shoulders. We may not yet be called upon to risk our lives or our fortunes, but surely we can give something to the cause of freedom. It may be an evening at a county commission or board of elections meeting, or a Saturday door-knocking for a strong candidate.

Even more significantly, it may mean taking the time to personally raise our children (and not just let the government schools or the T.V. do it for us!). It may mean regularly going to church, and giving charitably to replace government welfare. It may mean working a job faithfully and living within our means so that we and our families don’t become dependent slaves of the state.

Some of these things may not sound all that political, but they are all a part of building a culture that makes America great again! That culture is what the French author Alex de Tocqueville observed about Americans in 1835 when he wrote: “America is great because she is good.”

An America that has that kind of culture can withstand any attempted tyrannies from the state. A hero in office like Donald Trump needs a people with that kind of culture to back him up and spur him on to success.

So let’s work to rebuild the best aspects of the American culture that first made it “great.” Let’s return to those founding presuppositions of the founding generation — not all of which they personally lived up to, but which they fearlessly proclaimed as the nation’s aspiration!

Let’s get back to acknowledging, first, as our founders did in the Declaration of Independence, that we are “created” by God with a special human purpose. We did not randomly happen to rise out of the ooze without meaning. We are not the product of chance. Moreover, there is a Divine Authority over all human authorities that holds them in check.

That Creator “endowed us with certain unalienable rights.” These rights mean that God has placed jurisdictional limitations upon civil government. He did not give them a blank check. The state may not morally murder (or help murderers get away with it), and it may not steal — just to touch on a few of the tyrannies our modern civil government regularly practices today.

We must expect better from our elected officials.

We must be willing to work as hard as our founders.

We must, as our founders, trust in Divine Providence.

In 1775 when General George Washington was struggling to keep his army together in the war against Britain, the greatest empire on earth, he wrote:

“If I shall be able to rise superior to these and many other difficulties which might be enumerated, I shall most religiously believe that the finger of Providence is in it …”.

George Washington

We need to get down our knees and pray to God for help in our own battle against tyranny today. We need to acknowledge our sins, both personal and national, and turn from them. We need to ask God to forgive us and help us to overcome even as He helped the founding generation overcome in 1776.

We in the GRA are ready to lock arms with you in this endeavor. Reach out to us if we can help you in this on-going fight against tyranny!

Chattooga County Commissioner Declares June “the Month of Life!”

Chattooga County Commissioner Declares June “the Month of Life!”

Summerville, GA — On June 13th, GRA-endorsed Chattooga County Sole Commissioner Blake Elsberry signed a local proclamation declaring the month of June as “the month of Life!” While liberals bolstered by the Biden White House and ESG corporate pressures have been pushing June as unnatural sex “Pride Month,” for many conservatives, June has become the month they celebrate the anniversary of the U.S. Supreme Court Dobbs v. Jackson decision that overturned the notorious Roe v. Wade precedent on June 24, 2022.

Roe unconstitutionally forced states to legalize abortion murder across the country. This was not a decision made by a vote of American citizens or even their elected legislative representatives at any level of civil government, but by unprecedented judicial fiat of seven of the nine Justices on the bench in 1973. Tens of millions of preborn infants have been murdered as a result of that ruling, and the Dobbs decisions has restored to the states the opportunity to provide equal protection of preborn human beings.

Commissioner Elsberry signs the proclamation.

GRA President Nathaniel Darnell and GRTL 1st Vice President Abigail Darnell (also the junior GRA NFRA Director) were pleased to be present for the signing of the Chattooga proclamation, and we commend Commissioner Elsberry for his leadership. We would encourage other county commissioners to take similar action across the state. The Chattooga County Commissioner also proudly flew a pro-life flag presented to him at the signing.

In the Bible, God expresses such grief against “hands that shed innocent blood” (Proverbs 6:17) that the Lord repeatedly charges civil magistrates with the responsibility to civilly punish murderers after a trial with due process, even requiring the death penalty for those found guilty. (See, e.g., Genesis 9:6Exodus 21:22-23Leviticus 24:17Romans 13:1-4.) A culture that winks at this evil contributes to cultivating a generation that looks callously at human life, producing more violence. Such a culture can expect to incur the same kind of providential judgment we see God bring upon nations throughout biblical history — an understanding founding fathers like Ben Franklin and Alexander Hamilton cited in their deliberations over adopting our U.S Constitution in 1789.

Examples of providential judgements we may already be experiencing for not taking this on-going murder seriously could include: stolen elections, continued high inflation, endless wars, a growing deficit, encroaching civil government tyranny, and general civil unrest. We must repent and turn our ship of state.

The proclamation signed by Chattooga County Commissioner Blake Elsberry.

One way you can advance pro-life accountability from Republicans in Georgia is to attend the Georgia Right to Life’s REACH Benefit Dinner! Please mark your calendar and plan to join us at the event on September 12th as we continue to work to advance equal protection for all human life — born and pre-born!

The REACH Benefit Dinner on September 12, 2024 includes a delicious meal and an inspiring program that will be held at the elegant Cobb Galleria from 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM.

BUY Tickets or become a table host or sponsor HERE:

From Jail Threat to Republican National Convention: The Journey of the Catoosa GOP Secretary

From Jail Threat to Republican National Convention: The Journey of the Catoosa GOP Secretary

Ringgold, GA – When 77-year-old widow Sherre Bales asked what was involved in the open Catoosa GOP Secretary position, she had no clue that her involvement might eventually lead to crippling fines and prospective time in the County jail. She was told the duties would include taking minutes and keeping records, which sounded easy enough. 

Sherre grew up around politics knocking Chattanooga doors with her parents at the age of 14 and occasionally making phone calls to Republican voters. Now as a semi-retired real estate agent, struggling to make a commission in Biden’s economy, her volunteer service to her community may cost her dearly. 

Sherre is one of the Catoosa GOP officers that was ordered by a local judge to refrain from refusing to qualify four commission candidates after they were denied access to the Republican primary ballot for their lack of adherence to Republican policies. For refusing, she and her fellow GOP officers  faced $1,000 per hour fines and jail time. 

Sherre’s political involvement has been occasional throughout her adult life and was almost never paid work. It was something she did as a volunteer at different stages of her life in between raising children and starting her business. 

“I’m pretty friendly and personable, so I’m good at door to door,” she said. 

Like many GOP volunteers who tirelessly put up campaign signs, make phone calls and wear out their tennis shoes door-knocking, Sherre had experienced the disappointment of having a candidate she volunteered for “turn RINO” after getting elected. 

“They would change from what they campaigned on,” said Sherre.

Regret. Betrayal. Disillusion. Exploitation. 

It is difficult to describe the intense feelings of a volunteer who believed in the policies that a candidate talked about, was motivated enough to put time and sweat behind that campaign, only to be double-crossed when the politician changed their tune after getting elected. This was a common theme among Sherre’s different volunteer experiences working for Republican candidates. 

Like most voters, Sherre had never personally attended a county commission meeting until she got elected Secretary in 2021. By 2023 the community was embroiled in a battle for the freedom to keep backyard chickens with 100 or more citizens showing up at Commission meetings to voice concerns about a new chicken ordinance. At these meetings families would beg their Commissioners to let them keep their chickens and give them a chance to experience the health, economic, and educational benefits for their children. 

“There was so much going on about the chickens and I thought, ‘I guess I had better go since I’m the Secretary of the party.’” Sherre was not prepared for what she saw at the Commission meeting that night.

“I was just floored by how the public was treated. It made me so mad. I felt like [the commissioners] were just overlording over us as minions. It was frustrating and humiliating.”

The Catoosa Commissioners have developed a reputation of not caring what the people think, not treating them with respect, and ignoring the hundreds of citizens that would show up to voice concerns about their actions. The commissioners changed the agenda of the meetings to put public comments at the end, after all the voting and decision making was finished. 

All of the Commissioners claim to be Republicans, and every election season there is an expectation that GOP volunteers like Sherre have a responsibility to help rally the vote for all Republican candidates.

The Catoosa GOP had been frustrated with the commissioners for years, and Sherre and the other officers felt hopeful about the new Accountability Rule and the process that was established to determine if a candidate really shared the values of the Republican Party. 

“Every GOP local party needs to be able to vet their candidates. I know we’ve got some non-Republicans running. You could have a socialist or communist, and if you don’t vet them, people could get in under wire,” she said.

The rule implemented a new practice for Catoosa county, but not a new concept. The state level Republican Party exercises the freedom of association in whom they allow on the Republican presidential preference primary ballot. 

 “It was kind of like a leap of faith that we could do it.”

Sherre’s signature was required on the official copy of the new party rules, and they were filed with the elections office in the same way as they had been filed for many years, and by many GOP Secretaries prior to Sherre. As an officer of the party, Sherre was one of the 16 members of the County Committee who had a vote on which candidates they believed met the minimum standard to be considered a Republican. Sherre was present during all the candidate interviews. 

“We were pretty somber. I was nervous about what was going to happen after we listened to all the candidates.”

“I did not have my mind made up on anybody when it came down to voting. People can say anything, but I went by what their voting record was [while in office]. It was not personalities, it was voting record. We knew this was a big thing and it was unprecedented. We took each candidate and we discussed them and then we voted. Everybody voted from their heart.”

Most of the candidates that interviewed with the party were qualified, and only four were denied – the notorious incumbent commissioners and a former commission chairman: Steven Henry, Vanita Hullender, Larry Black, and Jeff Long.

Less than a week later the Catoosa GOP volunteers were being sued by the four candidates and the judge ordered the Catoosa GOP to sign the qualifying papers approving the candidates as a Republican, or else. 

“I was really taken aback when we were threatened with 20 days in jail and thousands of dollars of fines.”

“To go against the court… that’s not how I was raised. I was raised to abide by the law – what was said in court was to be followed. But in this case, I couldn’t. I was Secretary of the Committee. The committee voted this way and that was the way it was going to be.”

She was driven by a sense of duty. Her commitment to her office, and her principles constrained Sherre to abide by the agreed upon rules of the party. 

She knew she wasn’t in it alone. The GOP leaders prayed together before they went into the courtroom. 

“Our faith is getting us through this.”

Sherre talked to her adult son and two daughters about the situation as well. They said it was ridiculous that the commissioners can throw their weight around. 

You just stand firm, Mom.”

The Catoosa GOP county committee was pretty tight-knit already but this experience really bonded them. Some shed tears, some were quietly resolute, fully prepared to suffer for what they knew was right.

 “It was difficult. We were crying. We’re gonna do it, but it’s hard and we’re scared. We had to stick together.”

Sherre had already given up a lot of her time away from her grandchildren, her real estate business, and her cats to serve the cause she believed in, but this was a real test of dedication. Now she was spending long hours in the courtroom anxiously waiting to see if she and her fellow officers would be put in jail like common criminals. 

The case is being appealed and Sherre is eager to hear the decision of Judge Billy Ray in the Rome-based federal court, as well as the other courts addressing different aspects of this controversy.

“If the judge imposes those fines, I’d be pretty mad and pretty scared. Where am I gonna get that?“ 

Sherre never envisioned herself being in a position like this at 77-years-old, but she doesn’t regret her actions. 

“I’m happy we did it. I will go to the Supreme Court with this if we have to. We have got to set a precedent that local parties can vet their candidates.”

Meanwhile, Sherre has been chosen to represent Northwest Georgia at the Republican National Convention this Summer. She was elected unanimously by the roughly 200 delegates at the 14th District GOP Convention as an alternate. These same delegates overwhelmingly passed a resolution supporting the freedom of association and the recent actions of the Catoosa GOP. Sherre has loved attending Trump rallies and it will be the experience of a lifetime for her to be able to see Donald J Trump nominated for President. 

What an adventure I’ve been on! Threatened with jail and a bunch of money and now going to the RNC,” she said.

This is going to be the icing on the cake of my Republican career!”

Announcing GRA Endorsements!

Announcing GRA Endorsements!

Fayetteville, GA — GRA members from around the state gathered last Saturday to hear from candidates for National CommitteemanNational Committeewoman, and various public offices from Congress to state legislature. Reagan Box for U.S. Senate shared as well, along with a representative for excellent “state-wide” judicial candidate for Court of Appeals Jeff Davis.

Candidates Amy KremerGinger HowardJason Frazier and Jason Thompson all applied for GRA endorsement, interviewed with our Vetting Committee, and spoke at the convention, fielding questions from the audience. Candidates David Cross and Shawn Cross did not. We appreciate the candidates who gave of their time to share and answer questions from our members.

Under the GRA rules, a candidate has to receive a two-thirds majority vote of participating members to receive the endorsement of the organization. Although the membership could not reach a two-thirds majority on the races for National Committeeman and National Committeewoman, they did endorse candidates in other races — and the discussion at the convention provided a great deal of insight on the candidates.

You can watch highlight videos now available on our GRA YouTube Channel of some of the key sessions at the convention! Especially if you will be serving as a delegate to the GA GOP State Convention in Columbus, this will help you make an informed decision on who to vote for in the National Committeeman & National Committeewoman races.

Candidates who were endorsed by the GRA at the convention:

U.S. Rep. Andrew Clyde

• Andrew Clyde for GA Congressional District 9

• Beth Majeroni for State Senate District 1

• Ross Harvin for State Senate District 47

• Mary Benefield for State Senate District 55

• Brian Anderson for State House District 80

• Catherine Bernard for State House District 83

• Keith Bowen for Miller County Commissioner, District 3

• Ryan Taylor for Appling County Probate Judge

Regional Endorsement Convention Opens to More Counties in Metro-Atlanta

Regional Endorsement Convention Opens to More Counties in Metro-Atlanta

The Fulton Republican Assembly chapter has decided to join in with two other local chapters in Metro-Atlanta for an up-coming Combined Regional Endorsement Convention on April 6th! That means that the convention will now be able to endorse in Congressional Districts 6, 7, and 11 — and all local state legislative and commission races in the geographic area. In addition, GRA members who live in counties in these congressional districts can also participate even if they don’t have a local RA chapter for their area. So now GRA members from BartowDouglasForsythDawsonLumpkin, and Hall counties will also be able to join with CobbCherokeeFulton, and Pickens for this event.

Remember that an RA endorsement always requires a two-thirds majority vote.

Separately, the West GRA chapter has announced that it is holding its local endorsement convention for races within the 3rd Congressional District area on Tuesday, April 2nd. Learn more on our Events page.

Already, at the Combined Regional Endorsement Convention in metro-Atlanta, some key contests are shaping up for the regional endorsement convention. Candidate Paul Kettering, for example, has qualified to challenge incumbent State Rep. Jordan Ridley (R-22) whose district covers part of Cherokee and part of Cobb. Ridley two years ago won election to office in an open seat after receiving the GRA endorsement. He also took the maximum contribution from the GRA-PAC. But after getting elected, Ridley quickly distanced himself from his supporters and the GA Freedom Caucus, earning himself a legislative vote score of 43% (“D”) in 2023.

Kettering says he’s running as a true conservative America First patriot, and aims to replace Ridley for the Republican nomination in State House District 22. He has already confirmed as one of the candidate speakers at the regional endorsement convention.

To pre-register for this 2024 local RA Regional Endorsement Convention, please register hereLunch will be included.

Early-bird pricing is available for those registering before April 6, 2024. At the door pricing will be $25 per participating RA member. Candidates registering to speak at the event pay a $50 sponsorship. Other like-minded partner organizations pay $75 to hold a table at this regional endorsement convention.

If you are not yet a GRA member, but would like to apply to join, you can do so at this link.

If you are concerned about the direction of our country, don’t yell at the TV or stay home and complain, please join us in taking constructive action. One person by himself is helpless to stop the leftist onslaught, but by working together we can fight and, with God’s help, save our community.

Endorsement conventions provide an opportunity to meet and network with like-minded patriots who share the same passions and causes you care about. By attending these conventions you will be encouraged and feel better to know you are not alone and are doing something to help make a difference for the next generation. 

We hope to see you at the regional endorsement convention!