Author: Georgia Republican Assembly
Establishment District Chairs Look to Throw Out County Delegate Elections in Cherokee & Fulton

Establishment District Chairs Look to Throw Out County Delegate Elections in Cherokee & Fulton

Richard Jordan from Cherokee County

In Cherokee County, as the county convention was still going on into the evening on Saturday, several delegates reported that current District 11 Chairwoman Lisa Adkins from Cobb County showed up and began circulating a petition to collect signatures to have the convention results thrown out. “Our convention wasn’t even over yet!” said North Metro RA Chairman Richard Jordan. “If they thought something was wrong, we still had time to fix it, but instead they were working to have the convention thrown out because they didn’t like the results. Sounds like a big conflict of interest for the District 11 Chairwoman to be circulating that petition.”

Some delegates have reported that their names were forged on the petition document without their permission, and others have said that they signed it without knowing what it was and want their names removed from it now.

Dr. Lisa Adkins from Cobb County

Ensuring Cherokee’s district delegates were thrown out could potentially increase Dr. Lisa Adkins chances of winning re-election at the District 11 Convention on April 22nd. Adkins had voted two years ago on the state committee to over-turn “America First” candidate Susan Opraseuth‘s election as Fulton County GOP Chairwoman, and has in other ways aligned herself with the interests of the Establishment in Atlanta. Her husband Roy Adkins has spread maligning material against the GRA on social media. Lisa was originally elected as District 11 GOP Chair not by a convention of delegates but by the District 11 GOP Committee after redistricting when the previous District 11 Chair was moved to a different congressional district.

Attorney David Oles from Pickens County

She is being challenged for District 11 Chair by attorney David Oles of Pickens County. Oles announced his campaign for District 11 Chairman on Monday morning, March 13th.

When asked directly about her involvement in the petition that circulated at the Cherokee County Convention, Lisa Adkins denied personally initiating the petition or telling anyone directly to disseminate it. She did, however, admit to going to the Cherokee County Convention after the Cobb County Convention ended and admitted to advising a group on how to create such a petition before the Cherokee convention was completed (rather than advising them on how to correct the alleged underlying concerns with the county convention before it ended so that it wouldn’t need to be thrown out), including telling them how many signatures would be required, and what the process would be to submit it to review to her District 11 Committee for appeal. “Even that degree of involvement from her,” said a delegate, “makes her an accessory to the effort, which she had no business getting involved in. The conflict of interest concern still stands.”

Meanwhile, current 6th District Chairman Joel Natt is also reportedly looking to see if the Fulton County GOP delegation would be thrown out on a technicality because the previous administration supposedly was late in sending in their newspaper notice of the event. Such an error would have been by the previous administration, not the newly elected one, and arguably had little to no impact on the outcome, if it actually happened.

These cases seem to be yet another example of the Establishment refusing to accept an outcome where they do not win. It appears to be a repeat of the trick used with Fulton and Chatham County when they lost county elections there two years ago.

Over a Dozen Key Counties Flip in GOP County Conventions Last Weekend!

Over a Dozen Key Counties Flip in GOP County Conventions Last Weekend!

Saturday was a BIG DAY of successes for GRA chapters across the state as — even the uber-liberal Atlanta Journal-Constitution had to admit in an article that — the “Georgia Republican Assembly and its allies mounted a series of successful operations” in county GOP conventions. This represents a tremendous movement in Georgia to reform the party so that its elected officials actually enact their professed Republican principles.

Salleigh Grubbs and her new Cobb GOP
Executive Committee after winning re-election

Contrary to some strange mantras, the purpose of the Republican Party is to advance principles (which made American great) and Republican policies as they have been described in our platforms over the decades — not to merely win elections. Winning elections is a means to an end to advance the principles. We have won many elections over the last 40 years, and yet little progress has been made in enacting Republican principles into law. But the Democrats have advanced their agenda, and not been afraid that it would make them lose elections.

Grassroots volunteers are getting tired of Republican elected officials ignoring policies such as real meaningful election integrity reform, medical freedom, gun rights, preborn equal protection rights, parental control over education, free markets, fiscal responsibility, and small government!We are ready for a change of direction. Republicans at the Gold Dome have been behaving too much like Democrats. Indeed, they vote with Democrats most of the time! The grassroots volunteers are moving the GOP away from the Establishment sycophants and toward a more accountability-minded administration.

“In Cherokee County, GRA-backed contenders swept leadership posts after a roughly nine-hour meeting,” reported the AJC in its recent The Jolt piece. “In Chatham County, GRA-backed delegates engineered a … takeover of the local party.”

Tim Roberts from
Hart County

The AJC went on to acknowledge that the GRA “scored wins by electing party leaders in Catoosa, Chatham, Cherokee, Coweta, DeKalb, Fulton, and Whitfield counties.” Actually, the AJC article failed to mention victories in many more counties besides these such as in Hart County where GRA-member Tim Roberts was elected the new county party Chairman. His brother Silas Roberts (President of the Hart County RA chapter) will serve on the local GOP board with him, along with former GRA-endorsed State House candidate Dylan Purcell.

In Cobb County, GRA-member Salleigh Grubbs won her re-election handily without opposition for Cobb GOP Chairwoman.

GRA Northwest GRA chapter President Eddie Caldwell was elected as the new Whitfield County GOP Chairman. His RA chapter’s Vice President Joanna Hildreth was easily re-elected as the Catoosa County GOP organization Chairwoman, and GRA-member Jackie Harling was elected Chairwoman of the Walker County GOP.

Eddie Caldwell from Whitfield County

Some RA chapters had held endorsement conventions for party leadership candidates ahead of the county conventions. In DeKalb County, for example, Marci McCarthy was endorsed by the DeKalb RA chapter, and she was re-elected as DeKalb County GOP Chairwoman. Stephanie Endres was endorsed by the Fulton RA chapter and she also won election as the new Fulton GOP Chairwoman.

In south Georgia, SEGRA President Brittany Brown pulled off a win as the new Chatham County GOP Chairwoman. Winning in Chatham and Fulton was particularly gratifying since the Establishment had narrowly held these two counties two years ago, getting the county conventions either thrown out or re-done on appeals to the GA GOP State Committee.

Stephanie Endres of
Fulton County

In Fulton two years ago, the Establishment had used tiddly-winks to count the votes and declared a victory for the Establishment candidate with more votes than had been credentialed! (No wonder Fulton has such a problem with election integrity!)

A week earlier, GRA 1st Vice President Brant Frost V was re-elected as the Coweta County GOP Chairman, and GRA-member Jennifer Tudor was re-elected as the Chattooga County GOP Chairwoman.

Governor Brian Kemp

Reports of more wins from GRA chapters and our allies continue to pour in from around the state. These wins send a clear message to Governor Brian Kemp and Speaker Jon Burns that the grassroots will not be ignored.

But the political industry and their sycophants decried the results, slinging mud at the victors by calling them “purists,” “white nationalists,” and other derogatory terms hypocritically in the name of “unity,” while suggesting that the GA GOP has become “irrelevant.”

As one party leader said, a complainer “tried really hard for 45 minutes on Saturday to become the precinct chair in his local GOP organization, and at the conclusion he declared the party ‘irrelevant.’ In other words, he lost.”

This spin seemed tailored to reinforce a message the AJC had reported two weeks earlier from the Governor’s office: “Governor urges donors to ditch ‘traditional’ party. Gov. Brian Kemp took his most significant step yet to break from the Georgia GOP and bolster his own growing political network, telling high-dollar donors that the 2022 midterm was a sign ‘we can no longer rely on the traditional party infrastructure …’. It seems that the folks in Atlanta had already seen the writing on the wall after the Precinct Caucus and knew that this was not going to be a year in which the Governor won a network of “yes-men” to run the GA GOP.

GRA President Alex Johnson

“Politicians are going to keep serving lobbyists,” said GRA President Alex Johnson, an attorney from DeKalb, “and ignoring the people unless and until politicians are accountable to the party and the people. If they don’t like accountability, they and their sycophants should go collect the signatures to run as Independent candidates instead of destroying the Republican brand.”

Now the next step in the effort proceeds to the congressional district conventions which take place on April 22nd.

County GOP Resolutions Call for Election Integrity & Pro-Life Equal Protection While Opposing CRT

County GOP Resolutions Call for Election Integrity & Pro-Life Equal Protection While Opposing CRT

At county GOP Conventions across the state, grassroots delegates voted to pass resolutions urging their Republican legislators to pass bills dealing with issues important to them. Two of the common issues address were ELECTION INTEGRITY and EQUAL PROTECTION from murder for pre-born babies.

The Cobb County GOP and the Gwinnett County GOP (the two largest Republican counties) were among those who passed resolutions calling for the state legislature to implement meaningful Election Integrity Reform. You can see the text from Cobb’s version of that resolution here (along with their other resolutions).

In addition, at least eight counties passed resolutions calling for Republicans in the state legislature to pass the Prenatal Equal Protection Act, which would protect pre-born babies from abortion murder from the moment of conception—just like the GA GOP platform says! That resolution was passed in Cherokee, Coweta, Haralson, Houston, Whitfield, Gordon, Banks, and Hart counties. You can see the text for it here.

Gwinnett County GOP also passed a resolution opposing Critical Race Theory and “gender therapy” in civil government schools.

You can check with your local congressional district GOP Resolutions Committee about presenting similar resolutions on these and other issues of concern at the District GOP Conventions on April 22nd. You can also see submit them to the Resolutions Committee for the GA GOP in June.

GRA-Endorsed State Senator Colton Moore Votes “No” to State Supplemental Budget

GRA-Endorsed State Senator Colton Moore Votes “No” to State Supplemental Budget

We commend our endorsed State Senator Colton Moore (R-Trenton) for making good on his promise to vote “no” on the state supplemental budget for the reasons explained in an earlier press release. 👏 You can see the video of his good-natured but firm speech on the State Senate floor and the vote last week on our YouTube channel here.

Click to watch the video.

Last week the Georgia State Senate voted on our state’s record budget and what to do with our historic $6 billion surplus. We have never had this much extra money as a State. We have historic debt as a state and very little of this surplus went to pay back some of the $10 billion in Georgia’s bonds.

“None of this historic surplus was used to permanently reduce the income tax rates on Georgians!” said Senator Moore. “Even a .5% or 1% reduction would be a step in a great direction but nothing of that sort was in this budget.”

Why is the youngest Senator in Georgia the ONLY Senator saying these things?

Tennessee has a 0% income tax rate for people and families and Tennessee has a lower fuel tax. “This is why families in Northwest Georgia find it very strange when people say Georgia is the #1 state to do business in,” Moore added. “We see this drastic difference first hand.”

“These things were difficult to say and they were difficult to hear, but I didn’t get voted to go represent 200,000 people in Northwest Georgia to do what’s easy, I was elected to fight for lower taxes, lower crime, support our law enforcement, reduce regulation and seek more freedom for all.”

State Rep. Emory Dunahoo Introduces the Prenatal Equal Protection Act

State Rep. Emory Dunahoo Introduces the Prenatal Equal Protection Act

A historic moment in post-Roe Georgia has occurred! This week the GA Freedom Caucus member State Rep. Emory Dunahoo (R-Gillsville) finally dropped his much anticipated pro-life bill called the Prenatal Equal Protection Act. You can see the video above from him about this landmark legislation. The GRA continues to be a dedicated partner in the “Georgians Ending Abortion” coalition, and this is the best legislative opportunity to end abortion murder we’ve had in decades! The clock is ticking and we have just two weeks to get this bill through the State House and sent to the Senate before Crossover Day! 

Click to watch the video announcing the legislation.

The Prenatal Equal Protection Act is also known as H.B. 496 and has been assigned to the Public Health Committee, which is Chaired by State Rep. Sharon Cooper (R-Cobb).

The legislative co-sponsors for the
Prenatal Equal Protection Act

Please contact the members of the Public Health Committee and urge them to do justice for all pre-born children! We’ve made it super-simple to do that with this form from Georgians Ending Abortion.

You can also contact Chairwoman Sharon Cooper directly at (404) 656-5069 or her to allow the bill to come up for a hearing in committee at their next meeting! It needs to be passed out of committee with absolutely zero amendments to ensure every baby in the womb will be protected from murder.

In the past State Rep. Sharon Cooper has not been friendly to pro-life legislation, and as GA Freedom Caucus Executive Director Mallory Staples reported, Cooper has threatened to keep other conservative medical legislation locked up in her committee without a chance to reach the House floor just out of spite

This kind of mafia-style tyranny against fellow Republicans promoting Republican principles and policies MUST STOP! 

The Golden Rule Jesus taught calls us to “love your neighbor as yourself.” How do you love your pre-born neighbor as yourself? You give them equal justice and the same legal protection you and I enjoy from murder and manslaughter. 

Click here to send a clear and united message to Speaker Jon Burns (R-Newington), the Republican leadership in the State House, and all the members of the Public Health Committee that we want Georgia to save all babies lives from abortion murder—just like the Georgia Republican Party platform says!

Counties with Populations Over 80,000 Held GOP Precinct Caucus Saturday

Counties with Populations Over 80,000 Held GOP Precinct Caucus Saturday

Last Saturday county GOP organizations with populations of over 80,000 held their Precinct Caucus Meeting as the first step in the process for Georgia’s Republican convention season. Participants elected delegates to their county conventions and also elected precinct officers and other positions.

Attendees at the Cobb Precinct Caucus

Participation overall appeared to be down compared to two years ago with some notable exceptions: Cherokee County, for example, reportedly had about 500 participants at their precinct caucus.

With the Precinct Caucus Meetings for the large counties now having been completed, delegates for these larger counties will next need to appear before their county GOP’s Nominating Committee to be interviewed and vetted if they desire to be considered for election as party officers, congressional district convention delegates, or state convention delegates.

Salleigh Grubbs

In Cobb County, for example, the GRA’s NFRA Director Nathaniel Darnell was appointed by Cobb GOP Chairwoman Salleigh Grubbs to serve as the Cobb GOP’s Nominating Committee Chairman. He announced that the committee would begin conducting interviews as early as February 15th at the Cobb GOP Headquarters in order for them to be able to finalize their recommendations several days before the county convention.

Most counties plan to host their county conventions on March 11th, although some are conducting them on March 4th. Be sure to check and see what date your county GOP convention will be held and pre-register as early as possible!

If you live in a county with a population under 80,000, your GOP Precinct Caucus will be held next month. Again, most under 80k counties plan to hold their precinct caucus and county conventions the same day on either March 11th or March 4th. Precinct caucuses for these smaller counties typically start at 9am and then the county conventions start at 10am. You will want to reach out to your local GOP organization for specific information about your local precinct caucus and county convention.

New Panel Video from the Faith & Medicine Conference Now Available

New Panel Video from the Faith & Medicine Conference Now Available

If you missed out on Real Health Medical’s Faith & Medicine Conference last weekend, the video of the panel Brave New World we co-sponsored at that event is now available on our GRA YouTube channel! The panel featured a collection of medical professionals, activists, scholars, and theologians looking at the intersection of medicine, politics, and theology. It addressed newly emerging medical and political controversies we find ourselves facing today in America, including vaccine mandates, pandemic lockdowns, abortion, trans-ideology and ramifications, euthanasia policies being modeled in countries such as Canada, certificate of need policies, and more!

Click to watch.

This video is the sequel to last year’s 2022 panel discussion How Shall We Then Live?, which was removed from our YouTube channel last year in October after the CDC made a big announcement about vaccines. But that first panel episode is still available on our GRA Rumble channel.

The Faith & Medicine Conference also featured a keynote message from frontline physician Dr. Peter McCullough—which was packed out! Dr. McCullough has testified multiple times before Congress about the problems with the COVID vaccines and boosters. He is one of the most respected cardiologists in the world, and one of the first to be interviewed on the news when NFL football player Damar Hamlin mysteriously collapsed.

In light of the on-going discoveries being made of the harm from the COVID vaccines, we are grateful that civil governments have reversed course on medical tyranny. However, matters of constitutional liberty such as these remain an on-going concern and require the utmost vigilance. Some suspect there might be another “planned-demic” on the horizon, and we should be better prepared to oppose it.

One of the common concerns expressed at the conference was the lack of liability vaccine-producers face when people suffer harm from their use.

State Senator Greg Dolezal

So we were excited to see our endorsed State Senator Greg Dolezal (R-Cumming) get his S.B. 1 passed out of the Georgia State Senate last week by a vote of 31 to 21. The bill blocks state or local agencies, governments or schools from requiring a COVID-19 vaccination to receive admission or services, sometime referred to as a “vaccine passport.” Lawmakers passed a version of the measure last year that would have expired June 30 of this year. Thank you to everyone who contacted their legislators in support of this bill!

That bill is headed to the State House.

We have other medical-related legislation being dropped by our endorsed state legislators. Representative Charlice Byrd (R-Cherokee), for example, introduced the Medical Freedom Act this past week, which prohibits any business receiving government subsidies from requiring proof of vaccination, a vaccine passport, or a mask. Contact your representative if you support HB 266!

New GRA Legislative Scorecards Released

New GRA Legislative Scorecards Released

First, thank you for the out-pouring of donations made in response to our email blast last week! Your generous giving is strengthening our efforts in the face of antagonism from the Atlanta Establishment and the Democrats of the “Uniparty”!

Your donations also contributed to the GRA-PAC helping to defeat Mrs. Sheree Ralston 47% to 53% in the special election runoff for State House District 7 last night, and contributed to helping Charlie Chase (out of nine candidates) make it to the runoff in his special election for State House District 119!

Second, one of the services we continue to be pleased to provide is a legislative vote scorecard of all our Republican state legislators, and our latest scorecards are now available for you to see here! The data brings several alarming items to our attention:

  • The majority of Republicans in the legislature scored a C or D. This is particularly troubling since we are very generous with our scoring system; a legislator can earn as low as 80% and still earn an “A” under our scoring system.
  • Most legislative Republicans scored lower than the most conservative Democrats.
  • While there are some exceptional outliers, most Republican legislators have gotten worse or stayed the same over time.

Do you know how your State Senator and State Representative actually votes at the Georgia State Capitol? The legislative session is currently happening right now, but Republicans are making little progress toward advancing any of the Republican principles of concern to the grassroots activists back home.

Click the image above to see more of our vote scorecards.
These Republican Heroes Need Your Help!

These Republican Heroes Need Your Help!

This legislative session, our GRA-endorsed legislators and their partners are tackling some major issues that the Establishment in Atlanta does NOT want to come up for a vote! Last week we met with several of our state legislators (pictured above) such as State Reps. Charlice Byrd (Cherokee), Mitchell Horner (Catoosa), Emory Dunahoo (Jackson), and State Senator Colton Moore (District 53), who are working to champion several of the Republican issues folks back home have been clamoring for!

Issues such as election integrity reformequal protection for all of the preborn, shielding children from drag queens as well as trans and woke indoctrination, securing gun rights, cutting back cronyism and government waste, and more! But before they can barely get started, they are already meeting with opposition and intimidation tactics from the Establishment cronies in the GOP.

The crux of the controversy: The Republican Party does not exist merely to get people with an “R” next to their name elected. The Republican Party exists to advance the pro-American principles in our Republican Party platform. If we win all the elections, but do not pass Republican policies into law, the Republican Party is not doing its job.

The fact is that we are losing Republican supporters because the GOP is not doing its job. Take, for example, this recent email message we received from one of our readers:

The Establishment in Atlanta and D.C., however, want you to think that Republicans must make people with an “R” next to their name look good regardless of whether they advance Republican principles or undermine them. That’s why they took so much offense at the GRA publicly exposing the wrongs of former Speaker David Ralston and calling him to account, or take offense when we’ve pointed out something bad or questionable that Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger or Governor Brian Kemp has done.

GRA leadership meeting with legislators at the state capitol last week

So while the Establishment in Atlanta acts very indignant for the GRA publicly seeking accountability against RINOs, they hypocritically seek to bring their own form of accountability against those of us who do not pretend like all elected Republican officials are wonderful in all that they do (or do not do). They want to “cancel” us. They want to cancel our endorsed legislators. They want to cancel the voice of you, the grassroots activists. They are actively right now trying to destroyshame, and neuter those champions working to advance the issues you have told us you care about in Georgia.

Issues that are a matter of life and death, issues that determine whether we enjoy the freedom and prosperity we inherited from our forefathers or sink into oppression.

We expect the Democrats, the Marxists, and the “fake news” liberal media to attack us. They have already clearly marked and identified themselves as the enemy. But when people in your own party stab you in the back, that is especially disgraceful.

GRA President Alex Johnson, State Rep. Charlice Byrd, and State Rep. Mitchell Horner at the capitol

Over the last two weeks our legislators have been told to keep quiet about election integrity reform. No one in leadership is providing any plan on how to address the concerns. Meanwhile, new Speaker Jon Burns (Screven) has signaled he is not “looking” to take up another pro-life bill this yearPseudo-prolife groups controlled by the Establishment are pressuring legislators like Charlice Byrd and Emory Dunahoo to back down from introducing Equal Protection legislation and to disassociate with GRTL and the GRA.

Likewise, the first day of the legislative session, Representatives in the State House were given less than an hour to review proposed rules changes before being called upon to vote on them. One of the rules changes gives the state Speaker new authority to bypass the House Rules Committee and bring legislation to the Floor unilaterally, and another rule allows the Speaker to shorten the window of time in which legislators could vote on a bill. These are powers some could reasonably question whether they might be abused. State Rep. Mitchell Horner made an objection on the adoption of these rules and was quickly berated on the House floor by State Rep. Sharon Cooper (Cobb).

GRA at GRTL’s March for Life

Over this last weekend, some officers of our Executive Committee have received death threats from anonymous callers identifying themselves with Antifa. This began at the same time riots of violence broke out in downtown Atlanta. Our words have been twisted and sensationalized to provoke a backlash. The radical left and the Republican Establishment are out to quash the GRA because we are fighting for you. We are fighting for the defenseless.

We need your help! Here’s two ways you can help:

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Kemp at Davos

Kemp at Davos

If you portray yourself as a Globalist Republican with few conservative principles and you tell the folks at home on a Zoom meeting that you gave “them the Business,” the World Economic Forum (WEF) will “pat you on the head.”

Governor Kemp at the World Economic Forum in Davos

Governor Brian Kemp’s question at the forum: “In the last elections, you were very clearly elected, and the candidates that did not win were ‘election deniers,’ have you got any perceptions here regarding what’s the difference?” Kemp’s responses were about business climate, secure the border, and the Inflation Reduction Act, but nothing about election integrity.  The WEF got what they were looking for when Kemp, in essence, said “election deniers can’t win in Davos’ New World Order.”

In contrast, when President Donald Trump attended Davos before the election of 2020, his message to the World Economic Forum was: “A Nation’s highest duty is to its citizens. A pro-worker, pro-family agenda demonstrates how a nation can thrive.” “But to embrace the possibilities of tomorrow, we must reject the perennial prophets of doom.” “These alarmists always demand the same thing – ABSOLUTE POWER. To dominate, transform, and control every aspect of our lives.”  

Klaus Schwab, founder of the WEF, stated “We have to prepare for a more angry world……” and “What we are very proud of is that we have penetrated the cabinets. . .”  

Check out the other invitees to 2023 World Economic Forum. We don’t see any America First leaders on this roster. There are a few Globalist Republicans here, but no Populist Republicans nor Grassroots Republicans, nor Nationalist Republicans, nor Conservative Republicans, just Elite Republicans who want to do business with CCP and WEF and Multinational Corporations who care not for America’s citizens. 

Brian Kemp, Daniel Issa, Joe Manchin, Samantha Power, John Kerry, Gretchen Whitmer, and Christopher Wray, Director of FBI, . . . hmmmm?  The last time the World Economic Forum invited a governor from Georgia was in 1970’s – Governor Jimmy Carter. And do you know how many of his cabinet positions were WEF members. There were ten of them, especially Zbigniew Brzezinski, father of Mika.