Author: Abigail Darnell
Plan of Action for the GA GOP Convention Cycle

Plan of Action for the GA GOP Convention Cycle

As the Republican Party convention approaches, it is critical that all GRA members are acquainted with the plan of action and understand the vital importance of their involvement. One of our goals is to reform the GOP from the inside (so that the GOP truly advances its professed principles,) and the conventions are an opportunity to make progress toward that goal. At the convention there will likely be a competition to see which faction of the party can successfully get more of their people into positions of leadership and on the delegate lists. 

At war in the GOP are two groups which we often call “the Establishment” (or “the Uni-Party”) and the Patriots.

Step 1: Know Your Opponents – The Establishment Activists

The Establishment (“Uni-Party”) is largely made up of RINO politicians, lobbyists, bureaucrats, staffers who work for politicians, consultants and printers who produce campaign materials for politicians, and also a few well-intentioned but misguided patriots. Nearly all the members of the GOP Establishment are people who work for the political industry in some capacity. 

This Establishment group marches on dangerously because they have an inherent conflict of interest. The fact is that people who receive a paycheck from the industry are going to be far less objective in their evaluation of politicians’ behavior and their voting record, and far less likely to bring accountability to that entrenched industry. These Failed Establishment Operatives (ie. Karl Rove ad nauseum) have a strong incentive to remain in the good graces of the powerful political industry, because “after all,” an Establishment activist concludes, “they write my paycheck. If I offend the political class, I could lose my job, then how would I support myself and my family?”

These folks might have the best of intentions, but they have a strong incentive to protect RINOs from accountability, that is often too strong to overcome.

RINO politicians typically find implementing the principles of the GA GOP to be either “too extreme,” or just “not a good idea at this time,” because there is always an election approaching and we have to be “cautious about offending voters, ya know”… or any number of excuses like that. 

The Establishment group is obsessed with protecting the reputation of politicians whether the politician deserves it or not. An Establishment activist makes it their goal to ensure that everyone thinks the politician is wonderful. Whatever excuses they provide for their inaction, voting for Democrat policies, ignoring election fraud, ignoring the continued slaughter of babies, etc., is propagated to the broader GOP base in the most favorable, believable light possible.

Their loyalty is often entirely with the politicians, or at best it is divided between the principles of the Republican Party, and the politician they work for or lobby for while on the clock. They don’t want anyone to know the dirty little secret that most Republican officials vote contrary to the Republican Party platform about half the time as you can see on our Legislative Vote Scorecards.

They think wistfully, “If I’m loyal to this RINO now, and he is successful at climbing the ladder, maybe he will appoint me to a prestigious position (or a higher position) some day.”

Step 2: Know Yourself – The Patriot Activists

We call this group of GOP activists “Patriots” because, like the Founding Fathers they sacrifice time, toil, and treasure to make America more principled and more constitutional for the next generation.  They usually never make a dime from their political activism (in fact, they usually sacrifice many dimes,) and they are okay with that. They believe there is a transcendent source of law, as the founding fathers did when they wrote in the Declaration of Independence about the “laws of nature and of nature’s God.” They are not ashamed of America. They labor out of passion for the principles of the Republican Party (principles displayed in our founding documents) which have made America great. They are often infuriated by the outcome produced by Republican politicians who don’t do what they campaigned on when they get into power. 

People in this camp generally cling to the GA GOP platform; so that they can have a “measuring rod” for determining if officials are doing well or poorly at advancing Republican principles. You can see those here: 

This group is typically oriented toward accountability. 

When officials don’t advance Republican principles and instead govern as “Republicans In Name Only” (RINOs), activists in this accountability group call out the RINOs and expose their bad behavior in hopes of convincing enough of their fellow Republicans to vote them out next election. This group can often be seen circulating petitions, leading citizen lobbying, phone call & email campaigns to persuade Republicans to do the right thing.

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President Joe Biden Signs the [Dis]Respect for Marriage Act

President Joe Biden Signs the [Dis]Respect for Marriage Act

Unless you’ve been living in a cave, you probably have seen reports that Democrat President Joe Biden this week signed the notorious “[Dis]Respect for Marriage Act.” The legislation would not have passed the U.S. Senate without the support of twelve RINO Republicans, including the usual suspects Mitt Romney (R-Utah), Susan Collins (R-Maine), and Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska). The bill also received support from 39 so-called “Republicans” in the U.S. House, including from out-going Liz Cheney (R-Wyoming).

President Biden signed the legislation at a White House ceremony to which drag queens were invited and attended.

However, did you know that marriage predates civil government? The institution of one man and one woman for life is the core building block of society and was created several generations before God instituted civil government. (See Genesis 2 & Genesis 9.) Therefore, the idea of civil government redefining marriage is kind of like a child renaming his mother and is just as absurd as Congress passing a law attempting to redefine gravity.

Those who, as our Founding Fathers, recognize that the source of law is “the laws of nature and of nature’s God” are outraged by this attack that actually destroys marriage, harms children, and threatens religious liberty.

The founding fathers

In the past, advocates for unnatural forms of unions have exclaimed the mantra “live and let live,” but as this movement continues its political shift, it has become clear their real objective is to use the coercive power of the state to force people to pretend like there is nothing unscientific, immoral, or damaging about this behavior in society and to force them to participate in it.

Furthermore, they still have further to go. In the President’s speech, he said this bill was only one “step” toward further goals.

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Heartbeat Law Disappointingly Ineffective Says Sidewalk Counselors

Heartbeat Law Disappointingly Ineffective Says Sidewalk Counselors

Since Georgia’s Heartbeat law went into effect on July 20th, pro-life Georgians have been surprised and disappointed by the data shared by sidewalk counselors. The observations they share from their numerous hours outside abortion facilities indicate the law is not very effective at saving babies lives despite all the pro-life celebration and the hysteria from pro-abortion activists.

Full-time sidewalk counselors (also called pro-life missionaries) who peacefully pray and evangelize outside abortion facilities have shared some disturbing reports of high abortion numbers and contrasted pre-heartbeat law averages with the averages seen today.

The Columbus Women’s Health abortuary has tripled their normal rate of abortions since the Dobbs ruling overturned the precedent started with Roe v. Wade.

Seneca Choices For Life (left) Columbus Women’s Health abortion mill (right).

Seneca Choices for Life, the local pro-life pregnancy center is strategically located beside the leading Columbus abortion facility. The pregnancy center maintains a constant presence outside the clinic, praying and pleading with women to change their mind and receive the free resources they provide.

“Just here in Columbus the abortions have tripled since before Roe,” said Amber Snipes, Director of Seneca Choices for Life.

“This is a reason we are suspicious of illegal activity because there’s been a significant spike in numbers once abortions became illegal after 6 weeks.”

Amber Snipes and infant outside Seneca Choices for Life, Columbus.

Some speculate that the high volume of abortions in Columbus is due to its proximity to Alabama, a state with stronger legal protections for pre-born children compared to Georgia. Alabama law protects children from the moment of fertilization with the only exception for serious health risk to the pre-born child’s mother. It contains no exception for rape or incest, unlike Georgia’s Heartbeat law.

Data collected by Columbus sidewalk counselors reveals the mothers entering the abortion mill drove vehicles with a diverse array of state license plates hailing from Alabama, Louisiana and even Texas. These out-of-state licenses and the higher volume of elective abortions committed in border cities like Columbus indicates that Georgia is becoming an abortion destination state.

In Augusta the data shows abortion numbers are down, but not by much.

“The volume has been cut down from about 30 to [between] 12 to 20 per day. They aren’t following the law,” said Steven Smith, a pro-life missionary in Augusta.

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