Tag: abortion
State Rep. Emory Dunahoo Introduces the Prenatal Equal Protection Act

State Rep. Emory Dunahoo Introduces the Prenatal Equal Protection Act

A historic moment in post-Roe Georgia has occurred! This week the GA Freedom Caucus member State Rep. Emory Dunahoo (R-Gillsville) finally dropped his much anticipated pro-life bill called the Prenatal Equal Protection Act. You can see the video above from him about this landmark legislation. The GRA continues to be a dedicated partner in the “Georgians Ending Abortion” coalition, and this is the best legislative opportunity to end abortion murder we’ve had in decades! The clock is ticking and we have just two weeks to get this bill through the State House and sent to the Senate before Crossover Day! 

Click to watch the video announcing the legislation.

The Prenatal Equal Protection Act is also known as H.B. 496 and has been assigned to the Public Health Committee, which is Chaired by State Rep. Sharon Cooper (R-Cobb).

The legislative co-sponsors for the
Prenatal Equal Protection Act

Please contact the members of the Public Health Committee and urge them to do justice for all pre-born children! We’ve made it super-simple to do that with this form from Georgians Ending Abortion.

You can also contact Chairwoman Sharon Cooper directly at (404) 656-5069 or sharon.cooper@house.ga.govUrge her to allow the bill to come up for a hearing in committee at their next meeting! It needs to be passed out of committee with absolutely zero amendments to ensure every baby in the womb will be protected from murder.

In the past State Rep. Sharon Cooper has not been friendly to pro-life legislation, and as GA Freedom Caucus Executive Director Mallory Staples reported, Cooper has threatened to keep other conservative medical legislation locked up in her committee without a chance to reach the House floor just out of spite

This kind of mafia-style tyranny against fellow Republicans promoting Republican principles and policies MUST STOP! 

The Golden Rule Jesus taught calls us to “love your neighbor as yourself.” How do you love your pre-born neighbor as yourself? You give them equal justice and the same legal protection you and I enjoy from murder and manslaughter. 

Click here to send a clear and united message to Speaker Jon Burns (R-Newington), the Republican leadership in the State House, and all the members of the Public Health Committee that we want Georgia to save all babies lives from abortion murder—just like the Georgia Republican Party platform says!

Heartbeat Law Disappointingly Ineffective Says Sidewalk Counselors

Heartbeat Law Disappointingly Ineffective Says Sidewalk Counselors

Since Georgia’s Heartbeat law went into effect on July 20th, pro-life Georgians have been surprised and disappointed by the data shared by sidewalk counselors. The observations they share from their numerous hours outside abortion facilities indicate the law is not very effective at saving babies lives despite all the pro-life celebration and the hysteria from pro-abortion activists.

Full-time sidewalk counselors (also called pro-life missionaries) who peacefully pray and evangelize outside abortion facilities have shared some disturbing reports of high abortion numbers and contrasted pre-heartbeat law averages with the averages seen today.

The Columbus Women’s Health abortuary has tripled their normal rate of abortions since the Dobbs ruling overturned the precedent started with Roe v. Wade.

Seneca Choices For Life (left) Columbus Women’s Health abortion mill (right).

Seneca Choices for Life, the local pro-life pregnancy center is strategically located beside the leading Columbus abortion facility. The pregnancy center maintains a constant presence outside the clinic, praying and pleading with women to change their mind and receive the free resources they provide.

“Just here in Columbus the abortions have tripled since before Roe,” said Amber Snipes, Director of Seneca Choices for Life.

“This is a reason we are suspicious of illegal activity because there’s been a significant spike in numbers once abortions became illegal after 6 weeks.”

Amber Snipes and infant outside Seneca Choices for Life, Columbus.

Some speculate that the high volume of abortions in Columbus is due to its proximity to Alabama, a state with stronger legal protections for pre-born children compared to Georgia. Alabama law protects children from the moment of fertilization with the only exception for serious health risk to the pre-born child’s mother. It contains no exception for rape or incest, unlike Georgia’s Heartbeat law.

Data collected by Columbus sidewalk counselors reveals the mothers entering the abortion mill drove vehicles with a diverse array of state license plates hailing from Alabama, Louisiana and even Texas. These out-of-state licenses and the higher volume of elective abortions committed in border cities like Columbus indicates that Georgia is becoming an abortion destination state.

In Augusta the data shows abortion numbers are down, but not by much.

“The volume has been cut down from about 30 to [between] 12 to 20 per day. They aren’t following the law,” said Steven Smith, a pro-life missionary in Augusta.

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The 2022 Faith & Medicine Conference

The 2022 Faith & Medicine Conference

In this time of unique turmoil as people face pandemics, mask mandates, vaccine mandates, and other lockdowns, many are wondering how to react. What is best for our long-term health as individuals, families, and communities? The 2022 Faith and Medicine Conference is about helping individuals find ways to meet current needs with the hope of the Gospel and the truth of scripture. Whether you’re working in healthcare or receiving healthcare, there is growing concern regarding the integrity and motives of the healthcare system due to recent events. Many people are sensing darkness and unrest in healthcare and how it affects patients and practitioners, as well as American life. From policies and procedures to mandates and employment termination, the injustices are being acknowledged if not experienced. Learn more on the event’s web site.