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Etowah RA Chapter Hosts Event with VoterGA

Etowah RA Chapter Hosts Event with VoterGA

Last night the Etowah Republican Assembly chapter hosted their first big event, the Election Integrity Summit. Awesome speakers, great turn out, great food, and a wealth of information! A special thank you to Garland Favorito of VoterGa who served as the keynote speaker! It was also nice of Voice of Rural America and Turning Point Action to participate. A big thank you to our awesome local team and to everyone who attended!

GRA President Alex Johnson’s First Town Hall on the Accountability Rule in Walker County

GRA President Alex Johnson’s First Town Hall on the Accountability Rule in Walker County

This week our GRA President and attorney Alex Johnson presented at a Town Hall event sponsored by several local county GOP organizations in Northwest Georgia, including Walker, Catoosa, and Whitfield counties. His subject was the newly proposed Accountability Rule being presented at the GA GOP State Convention this year. You can now watch the first 26 minutes of this presentation on our YouTube channel here:

The Madison Forum presents A Tale of Two GOPs

The Madison Forum presents A Tale of Two GOPs


This past Memorial Day, GRA-member and founder of The Madison Forum Michael Optiz asked the GRA leadership to give a message entitled A Tale of Two GOPs, dealing with the recent growing schism within the Georgia Republican Party. NFRA Director Nathaniel Darnell and GRA 3rd Vice President Abigail Darnell provided the message Monday evening, explaining how the rift has a lot to do with two different outlooks and approaches within the GOP. You can now see the video The Madison Forum recorded of that talk on Rumble at this link. The message also included an explanation of the proposed Accountability Rule submitted to the GA GOP State Convention.

Later this week GRA President Alex Johnson will also be giving a town hall presentation before delegates on the Accountability Rule in Walker County in Northwest Georgia. Stay tuned for more town hall discussions in the days ahead leading up to the convention.

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Support our GRA-Endorsed Candidates for GA GOP Executive Committee!

Support our GRA-Endorsed Candidates for GA GOP Executive Committee!

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Last week our GRA-endorsed candidates for GA GOP Executive Committee were out in force campaigning around the state.

They broadcasted as a group on The John Fredricks Show Thursday, May 18th, and you can now watch the recording here.

If you’re serving as a delegate or alternate to the GA GOP State Convention in Columbus in June, be sure to support our GRA-endorsed candidates for GA GOP Executive Committee! You can see a list of them on this image here:

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Here We Grow Again!

Here We Grow Again!

We’re excited to welcome the new Etowah Republican Assembly chapter that officially chartered last week! This group met and was birthed in the heat of battle fighting for election integrity, protesting the Rome drag queen festival, opposing SPLOST, protesting mask mandates and more. They elected Brad Barnes the President of their chapter and Angela Rubino as their Vice President.


This chartering follows close on the heels of us opening another new chapter at the opposite corner of our state in coastal Georgia. This ocean-side chapter elected former State Rep. Jeff Jones as their local RA President, who is assisted by Ginny Hall.

This new Coastal Republican Assembly chapter has done a terrific job recruiting “America First” Patriots who have been disaffected and disillusioned by the GOP, and is preparing to turn the tide in that region.

Last week the Coastal RA chapter hosted Georgia Freedom Caucus Executive Director Mallory Staples at their regular meeting, and they have been exceeding their capacity for seating at their events.

GOP Industry Tries to Block a Rule to Empower You!

GOP Industry Tries to Block a Rule to Empower You!


Today, I’m excited to share with you the proposed rules changes (link) (link part 2: discourages lawsuits) submitted to the GAGOP for consideration by Delegates at the State GOP convention. If debated and voted on, these changes will empower you to demand that certain politicians uphold the GAGOP brand and the “Republican” title by standing for what they promised the voters.

Sadly, it’s clear that the GOP Establishment wants to keep you from taking part in leadership. They want you to blindly follow their orders and support whoever pays the media establishment and paid political industry to win a primary, regardless of actions or beliefs. They disdain your opinions and seek to undermine your involvement in the party. 

To uncover this hidden agenda, look no further than the following (clickable links provided for more information):

1. The Georgia Republican Party platform closely mirrors the Georgia Republican Assembly’s principles.

2. These mainstream Republican principles are supported by the public and align with current and past National Republican Party platforms.

3. The RNC, led and run by many paid political industry members, re-elected Ronna McDaniel, despite almost uniform opposition from Republican voters and activists.

4. The AJCNew York TimesRedStateRawStoryThe Daily Beast, and numerous other paid political industry friendly sites have published articles falsely claiming that the proposed rules changes are “radical,” “far-right,” or extreme, despite their mainstream status. These changes don’t focus at all on past elections, but simply demand that politicians be accountable to you in the future.

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The paid political industry is afraid of you and your power to make a change, resorting to lies disseminated through their media machine and political industry operatives. They’ll falsely claim the change is exclusionary, despite its result of increased party involvement by empowering convention delegates and not allowing any subsets (such as the state or executive committees, which could be easily swayed with money, jobs, or favors) to have that responsibility. They’ll argue that you can’t prohibit candidates from identifying as Republican, even though other state parties have done so and there’s a U.S. Supreme Court case establishing the right of private organizations like political parties to choose their associates pursuant to the First Amendment.

Now is your chance to make a stand. If you’re content with the status quo, where there’s a 99% incumbent re-election rate and politicians repeatedly lie and fail to enact the Republican platform, let this opportunity slip away. If you want accountability from elected Republican politicians, get involved in the GAGOP, attend the state convention, elect GRA endorsed candidates, and ensure that the proposed rules changes are debated and passed. Demand explicit assurances from GAGOP officer candidates that they will vote for these rules changes to empower you to hold politicians accountable.

Together, we can reshape the political landscape. Thank you for your continued dedication and support!

Governor Kemp Vetoes Amended S.B. 23

Governor Kemp Vetoes Amended S.B. 23

This weekend Governor Brian Kemp appeared to heed the great public outcry from the grassroots against S.B. 23, as it was amended in the final days of the recent legislative session.


Although we have sometimes pointed out missteps from Governor Kemp’s administration, we have also publicly expressed our appreciation when he has taken bold and right stands — as when he signed the “Constitutional Carry” legislation and when he early re-opened the state in the midst of the COVID lockdowns. This is yet another example where we want to give credit where credit is due.

Many grassroots activists such as Hank Sullivan have pointed out the problems with S.B. 23, which was amended late into the legislative session to include some of the bad provisions from H.B. 520 relating to data collection on citizens. The amendment was so bad that State Senator Greg Dolezal (R-Forsyth), who was the second sponsor of the original version of the bill, voted against his own bill. In fact, in a sign of solidarity, all of the members of the Georgia Freedom Caucus in the previous legislative session opposed the amended S.B. 23.

We wish to thank and commend Governor Kemp for vetoing this awful legislation. Thanks also to all of those who called and messaged the Governor’s office, urging him to make this veto!

Mallory Staples Responds to “Republican” Legislators Griping about Being Reprimanded for Voting for H.B. 520

Mallory Staples Responds to “Republican” Legislators Griping about Being Reprimanded for Voting for H.B. 520

In a recent newsletter we reported about how multiple GOP Congressional District Conventions passed resolutions reprimanding those “Republican” legislators who voted in favor of the awful “Mental Health” H.B. 520 while commending the few Republicans who voted against it.


Several state legislators present at the 14th District GOP Convention reportedly walked out after learning about the resolution. State Rep. Mike Cameron (R-Walker) turned to the airwaves to belly-ache about the resolution on a local podcast show from Floyd County. He claimed the characterization of H.B. 520 was erroneous and complained about not being treated with more respect as a legislator at the convention. Meanwhile, elected representatives who took strong stands for Republican principles such as State Senator Colton Moore (R-Dade) and Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Green (CD-14) were greeted by the convention as rockstars.

Cameron said he is so offended by the grassroots in northwest Georgia that he intends to boycott the GA GOP State Convention.

In response to the show, the Georgia Freedom Caucus‘ Executive Director Mallory Staples responded to these complaints and mischaracterizations of the legislation, taking to the John Fredricks Show and other programs to defend the resolution and affirm the problems with H.B. 520.

In particular, one thing Mallory pointed out was that the first “Mental Health Parity Bill” H.B. 1013 from the previous legislative session cost the state an estimated $1 billon in taxpayer funding, and now its follow-up H.B. 520 would cost another estimated $80 million to the taxpayer, if passed. (H.B. 520 is presently sitting dormant in the State Senate until next year’s legislative session.)

During the legislative session, we heard many people from the political industry in the Atlanta Establishment say that we didn’t need to pass anymore Election Integrity legislation this year because Georgia had just passed S.B. 202 in 2021. They said that we didn’t need to pass Senator Colton Moore’s Second Amendment Preservation Act (S.B. 67) because Georgia had just passed the “Constitutional Carry” bill in 2022. They said we didn’t need to pass the pro-life Prenatal Equal Protection Act because Georgia had just passed the “Heartbeat Bill” in 2019.

However, these same political industry types had no objection to the legislature trying to pass another omnibus Mental Health bill only one year after H.B. 1013 was adopted!

Some point to reports of recent mass shootings as as an illustration of the need for the state to pad the wallets of Big Pharma, take away people’s liberties, and steal more of the taxpayer’s money through such programs as Medicaid expansions. (Remember how folks voted against Democrat Stacey Abrams because she wanted to expand Medicaid in Georgia?) Yet this is actually an example of the civil government trying to fix a problem that the government has created.


When the state prohibits children from learning the Bible or having prayer in our schools, and indoctrinates them that they evolved by random chance due to no divine purpose or design, and are just chemicals and atoms bouncing off of each other, and there is no transcendent morality; when it tells them from an early age to be worried about global warming and how the earth could become uninhabitable and lead to everyone’s death, and then tries to suppress their resulting anxiety by prescribing these children with drugs until they are dependent; when it tries to pit “white people” against people with other colors of skin; when the state engages in these kinds of practices, it is no wonder that our youth are experiencing mental health issues. It is a problem the state created, and it is a problem the state will only make worse.

The solution is less statism, not more. The solution involves looking to our Creator God and not the false-god of the state.