The North Metro RA chapter has just confirmed ICE Acting Director under the Trump Administration, Thomas Holman, as their keynote headliner for the 2022 Georgia Unite Conference scheduled for Oct. 8th. They are hosting it in Cherokee County at a 500 seat event facility at The Bluffs Governmental Complex in Canton. Our North Metro GRA Chapter is also planning a VIP Fundraising Dinner the evening before on Friday night.
They are also pleased to report that their newsletter is coming out this weekend to promote the event as they just confirmed our keynote headliner today.
The Georgia Unite theme centers around securing our Southern Border. Previous 6th District Congressional candidate Mallory Staples, soon to be the new Freedom Caucus Georgia Director, is serving as the MC. They are bringing multiple local conservative Patriot Groups together to rally together around securing the sovereignty of our country, otherwise have no country!
In addition, the North Metro RA created this announcement for the chapter to recruit volunteers because only four phone callers were logged into Hershel’s “Turn-out-the-Vote” phone system in all of NW Georgia last Saturday. They say “he needs our sacrificial help NOW!”
They have released this calendar of events for their chapter:
They say that after the primary is over, all Republicans are supposed join together, sing Kumbaya, and work together to get our Republican nominees elected in November. That’s what they said, anyway, before theGRA helped 13 of our endorsed Republican State House candidateswin their Republican nominations in the May primary. As some nominees and new activists are learning now, that’s “rules for thee and not for me!”
All in all, the GRA got not only 13 endorsed State House candidates primary wins, but also won three endorsed State Senate races, two congressional candidate races, and three state-wide races!
But last weekend, the State House Republican Caucus (which is controlled by Speaker David Ralston) met with the Republican nominees in Georgia to give several of our endorsed nominees in viable races against Democrats the ol’ smack down: How dare you get the endorsement of the GRA?! If you are with the GRA, we will provide you with zerohelp in the general election—and we may even find a way to help your opponent! If you’re with the GRA, we’re against you!
At least three of these endorsed nominees have received intense pressure to renounce the GRA, their endorsement, and even their membership in the GRA! So right now when the Atlanta Establishment could be trying to mend old wounds and build bridges to earn conservative support for the general election —instead they’re stirring more division! Why would they risk losing these critical viable seats to Democrats? Why sabotage their own party? Why would the State House “Republican Caucus” be so against activists dedicated to promoting accountability to the principles of the Republican platform?
This is the same caucus leadership that opposed a special session to investigate and evaluate the allegations of fraud in the 2020 election, and who opposed getting rid of the QR codes and the absentee drop boxes. It’s also the same ones who pushed the Mental Health Parity bill, who imposed eugenics (it’s okay to murder the baby this alternative way) language on the Heartbeat bill, who blocked the Constitutional Carry bill for several years, who blocked legislation to stop taxpayers from having to pay for abortion services for state employees, who “balance the budget” as our state law requires by issuing more debt through bonds, etc., etc., etc.
In each of these fights and more, it has been the GRA and our endorsed legislators who have been standing up against this wayward Republican leadership. Our numbers are growing in the legislature with this recent batch of primary victories, and it’s making them nervous. Why?
Because it would only take ten votes to unseat David Ralston (Blue Ridge) from being Speaker of the Georgia State House, and they know that most of our endorsed candidates have pledged to vote against Ralston as Speaker next year. They also know we are in reach of obtaining that objective. They know we are a threat to these RINOs. They fear us.
If the Republican Caucus won’t support them, and is using intimidation tactics to pressure them to cave, they need to count on us.
Let’s encourage and embolden our endorsed candidates to courageously stand up for the issues that concern us from the Republican platform — the issues so many Republicans in the legislature seem reluctant to advance! Don’t abandon them to the intimidation tactics of David Ralston and his gang of thugs in the so-called “Republican” Caucus. Help us fight back with your $50, $100, or $250 donation today.
Our GRA-endorsed legislators have been the few Republicans consistently standing up for you and I—the grassroots—in our concerns at the state legislature.
The North Metro RA chapter (Cherokee & Pickens counties) is helping to spearhead an effort to secure 10,000 signatures in seven days (1,500 daily) on a petition demanding that we “Ditch Dominion” in favor of PAPER Ballots!
This effort is joined with the non-partisan Cherokee Citizens for Election Integrity, an organized community action group dedicated to the preservation of Honest, Fair, and Transparent Elections, and hereby demand that our Cherokee County Board of Commissioners “Ditch Dominion” now in favor of Paper Ballots for the November General Elections.
Atlanta, GA, August 9, 2022 — The home of a former president, President Donald J. Trump, was invaded by armed FBI agents on August 8, 2022. This unprecedented action is something we expect to see in communist countries, but not in the United States of America. This egregious act must have had the approval of, at the very least, Christopher Wray, Director of the FBI, but most likely also had the approval of President Joe Biden.
The Georgia Republican Assembly denounces this act as a violation of the 4th Amendment of the United States, which states: “The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue but upon probable cause, supported by the oath of affirmation and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the person or things to be seized.”
President Trump states, “After working and cooperating with the relevant Government agencies, this unannounced raid on my home was not necessary or appropriate. It is prosecutorial misconduct, the weaponization of the Justice System, They even broke into my safe! What is the difference between this and Watergate, where operatives broke into the Democrat National Committee? Here, in reverse, Democrats broke into the home of the 45th President of the United States.”
We call upon every elected official sworn to uphold the Constitution of the United States to denounce this attempt to intimidate and harass a former president and to weaponize our law agencies to be used as political hacks. We ask every American to call and write their senators to decry this violation of the 4th Amendment.
About the Georgia Republican Assembly
The Georgia Republican Assembly is a member of the National Federation of Republican Assemblies (NFRA), committed to reforming the Republican Party to achieve its goal of a constitutional government. We aim to reclaim the Republican Party for Conservatives, reform the Party back to its Conservative Values, and restore Republicans’ faith in the GOP.
One of our county chapters is putting together a special event we think you may want to attend. The Cobb County Republican Assembly is pleased have a special guest speaker for their county convention on Thursday evening, August 18th at the Cobb County GOP Headquarters: Attorney Ben DuPré, Chief of Staff to the Republican Chief Justice Tom Parker of the Alabama State Supreme Court, will personally provide a message on what is being called “the U.S. Supreme Court’s best term in the history of America!” We will hear a summary and explanation on how the court has overturned major damaging precendent that egregiously deviated from the history and text of the U.S. Constitution to circumvent our elected representative system and imposed tyranny on Americans for decades. We will better understand how the series of court decisions were landmark for gun rights, the lives of the preborn, energy development, bureaucratic over-reach, freedom of religion, school choice, and more!
Ben DuPré is the husband of Jerusha DuPré and the father of seven children, who are educated at home through Ezekiel Academy. Ben is a constitutional law attorney licensed in Virginia and Alabama. Although born and raised in New York, Ben came south as soon as he could, attending Regent University Law School in Virginia, before moving to Montgomery in 2001 to work for Chief Justice Roy Moore at the Alabama Supreme Court on the same day the Ten Commandments monument was installed. In 2003 Ben left the Court to work with Chief Justice Moore at the Foundation for Moral Law for nine years, defending religious liberty and advocating for the pre-born in Georgia, Alabama, and across the country.
Since 2013, Ben served as Chief of Staff for both Chief Justice Moore and now Chief Justice Tom Parker. Ben serves as a deacon at Evangel Church in Montgomery, and is grateful to be saved by grace and to be a survivor of Roe v. Wade.
Registration for the event includes refreshments, dessert, and a time for Q&A with our guest speaker. Cobb RA season pass holders get $15 off this and future events we host this year!
Here is a summary of the location and times for the up-coming event: Cobb RA County Convention Held at the Cobb GOP Headquarters 799 Roswell Street NW, Marietta, GA 30060 $30 early-bird registration (refreshments & dessert included) $15 registration with season pass Thursday, August 18, 2022 7:00 PM EST (guest speaker)
We are pleased to report that we’ve formed a new regional chapter below the gnat line! The South-East Georgia Republican Assembly: SEGRA.
39 of Georgia’s 159 counties have now incorporated GRA local chapters either through individual county Republican Assembly organizations or by regional organizations.
SEGRA consists of six counties along the heart of Georgia’s small coastline: Chatham, Effingham, Bryan, Liberty, Long, and McIntosh, among the oldest counties in the state—dating back before the War for Independence in 1776. Organized originally by Dean Burnette, SEGRA is led by Brittany Brown and her local chapter’s executive committee with a vision on expanding GOP appeal and shaking up the Establishment to improve politics in the southeastern region. We invite you to learn more about them at their web site at or on their social media at their Facebook page..
Ringgold, GA—On Saturday, more than seventy-five pro-life activists gathered in front of the Catoosa County Courthouse to praise God for the overturn of the erroneous 1973 Roe v. Wade decision and call for a special legislative session to abolish abortion in Georgia with a Personhood Amendment to the state constitution.
“We are here today to rejoice in the overturn of Roe v Wade and to call on our elected officials to end the Holocaust of abortion once and for all,” said Abigail Darnell, Vice President of Georgia Right to Life & 3rd Vice President for the Georgia Republican Assembly.
“Part of the proper liberty restored in the Dobbs decision was the ability for individual states to enact laws that protect the unborn without artificial restrictions from Washington,”said Vaughn Hamilton, Elder of Brainerd Hills Presbyterian Church. “Let us give thanks for this opportunity and let us pray for moral clarity and boldness from voters, to legislators to the judiciary and to the Governor.”
The rally featured local church leaders, politicians and activists who have joined forces in an effort entitled Georgians Ending Abortion. They are urging Georgians to sign an online petition to Governor Kemp which states:
“Whereas, several thousand pre-born children may be legally murdered in our state before the beginning of the next regularly scheduled legislative session; and
“Whereas, innocent Georgians may be legally murdered even if the “Heartbeat” law goes into effect because of the broad exceptions it contains;
“Therefore, we urge you to immediately convene a special session of the Georgia General Assembly.”
The Governors of South Dakota and Indiana have already announced their intention to convene special sessions in their states to strengthen legal protection for the pre-born, and activists are calling on Governor Brian Kemp to follow suit. Organizers of the event contend that abortion is both a sin and a crime and therefore both the church and the state have a duty to take bold, decisive action immediately.
“Why are we meeting at the Courthouse? Because God ordained civil government to administer justice. Not individuals, not the family, not the church,” said Keith Cochran, President of Northwest Georgia Right to Life. “What is our grievance? Pre-born children are being legally murdered by their mother and her doctor without any punishment at all.”
The rally commended Chattooga County Commissioner Blake Elsberry who last week signed a Resolution for Life affirming his desire to protect all human life in his jurisdiction. Chattooga GRA-member & activist Jennifer Tudor read the Resolution. It reads:
“Be it further resolved, that the Office of the Sole Commissioner of Chattooga County hereby resolves to use all means within its power to support the sanctity of human life in accordance with its God-given responsibilities as the people’s elected governing body.”
“This is something I have felt convicted about getting done since first taking office and I feel a heavy burden of sadness that we even have to have this debate in America. Nevertheless, now with this issue coming back to the states, I felt that it was important that our state leadership know that this office supports the right to life for the born and unborn alike,” wrote Elsberry in a statement.
“We are hoping in Catoosa County the Board of Commissioners will step up and do the right thing and sign that resolution as well,” said Ray Blankenship an activist in the Catoosa GOP and leader in the second amendment sanctuary movement.
Activist Charlie Wysong who led an effort to shut down the Chattanooga abortion facility which closed in 1994 said “How does it feel to have a fifty year prayer answered?”
The rally featured State Representative-elect Mitchell Horner of House District 3 (R-Ringgold) who likened the pro-life cause to the abolition of slavery. “On March 20th 1854, the Republican Party formed over the issue of abolition. Once again we must form a Republican Party around the notion of abolition – an abolition of killing children…It’s time for Republicans in the state house to have courage and act, said Horner.
State Rep.-elect Mitchell Horner
“Republicans have had the majority in the House and Senate for twenty years. Why do we still kill babies?” Said Jackie Harling a Walker County activist and former candidate for House District 1.
The Georgians Ending Abortion petition is co-sponsored by many Republican organizations that point to the GAGOP platform which states: “We believe in the right to life from conception, beginning at fertilization, to natural death.”
“We are calling on Republicans to advance the platform they say they believe in,” said Nathaniel Darnell, the senior NFRA Director for the Georgia Republican Assembly.
State Senator-elect Colton Moore of Senate District 53 (R-Trenton) also spoke out in favor of the effort and described the intense antagonism that was displayed against the ‘Heartbeat Bill’. “I wish each of you could’ve heard the hisses and the growls from the gallery as that piece of legislation finally passed by one vote.”
State Senator-elect Colton Moore
Georgia’s ‘Heartbeat’ law has been challenged in court since 2019 and has not yet been enforced or saved a single life. Currently in Georgia, all babies may be legally murdered up until 20 weeks, before the stage in which it has been demonstrated that babies feel pain. However babies believed to have Down’s Syndrome or other ‘fetal abnormalities’ may currently be killed by abortion after 20 weeks despite the excruciating pain they may experience. This double standard is replicated and expanded in the Heartbeat bill which treats children conceived in rape or incest to a different standard of justice than consensually-conceived children, a concept that hearkens back to the eugenics of Adolf Hitler’s Nazi Germany and Planned Parenthood’s founder Margaret Sanger.
“We as an American society, we believe that we have equal justice under the law – each and every member of society. And when that fertilized egg becomes a new person, it too has equal justice under the law and we Americans must continue to fight for it,” said Moore.
“The Dobbs decision is not the end of our work, it is the beginning,” said Pastor Dan Hocker of Christian Fellowship Assembly in Tunnel Hill.
Dan Hocker referenced the pro-life work of early Christians. “We started this work on the hills of Rome. Back then there wasn’t a pill, there wasn’t even a coat hanger, back then there weren’t doctors that would ‘end a pregnancy’. Back then there were only wolves on the hills to eat those babies. But Christians would watch as they would take those babies to the hills and they would rescue those babies and raise them to have faith in the Lord that we serve.”
What about Rape?
Dan Hocker: “Is it right to take that babies little life because a sin was committed? “There’s no doubt that rape and incest are wrong. But it is still God-breathed life.”
“The only people that really have choices and options, are the people that breathe and walk among us. The unborn they don’t have that option… That female or that male in the womb, they don’t have the option to plead with their mother not to kill them. They don’t have an option or a choice to ask their father to fight for them,” said Blankenship.
Georgians who favor abortion vehemently reject the involvement of Christians in abortion law-making. Some Ringgold residents voiced their opposition from their vehicles yelling “My body, my choice” or profanity as the drive by. They often oppose Christian involvement on the claim that it violates the separation of church and state. However, activists at the rally clearly delineated the separate, distinct role of those two institutions.
“We believe in the institutional separation of church and state, but there is no separation between God and government,” said Nathaniel Darnell.
“There is no authority except that which is given of God – received from God with the intent of reflecting the character of God,” said Reagan Marsh, Pastor of Reformation Baptist Church in Dalton as he spoke to Romans 13.
“Government when it positions itself above scripture has no authority… “Government is a restricted authority… they are not to execute or fulfill their own will nor that of the electorate. They are to serve God alone and they will answer to God as surely as you and I will. Just as surely as I will as an elder and as a pastor. God’s word alone determines good from evil, right from wrong, not mere populace or consensus or what is trending on Twitter.”
“We have a duty to see to it and to call our elected officials to the obedience that God’s word requires of them. Because how they govern reflects how people see Him,” said Marsh.
“I’m asking Governor Kemp to stand up and take a stand, as we put these petitions before him… What happens here in the state of Georgia is going to affect America and what happens in America affects the world,” said Edward Torres a Missionary with Amazon for Christ Medical Missions.
Monday morning Georgia Right to Life (GRTL) held a press conference announcing that the GRA and dozens of other pro-life organizations have joined to present a petition. We are calling on Governor Brian Kemp and Republican legislators to act now! They need to call a special session to pass a Personhood state constitutional amendment (or at the very least a statute) that will protect the lives of all the preborn!It’s time for Equal Protection under the law for all our children in the womb.
Click the video above to watch the Georgians Ending Abortion Press Conference.
Since that bill was passed, however, as a part of Speaker Ralston and other Atlanta Establishment Republican’s efforts to insulate themselves from accountability and consolidate power, they have helped to create a number of pseudo-conservative organizations with a presence at the state capitol— to serve as their “controlled opposition.” These organizations work to provide cover for Republicans to make them look more conservative to the voters back home even when they vote like Democrats.
But perhaps the worst part about the Heartbeat Bill is that it asserts that the baby is a human person from the moment of conception, while simultaneously asserting it is okay for someone to murder that child under various circumstances before a doctor admits he heard the child’s heartbeat. One cannot win hearts and minds over to our cause with such a hypocritical—such an internally inconsistent position.
Preborn human baby in a mother’s uterus
The Heartbeat Bill has not been enforced for even one single day over the last nearly four years!
We’ve given them plenty of time to do something with the bill, but not a single baby’s life has been saved by this highly-touted bill. It’s time for Republicans to prove that they really believe life begins “at fertilization”—as is spelled out in the Georgia Republican Party Platform!
We need to provide Equal Protection under the law for every child from the moment of conception without exception. Once again in Georgia it should be a crime. Criminal investigations would still be conducted in accordance with all Due Process addressed in the Bill of Rights, such as the 4th Amendment privacy protections against warrantless searches and seizures not supported by probable cause, and such as the right to a trial by jury. But murder is murder.