“Republican” Caucus Targets GRA-Endorsed Nominees

“Republican” Caucus Targets GRA-Endorsed Nominees

They say that after the primary is over, all Republicans are supposed join together, sing Kumbaya, and work together to get our Republican nominees elected in November. That’s what they said, anyway, before the GRA helped 13 of our endorsed Republican State House candidates win their Republican nominations in the May primary. As some nominees and new activists are learning now, that’s “rules for thee and not for me!”

All in all, the GRA got not only 13 endorsed State House candidates primary wins, but also won three endorsed State Senate races, two congressional candidate races, and three state-wide races!

But last weekend, the State House Republican Caucus (which is controlled by Speaker David Ralston) met with the Republican nominees in Georgia to give several of our endorsed nominees in viable races against Democrats the ol’ smack down: How dare you get the endorsement of the GRA?! If you are with the GRA, we will provide you with zero help in the general election—and we may even find a way to help your opponent! If you’re with the GRA, we’re against you!

Speaker David Ralston

At least three of these endorsed nominees have received intense pressure to renounce the GRA, their endorsement, and even their membership in the GRA!
So right now when the Atlanta Establishment could be trying to mend old wounds and build bridges to earn conservative support for the general election —instead they’re stirring more division! Why would they risk losing these critical viable seats to Democrats? Why sabotage their own party? Why would the State House “Republican Caucus” be so against activists dedicated to promoting accountability to the principles of the Republican platform?

This is the same caucus leadership that opposed a special session to investigate and evaluate the allegations of fraud in the 2020 election, and who opposed getting rid of the QR codes and the absentee drop boxes. It’s also the same ones who pushed the Mental Health Parity bill, who imposed eugenics (it’s okay to murder the baby this alternative way) language on the Heartbeat bill, who blocked the Constitutional Carry bill for several years, who blocked legislation to stop taxpayers from having to pay for abortion services for state employees, who “balance the budget” as our state law requires by issuing more debt through bonds, etc., etc., etc.

In each of these fights and more, it has been the GRA and our endorsed legislators who have been standing up against this wayward Republican leadership. Our numbers are growing in the legislature with this recent batch of primary victories, and it’s making them nervous. Why?

Because it would only take ten votes to unseat David Ralston (Blue Ridge) from being Speaker of the Georgia State House, and they know that most of our endorsed candidates have pledged to vote against Ralston as Speaker next year. They also know we are in reach of obtaining that objective. They know we are a threat to these RINOs. They fear us.

So now more than ever we need to support our GRA endorsed candidates! Any donations you can make to the GRA-PAC to help us get them elected in November will work to secure them as champions for you in the causes you care about! If you agree that our endorsed nominees need to stay courageous and stand up to Ralston, then chip in $25, $50, or $100 today to help them win this November!

If the Republican Caucus won’t support them, and is using intimidation tactics to pressure them to cave, they need to count on us.

Let’s encourage and embolden our endorsed candidates to courageously stand up for the issues that concern us from the Republican platform — the issues so many Republicans in the legislature seem reluctant to advance! Don’t abandon them to the intimidation tactics of David Ralston and his gang of thugs in the so-called “Republican” Caucus. Help us fight back with your $50, $100, or $250 donation today.

Our GRA-endorsed legislators have been the few Republicans consistently standing up for you and I—the grassroots—in our concerns at the state legislature.


Will you help them win this November with your $100, $500, or $1,000 donation today so we can restore liberty and America First principles in Georgia?

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