Bothered by politicians? Frustrated at the lack of accountability of elected officials? Want to help ensure a positive future for the country?
If so, it’s the time of the year again to take responsibility for the future of the Republican Party and help put the country back on track!

The Georgia Republican Party convention cycle is beginning this weekend. If you live in a county with over 80,000 people, this is the first step in the process to elect new party leadership from bottom to top, starting with your local precinct. This Saturday, February 11th, 2023, you have the opportunity to meet other Republicans in your precinct and elect new precinct officers, as well as delegates (including yourself) to the county convention. At the county convention, you elect officers there, as well as delegates to the district and state conventions.
You can read the reasons to be involved in this process from my messages on AdvancetheGOP, and if you look at all the historical messages at the bottom of my emails, you can read about a lot of the history of the GAGOP conventions over the past 10 years. Simply put, this is how you let your preferences be known: Do you want the GAGOP to simply follow weak politicians, or do you want the GAGOP to create accountability and to elect principled people to party and to public office?
You’ve done the work of helping get many of the GRA endorsed candidates from the last message (LINK) elected to public office, despite political “leadership” that lacked principles and didn’t care about you. Now it’s time to ensure the GAGOP is run by likeminded people as well.

You’ll be hearing plenty of promises from candidates for party office over the next few months, but little information about what they’ve actually done. You saw the cheating from two years ago (LINK). You need to show up to stop it from happening again.
Don’t fall for the tricks and deceptions of the paid political industry. There are plenty of people running for party office that falsely, and weakly believe that the GOP and its members only exist to by sycophants to politicians and to blindly support them and not hold them accountable to any sort of principles. There is nothing further from the truth.
The politicians exist to enact Republican principles and to serve the voters. Those running for party office who think otherwise are dooming the GOP to be irrelevant: discouraging participation and any broad based support from the public, due to lack of trust and accountability.
Hesitate to endorse or support anyone until you have all the information. Like last convention cycle (LINK), the GRA will be holding an endorsing convention prior to the State Convention, after receiving vetting report information (this is what we sent two years ago) about each candidate. Wait to hear and see all the real information before choosing who to support for state party office, as that’s what will determine the future of our party for the next two years.
Forward this to your friends. Come to the conventions. Help save and improve the party!
The Georgia Republican Assembly (and Other GOP Supportive Groups): In addition to my involvement in the GOP, I am also the President of the National Federation of Republican Assemblies (NFRA) and the Georgia Republican Assembly (GRA), which is the Georgia chapter of the National Federation of Republican Assemblies. We stand for accountability in politics to the Republican principles that help peoples’ lives. We are specifically targeting and gaining members quickly throughout Georgia (including, most importantly, those who have never previously been involved in politics), and I urge you to consider applying to join (assuming you support what we believe). We have local chapters in many counties throughout the state. This is to empower more Republicans so they will help us strengthen the GOP, grow local GOP chapters, and to ensure that the best candidates are nominated and elected to office (the things the State GOP is currently failing at).
Let’s work together to find ways to make the Republican Party brand strong. Let’s work together to ensure that Republican policies are enacted which, naturally, make our nation strong. Let’s work together to Advance the GOP.
If you want to spread this to others, forward it to your Republican friends and subscribe them to this mailing list. Together, we can all Advance the GOP in Georgia.
Thank you for your leadership in the Republican Party and commitment to its principles.