Category: Government
Who’s Really an “80% Friend” Around Here?

Who’s Really an “80% Friend” Around Here?

Ronald Reagan is often quoted as saying, “The person who agrees with you 80 percent of the time is an 80 percent friend and not a 20 percent enemy.” It’s not a bad guide. The problem is that so many alleged “Republicans” in the legislature do not adhere to Republican principles from our platform even 80% of the time!

You can test that by looking at their voting score in each legislative session. Last year, only three Republicans in the state legislature scored above 80 percent. Most scored less than 50 percent! That’s just dismal.

With Crossover Day looming Thursday, so-called “Republicans” in the legislature once again have the opportunity to “earn their stripes” or “pay their dues” (and all those other kinds of phrases they like to throw at the grassroots volunteers who campaign for them) by proving they really are Republicans. They need to do it by voting for Republican policies and against Democrat policies.

But so far overall during this year’s legislative session, the Republican majority in the state legislature is not giving us much reason to be impressed.

One of the absurd bills presented by a group of four “Republican” legislators and a Democrat was H.B. 1117, which would have empowered non-citizens to become law-enforcement officers! Thankfully, due to outcry from the grassroots, the sponsors of this bill withdrew it from consideration.

Sen. Colton Moore the Only Senator to Vote “No” to $5 Billion Spending Increase

As another example, however, last week the State Senate passed a $5 Billion SPENDING INCREASE, which will eventually fall back on Georgia taxpayers to foot the bill, even while we have a surplus of funds taken from taxpayers to increase the state’s reach in expanding government programs.

At least ONE State Senator said “NO!” Thank you to GRA-endorsed State Senator Colton Moore (R-Dade) for being a true principled Republican! Bold and brave is how we should be, so we can fight the overspending of our civil government!

Some legislators claimed they had no choice but to vote for the budget since it is an omnibus, blaming the Governor. But Republicans in the Senate could have compelled the Governor to the bargaining table by voting the proposed budget down.

Many will recall that Senator Moore was kicked out of the Senate Republican Caucus by caucus leaders who love to quote Reagan’s 80% rule when it benefits them, but refuse to apply it to themselves when dealing with a more conservative Republican. They have still not made any apologies to Senator Moore or readmitted him back into the caucus even though his serious concerns about corrupt Democrat D.A. Fani Willis continue to be validated.

Click to watch Senator Moore’s speech on the spending increase.

H.B. 986 with Its Anti-Free Speech Provisions Passes Thanks to Help from the Uniparty

Yet another nasty piece of legislation that passed the State House a few days ago over protests from the GA Freedom Caucus was H.B. 986. As Mallory Staples reported, this bill includes provisions to cancel citizens who exercise their free speech rights to critique candidates during an election.

We already have safeguards in the law against defamation, slander, and libel. But his statute could empower the state to silence critics of incumbents in a timely fashion as an election approaches. It sounds like it was written by the same statist liberals who have been leading the cancel culture for Facebook and Twitter the last few elections. Forget about Facebook jail. These folks want to send you to actual jail!

Thanks to State Reps. Charlice Byrd (R-Cherokee), Carter Barrett (R-Forsyth), Johnny Chastain (R-Blue Ridge), Brent Cox (R-Dawsonville), Emory Dunahoo (R-Gillsville), Chris Erwin (R-Homer), Matthew Gambill (R-Cartersville), Mitchell Horner (R-Ringgold), Rey Martinez (R-Loganville), Danny Mathis (R-Cochran), Martin Momtahan (R-Dallas), and Rick Townsend (R-Brunswick) for voting against this bad bill. That’s only 13 Republicans to vote “no” out of the 100 in the caucus. The bill passed due to support from Democrats and the other so-called “Republicans.”

Call your state senators and urge them to kill this bill when it reaches their chamber.


While the RINO majority in control of the state legislature is using their power to railroad bad statist bills like these above through, many other good bills in sync with Republican principles are being stalled — not even being allowed a hearing or vote in committee in most cases! 

Thursday is Crossover Day, and that is important because it is the last day a bill can clear its originating chamber and move to the other chamber for consideration. Meaning, if a bill fails to pass one chamber before the end of Crossover Day, it will not be passed this legislative session. Here are some key bills:

• S.B. 416 — Sponsored by Sen. Colton Moore, this bill would reform the RICO law in GA to make it hard for corrupt district attorneys like Fani Willis to use the law to harass people on frivolous charges. 

• S.B. 88 — This legislation would prevent school personnel from promoting ideas on gender identity and transition without parents’ informed consent. Learn more here.

• H.B. 897 — Known as the “Medical Freedom Act,” this bill would restore the freedom of Georgians to make their own health decisions. Unfortunately, this bill is stuck in Rep. Sharon Cooper‘s (R-Cobb) Public Health Committee, and if it does not get a hearing it will die.

• H.B. 496 & H.R. 413 — Sponsored by State Reps. Charlice Byrd and Emory Dunahoo, these pieces of legislation would protect all the preborn from murder from the moment of fertilization. But both the Prenatal Equal Protection Act and the state constitutional amendment equivalent have been ignored by Cobb County’s Sharon Cooper, who chairs the Public Health Committee. She will not even allow them a hearing.

• S.B. 67 — Known as the Second Amendment Preservation Act, this legislation would ban any public officer or employee of the state and its political subdivisions from enforcing any past, present, or future federal “acts, laws, executive orders, administrative orders, rules and regulations” that infringe on the right to keep and bear arms. It was reassigned to a new committee so it would have a hearing, but it continues to be ignored.

• H.B. 17 & H.B. 426 — Although there are a plethora of election reform bills that have been submitted (some of them good, and some of them dangerous), these are two bills that our friends at VoterGA have highlighted for support to better secure chain of custody for ballots and ensure ballots are not destroyed or tampered with when verification has not been completed. 

• H.B. 1105 — This legislation would institute criminal penalties for sanctuary cities of illegal aliens in Georgia. It has been reported that 182 illegals are currently in Georgia jails for murder — just like what happened to Laken Hope Riley.

Contact your elected officials in both the State House and the State Senate and urge them to pass these valuable pieces of legislation through their chamber before the conclusion of Crossover Day. If they do not support them, they deserve to be primaried.

Although some folks like to say that the main objective of the Republican Party is to ensure people with a “Republican” label on the ballot win elections, that is not true. Elections are only a means to an end. The actual main objective of the Republican Party is to enact Republican principles and policies into law. If we’re not accomplishing that — no matter how many elections we’ve won — then we are actually losing. In fact, we are doubly losing because we are voluntarily giving up our time, energy, money, and talent to help the enemy achieve their objectives! Let that sink in. 

Republicans have had majority control of the Georgia state legislature for roughly 20 years. We should have been advancing Republican principles by leaps and bounds during that time. But why does it seem its Democrats who are so often getting their way?

Therefore, as we approach candidate qualifying the first full week of March, and the kickoff to primary season, we encourage new candidates to challenge many of the RINO incumbents in our legislature. We also encourage our local Republican Assembly chapters to hold endorsement conventions and support candidates who can beat bad incumbents. Finally, we encourage local GOP organizations to refuse to allow incumbents with voting records blatantly contrary to Republican policies and principles to qualify to run again as Republicans. Just stop feeding the RINOs.

GRA Resolution Honors Sen. Colton Moore for Leadership on Accountability of D.A. Fani Willis

GRA Resolution Honors Sen. Colton Moore for Leadership on Accountability of D.A. Fani Willis

The GRA Executive Committee voted unanimously to pass a resolution commending and honoring State Senator Colton Moore (R-Dade) for his leading the charge to hold Democrat D.A. Fani Willis accountable in her harassment of political opponents such as the 2020 presidential alternate electors. The resolution also calls for the State Senate Republican Caucus to re-admit Moore to the caucus, and to support legislative reforms that prevents this kind of law-fare.

Read the entire resolution by clicking on this image link:

Election Integrity Activists Maintain Pressure at the State Capitol

Election Integrity Activists Maintain Pressure at the State Capitol

Atlanta, Georgia—On Wednesday the halls of the Georgia Capitol were filled with nearly fifty patriots rallying for election integrity and government accountability as the legislature convened its first day of the special legislative session. The legislature was convened to take up reapportionment and redistricting of maps for the state, but

Journalists capture the press conference

GRA members and allied patriots took the opportunity to hold a press conference for election integrity at the north wing of the Capitol.  GRA member Kandiss Taylor opened in prayer and was the first to speak.  “We are here today because we finally—after three years of affidavits, and notices, and conversations, and demands, and speeches, and putting pressure on our legislators—we finally get a special session! In fact we were told we could not have a special session for three years but, amazingly, it is constitutional, and it is legal,” Taylor exclaimed, “What a miracle!”  Taylor urged legislators to “hold the line” and not forfeit Republican seats to Democrats.  “We are not asking for backroom deals,” Taylor said.  “We are asking for fair legal redistricting, and fair legal voting.”

Over the last few years, the Georgia Governor was urged to convene a special legislative session to address election woes and to deal with Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis, but this special session was called exclusively to address reapportionment and redistricting.  

The State of Georgia was ordered to redraw the congressional and legislative maps by U.S. District Court Judge Steve C. Jones who wrote “…the Court determines that in certain areas of the State, the political process is not equally open to Black voters.”  The “minority” population of Georgia has increased, while the number of white or Caucasian citizens have decreased, according to Census records cited by the court.  Judge Jones was appointed by Barrack Obama and has notably opposed protections for pre-born children from abortion in Georgia. The state has filed an appeal of that order.  

Other speakers at the press conference included David Cross, Kim Brooks, Dr. Doug Frank, Beth Mercure, Stacey Doran, Field Searcy, Sam Carnline, and Kevin Parker.

GRA members Holly Kesler, Brittany Brown, Kandiss Taylor, Wayne Canady, & Gary Chaffee

We need Governor Kemp and the legislators to come together, and extend the call of the special session” to address election integrity concerns, said Field Searcy, GRA IT Chairman and a leader with Georgians for Truth.

GAGOP 2nd Vice Chairman David Cross referenced the Haldeman report, and gave examples of errors in the counting of ballots, and why we cannot have confidence in the Dominion voting system.    

Referencing voter data from 2020 and 2022, Kim Brooks said, “We have found manipulation of inactive voters and infrequent active voters unlawfully receiving credit for voting.”  Brooks said she has proof that votes were cast in those elections for dead voters as well.

Every single fraudulent ballot is depriving one other citizen’s vote—their constitutional right”, Dr. Doug Frank said.  “When your state and your legislature and your Secretary of State tell you, ‘you have to use these systems,’” Frank suggested to the audience, “You can tell them ‘pound sand, because you are depriving us of our constitutional right of our ballot.’”

Beth Mercure, a Cherokee County activist pointed out that well-documented concerns about election integrity have been largely ignored by politicians across the state.  Mercure urged legislators, “We beg you to fix it now!”  

Delivering a petition to the Governor’s office

Whitfield County election integrity activist Stacey Doran stated, “Brian Kemp and Brad Rafensburger refuse to do their job.” Georgia officials claimed the 2020 election was secure, yet removed signature verification and allowed remote drop boxes.  “It can’t make sense; you can’t make an argument for it,” Doran said of the lack of election security.    

Sam Carnline of Georgians for Truth shared that Georgia is in the world spotlight because of state officials’ refusal to fix the election system. He urged the legislature to do “whatever it takes” to return us to hand-marked paper ballots.  

Tyranny can be overturned by the Sovereignty of God, Kevin Parker reminded attendees.  He referred to the passage in Psalm 7: “his mischief shall return upon his own head.”  Parker drew from historical instances of this and warned evildoers that their evil might return to them like a boomerang.  “We call upon the supreme court of Heaven to deliver us from evil.”  “We ask this legislature and this governor to rid us of unlawful voting systems,” Kevin Parker urged, “and replace it with hand-marked paper ballots, and give us our voting rights back.”  

Dr. Douglas Frank with Holly Kesler

Dr. Doug Frank concluded the press conference by leading attendees in singing a verse of the song My Country Tis of Thee.

After the press conference, many of the patriots spoke directly with legislators about their concerns, others attended the legislative floor sessions.

Senator Colton Moore gave a rousing speech from the floor of the Senate that echoed the concerns of the Patriots at the rally.

Field Searcy & Sen. Colton Moore

I’ll tell you what: for the last three months I’ve been calling for a special session.  The people in northwest Georgia–they’re going to be mighty excited today because we are in a special session!  Mr. President, I called for a special session with such intensity that I was booted out of the majority caucus.  I am now a free and independent agent sitting in the back. Mr. President, it’s very disgruntling to me that I called for a special session for three months, and then we come to this special session and the proclamation that the governor has given us does nothing to address the concerns that millions of Georgians have in our current state of affairs.”  Moore continued, “People in northwest Georgia, they don’t like thieves, and in 2020 people in my district believed the election was stolen, they’re upset that the governor took nineteen days to certify the election results, and if it takes that long, then how can you protest when other people agree that maybe the election was stolen? Mr. President, it’s one thing to have a difference of opinion of whether an election was stolen or not, but we’re in a much darker side of politics now in our state.  Because now if you disagree with the political ruling class you can be held political prisoner, and right now we have a former president and eighteen others–even a member of this body–who are facing the rest of their life in prison for questioning an election.”

Click the video to watch Sen. Moore’s speech on the Senate floor in full.

Moore concluded, “Mr. President, if our maps are racist then let’s bring justice to our maps, but let’s also bring justice to a stolen election. Let’s also bring justice to the nineteen individuals who are facing the rest of their life in prison.”

Shocking Truth About Politicians’ Lies – Stand Now!

Shocking Truth About Politicians’ Lies – Stand Now!

It’s become exceedingly common for politicians to lie to voters in order to stay in office and avoid primary challengers and public criticism.

However, it is rare for politicians, when they know they are caught trying to lie to voters, to double down and simply hope that through their sheer arrogance that somehow they’ll get away with it.

For some reason, this is exactly what they have done, yet now they are indisputably caught doing it.


In our last message, we pointed out that the Prosecuting Attorneys Qualification Commission made clear through their public statements that they weren’t going to do anything to stop the political prosecutions of previous GAGOP Chairman Shafer, President Donald Trump, or the numerous lawyers and others that are being prosecuted by Fulton DA Fani Willis. In our message before that, we pointed out how the commission could face constitutional problems, and instead of being cowards, those in elected office should have been standing with GRA Endorsed Sen. Colton Moore and Rep. Charlice Byrd to get a special session to defund the prosecutor’s office or impeach her.

Obviously, they failed to do any of that, instead opting to target and attack the people wanting to do something.

As of Wednesday, November 22nd, 2023, the Georgia Supreme Court made clear that the Prosecuting Attorneys Qualification Commission was dead in the water

Be vigilant: politicians and their staffs have been and are either aware or willing ignorant: they and their staffs either knew this was going to happen, or were intentionally ignoring reality in their quest to be the perfect sycophants to the AJC. How do I know this? Because you just have to look back to see where they were being publicly warned by Sen. Moore and instead of working with an actual leader, they decided to kick him out of the Republican caucus.

And in either event, the people who decided to be dumb or to intentionally lie should all be removed from elected office and replaced with actual Republicans.


So, here’s the thing: the fake Republicans can always turn over a new leaf and start acting right. And there’s one very easy litmus test/piece of legislation that is coming up that you can rely on to determine if a “Republican” has any chance of redeeming themselves from cowardice, or if they definitely need to have a primary challenger:

A proposal to pass a law changing the State RICO law to end politically motivated prosecutions with RICO once and for all.

I know this may sound radical to some people, but imagine that the legislature (i.e. the lawmaking branch of government, which is tasked with creating law), which is allegedly controlled by Republicans, actually passing a law that does something good for the state of Georgia. In this case, something that ends politically motivated prosecutions in Fulton County, and the rest of the state.

This is what Sen. Moore is now proposing (link). A change in the law that would immediately end the RICO prosecutions of past GAGOP Chairman David Shafer, President Trump, and all the other people being charged with RICO in Fulton County by radical Democrat DA Willis.

Any politician that is not publicly, enthusiastically, and unashamedly advocating for this (or any similar bill that will almost certainly be proposed to try to avoid it looking like GRA-endorsed Sen. Moore had a good idea and they were cowards for trying to silence him), needs a primary challenger next year.

If we hope to unify and defeat the Democrats in 2024, these people who betray our party and basic common sense principles need to be stopped. Only you can stop them.

As stated before, the so-called “Leadership” who allegedly made this cowardly decision to avoid the ire of their donors and/or Democrat friends need to hear from you. Call them and let them know that not only are you a Republican disappointed in their behavior, but you’re going to find challengers for them and support anyone who runs against them in the Republican primary if they don’t change the RICO law. Please call them all, in addition to your own representatives.

*Sen. John F. Kennedy
President Pro Tempore
*Sen. Steve Gooch
Majority Leader
*Sen. Randy Robertson
Majority Whip
*Sen. Jason Anavitarte
Majority Caucus Chair
*Sen. Larry Walker III
Majority Caucus Secretary


Finally, apply to join the Georgia Republican Assembly (GRA) and organize with others around the state to have only principled Republicans elected to office, both through your endorsements, as well as by ensuring that the GAGOP is run by principled people that will not allow fake Republicans to run for office as Republicans and is actively working to replace them.

Time is of the essence; act now to safeguard our Republican values. We must stop allowing cowardice and selling out in politics if we want to maintain our brand. By unifying around Republican principles, we can work together to defeat the Democrats.

Marxist Tax-funded Abortion Measure Defeated in Fulton County 

Marxist Tax-funded Abortion Measure Defeated in Fulton County 

On Wednesday, Fulton County Commissioners Bob Ellis (Dist. 2) and Bridget Thorne (Dist. 1) led a valiant effort against a measure that would have given $300,000 to fund abortion murder in Fulton County. The Resolution, sponsored by Commissioner Dana Barrett (Dist. 3) would have forced pro-life residents of Fulton County to pay for “financial assistance and logistical support for abortion” through a socialistic donation of tax dollars to an organization called Access Reproductive Care (“ARC”) Southeast. This pro-abortion organization funds abortions, transportation to abortion mills, and child care for the living children of expectant mothers during the murder of their pre-born brother or sister. 

More than fifty attended the meeting in person to give public comment, including some GRA members and former State Rep. Alveda King, niece of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. 

“I would not have been okay with my taxes funding the gas chambers or ovens in Nazi Germany, or even the train transportation to the death camps,” said Fulton GRA Member Sarah Pedro during public comments. “Just as I am not okay with any funding that would promote the current holocaust of our youngest and most vulnerable Georgians. It is shameful to even be discussing the killing of the pre-born as health care. Health care for whom? Certainly not the baby!”

Speakers highlighted the disproportionate abortion rates in the black community. According to the Georgia Department of Public Health, 65% of babies killed in the womb by elective abortion in 2020 in Georgia were black babies. 

Former abortion supporter turned pro-life advocate Angela Stanton King, founder of Auntie Angie’s House and president of the American King Foundation, who gave birth in prison while shackled and was pardoned by President Trump for her 2004 conviction in a vehicle-theft ring, also gave public comment.

Packed abortion clinic parking lot this week in Augusta, Georgia

A number of commenters identified themselves as Democratic Socialists and were vocal from the crowd supporting the pro-abortion, wealth redistribution measure. The argument from supporters of the measure was that there is “deepening health inequity” in the community that is impacting black women. They cited the overturn of Roe v. Wade and implementation of Georgia’s Heartbeat law as a reason why the funding is needed, however unlike some states, Georgia has not seen it’s abortion facilities shut down nor a massive decline in abortion numbers. Thirteen abortion facilities remain open continuing their bloody work, and pro-life sidewalk advocates report that abortion clinics are as busy as ever. Advocates for the measure urged Fulton County to match a donation made by the Atlanta City Council to the pro-abortion non-profit to help with this socialistic “equalizing” effort. 

Surprise opposition to the measure came from pro-choice Commissioner Khadijah Abdur-Rahman (Dist. 6). Abdur-Rahman had made a motion a few weeks prior to appropriate funds to help meet homeless needs that was rejected with Commissioner Dana Barrett opposing the motion. Abdur-Rahman took a position against other Democrats who supported Barrett’s motion funding ARC Southeast, asking “How can you support funding an abortion non-profit with budget money you don’t have for the homeless?

Commissioner Thorne strongly opposed the measure highlighted the fact that $300,000 is four times the amount the County gives to The Boys and Girls Club. 

Pro-abortion advocates who are constantly requesting tax dollars to fund their abortion agenda do this in the name of “choice”…however, they unequivocally reject the notion of a woman’s “choice” to have the baby.  True choice provides women the help and resources they need to have their babies,” said Fulton Resident Sarah Pedro.

Democrat Commission Chair Rob Pitts did not vote. After making a statement opposing the measure, Commissioner Bridget Thorne had to leave and was not able to vote. Lacking the four votes required to pass, the motion failed on a 3-2 vote.

The pro-abortion motion might be added to a future agenda, and if that happens pro-life and limited government activists are committed to providing even stronger opposition. As Abolitionist Wendell Phillips quipped, “The price of liberty is eternal vigilance.” 

If you would like to see all pre-born children given legal protection in Georgia, so that it is illegal for organizations like ARC to promote prenatal homicide, sign this petition.

If you live in or near Fulton County, we encourage you to attend their meetings and voice your concerns. Commissioners’ meetings are held on the first and third Wednesdays of each month at 10 a.m. in the Fulton County Government Center Assembly Hall, 141 Pryor Street SW, Atlanta, Georgia. The next meeting will be held October 18.

Residents have three options to participate in 2-minute public comment: in person, in writing, or virtually via Zoom. All virtual public comments and requests to speak in person must be submitted before the clerk sounds the start of the meeting.

To submit a public comment in writing, residents can contact or by filling out the form located here.

Register in advance for the webinar by accessing the link via the calendar website.

Success at October Georgia Board of Elections Meeting

Success at October Georgia Board of Elections Meeting

Atlanta—Yesterday’s state Board of Elections saw another great turnout of patriots present. 30 of them withstood 10 hours of listening in on cases, petitions and comments. The greatest success of the meeting was that all of the charges harassing GRA member Jessie Blankenship were dismissed. Moreover, the harassing criminal charges against North Metro RA President Richard Jordan were also dropped, and now he only has to deal with some pending civil charges. Jordan has his own countersuit against the parties harassing him with a lawsuit for activities during last year’s election. GRA member David Oles served as the attorney representing Mr. Jordan.

For those not familiar with their cases, Jessie Blankenship had offered to drive people in her community to the polls during the election so they could vote, and for this act of generosity a complaint was filed against her. In Richard Jordan’s case, he asked to see a poll manager at the polls to inquire about the security of the “QR” codes on his ballot. After he made this inquiry, the police were called and it was falsely reported that he was making a disturbance. Video of the police approaching Mr. Jordan show that he was disturbing no one, and he asked the officer to leave him alone because the officer was violating his privacy by coming within view of his ballot, which had not yet been submitted to be counted.

Participants learned the people in NGOs are fraudulently registering people (some non-existen fictitious people) to vote.

A petition asking action from the State Board of Elections compiled by GRA IT Chairman Field Searcy, who is the co-founder of, also contained elements on injury voters have experienced from governing bodies. Many other GRA members signed that petition. Marilyn Marx from Coalition of Good Governance’s submitted a request for hand-marked paper ballots based on confidentiality of the ballot. This proposal was defeated but the Board asked to have a further dialogue with Marilyn and other activists. Board member Matthew Mashburn led a more public friendly meeting than Chairman William Duffy did at the previous meeting.

One of the board members privately told the patriots that the on-going persistence is having an impact on the legislators, and encouraged them to keep it up.

“Republicans” Betraying Republicans! Help Fight Now!💥

“Republicans” Betraying Republicans! Help Fight Now!💥

Click to watch the video of Senator Moore’s interview with Steve Bannon yesterday.

A little over a month ago (LINK), we applauded the bravery of GRA-endorsed Senator Colton Moore and others in fighting for accountability. He was leading the charge in response to Fulton DA Fani Willis’s political prosecutions in Fulton County. He was a lone voice in the State Senate pushing for a special session to defund her office, as well as investigate her actions for potential impeachment, a power explicitly given to the legislature by the Georgia Constitution.

Any decent Republican would support this, if not to stop the prosecutions, then to simply draw attention to the corrupt nature of these political prosecutions in Democrat-run Fulton County.


But instead, alleged Republican “leadership” has apparently become jealous and spiteful of the existance of actual leadership. Despite President Trump’s open support for Colton Moore, and that Senator Moore is the only Senator opposed to “kicking the can down the road” to an unelected commission which may be found unconstitutional and choose to do nothing, they have decided to effectively kick Colton out (“indefinitely suspend”) of the Republican Legislative caucus.

They don’t have the spine to challenge Brad Raffensperger by passing legislation that increases public confidence in our election system.

They don’t have the spine to challenge Democrats, or efforts to expand government power and cronyism in Georgia.

Yet they are willing to effectively defend Democrats that are instituting political prosecutions of Republicans by kicking Republicans out of the caucus?

This is appalling.

Any “Republican” politician not publicly supporting Sen. Moore’s efforts, or decrying “leadership’s” decision, is a coward. Silence is not acceptable in the face of politically motivated prosecutions, and it’s also not acceptable when elected officials are called upon to make a stand on one of their own being intentionally attacked by alleged Republicans.

If we hope to unify and defeat the Democrats in 2024, these people who betray our party and basic common sense principles need to be stopped. Only can you stop them.


First, here is a list of so-called “Leadership” who allegedly made this cowardly decision to avoid the ire of their donors and/or Democrat friends. Call them and let them know that not only are you a Republican disappointed in their behavior, but you’re going to find challengers for them and support anyone who runs against them in the Republican primary. Please call them all.

Sen. John F. Kennedy
President Pro Tempore 

Sen. Steve Gooch
Majority Leader             

Sen. Randy Robertson    
Majority Whip                 

Sen. Jason Anavitarte
Majority Caucus Chair 

Sen. Larry Walker III
Majority Caucus Secretary   

Second, contact your own Senator and Representative and let them know that you expect them to make a public statement opposing the removal of Senator Colton Moore from the caucus. They will gladly tell you, in private, that they disagree with “leadership”, but that is only because they are trying to hide behind “leadership” as an excuse. You know who elects “leadership”? They do.  And unless they are willing to stand up to “leadership”, they are implicitly supporting the decision to remove Senator Moore. If they refuse to issue a public statement, let them know that you’ll run against them (if you will…hopefully you will), or support any other actual Republican that is willing to take such a stand.

Third, apply to join the Georgia Republican Assembly (GRA), and organize with others around the state to have only principled Republicans elected to office, both through your endorsements, as well as by ensuring that the GAGOP is run by principled people that will not allow fake Republicans to run for office as Republicans and attack principled leaders like Senator Moore.


1. There seems to be an effort to demonize both Fulton County Republican Susan Opraseuth (who was elected, and then un-elected due to GOP Establishment wranglings two years ago: see articles HERE and 2nd HERE for a history), as well as the current GAGOP Leadership by alleged Republicans over a “corporate structure” issue. 

This is all counter-productive. The attached e-mail was provided by the GAGOP (the “Alex” referenced in it is not me) that shows the legal counsel for the Secretary of State affirming that the GAGOP is in compliance with state political party law. While there certainly are issues that need to be fixed regarding some historical issues (and the GAGOP has created a committee to address), this e-mail alleviates my concerns regarding the possibility of Republican candidates being excluded from the general election ballot in the foreseeable future.

2. The Forsyth County Republican Party, which had grassroots leadership elected this last year, attempted to have their chosen election board member appointed to the local election board. This was and is currently being thwarted, according to these links by Hank Sullivan. Another case of the GOPe (Establishment) attempting to hold on to power. (Link 1) (Link 2)

3. It is alleged that the Fish Fry hosted by the 8th District GOP (Chairman: Chandler Jones) restricted entry of Republicans, who had already purchased tickets, who were wearing “Paper Please!” (advocating election integrity) shirts until after numerous politicians left the event. While this is perfectly legal, it is interesting that politicians and/or their supporters are trying to marginalize active and engaged Republicans.

We must stop allowing cowardice and selling out in politics if we want to maintain our brand. By unifying around Republican principles, we can work together to defeat the Democrats. 

GRA-Endorsed State Sen. Colton Moore’s Call for a Special Session Gains National Attention

GRA-Endorsed State Sen. Colton Moore’s Call for a Special Session Gains National Attention

The GRA is appalled by the political prosecutions occurring in Fulton County, and their effect on undermining the fabric of our nation. The GRA strongly supports GRA-endorsed State Senator Colton Moore‘s effort to call a special emergency session to respond to these actions.

We urge you to contact your state legislators and have them sign onto Senator Colton Moore’s letter.

Since Colton released the news of his letter to the Governor, he has been interviewed by conservative media outlets from across the country, including by Charlie Kirk of TurningPoint USA and Steve Bannon. The story has gained national media attention and even been commented on by former President Donald Trump on his TruthSocial:

Election Integrity Activists Deliver Paper Ballot Petitions and Flood State Election Board Meeting

Election Integrity Activists Deliver Paper Ballot Petitions and Flood State Election Board Meeting

Atlanta, Georgia – An overflow crowd of patriots (including dozens of GRA members) from across the state attended the Georgia State Election Board meeting at the Capitol yesterday to share concerns about Georgia’s election process and to press for reforms restoring election integrity and accountability for Georgia’s persistently unreliable elections.

Activists wearing “Paper Please” T-shirts streamed in from as far as the coast and the Florida border. The room was packed to capacity with upwards of 130 people, and those who could not find a seat had to stand in the hallway, or watch proceedings from the overflow room due to the fire code restrictions.  Officials expressed surprise by the unexpected size of the crowd.  By the time the meeting commenced fifty people had signed up to speak and the Board knew they were in for a long morning.

Paul White, GRA member from middle Georgia, speaking at the State Board of Elections Meeting

We deserve legal, secure and accurate elections,” said GRA Member Paul White, from middle Georgia. He referenced the five red states that turned blue in 2020: Arizona, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Georgia. All five of them had changed their election laws just weeks before the 2020 election, and all five depended exclusively on Dominion voting systems.

Sam Caroline with Field Searcy outside the state capitol

Field Searcy, a GRA Member from South GA, referencing the opinion and order of Federal Judge Amy Totenberg, who found serious cause for concern in Georgia’s election system said, “If Judge Totenberg is correct and the QR code tabulated by a black box is unlawful, that means our votes are void…we have no duly elected representatives…  Who has authority?  Who is accountable?” 

Following the meeting, Searcy led a contingent to deliver the petition submitted to the Grady County Board of Commissioners calling for paper ballots and some other documents including a letter from attorney and GRA President Alex Johnson to the Governor, Lt. Governor and Secretary of State’s offices. “Seems Chris Carr had a scowl on his face and so did the lady in the SOS office,” said Searcy. 

The remedy for the various election problems was made very clear. It was repeated so many times by different speakers that the State Election Board could have had no question about the activists’ request: “Security grade, hand marked, paper ballots, counted at the precinct on election day.” The board must have heard this phrase nearly 50 times by the end of the public comments.

Amanda Prettyman speaking with the state BOE Chairman

GRA member Amanda Prettyman from Bibb County brought a large stack of paper petitions to the mic with her to display representing the many Georgians in favor of paper ballots who could not be present at the meeting. She also used the opportunity during a break to hold an impromptu meeting with the Chairman to share her concerns directly. It is reported that she gave each member of the board a copy of the book The Doctrine of the Lesser Magistrates, which declares that when the superior or higher civil authority makes an unjust or immoral law or decree, the lesser or lower ranking civil authority has both the right and duty to refuse obedience to that superior authority. This concept is sometimes called interposition, and a much needed solution for many of our nations issues.

“I have a simple request for the board: Make elections boring again!” said Brad Barnes, Etowah Republican Assembly chapter leader. “If everything was going well, we would be home. We wouldn’t be here,” said Tess Sharp, one of the activists. The fact that thousands of Georgians are showing up at their county Board of Elections meetings around the state to share concerns and their lack of trust in the accuracy or the elections system, is sending a strong message to Georgia’s election officials.

Linda Menk, GRA member from Coweta County didn’t mince words, “You said you are all volunteers, that means you’re order-takers. You take orders from Governor Kemp, ‘Ratsberger’, and Chris Carr and they are as crooked as a dog’s hind leg, and everybody in this room knows it.”  The audience erupted in applause at this, despite the Chairman’s previous request to refrain from applauding.

Many concerns centered around the Dominion Ballot Marking Device which uses a QR code that is unverifiable by the voter, or anyone attempting to audit the election results, and the Halderman report which clearly lays out numerous technical vulnerabilities inherent in the Dominion system.

In DeKalb, the only audited race, we found that the machine had picked the wrong winner,” said Kevin Parker with Citizens Defending Freedom, who is also a GRA Member, referencing a local election where a candidate, Michelle Long Spears did not receive a single vote in her own precinct, despite knowing she and her husband had voted for her in that precinct. A hand recount discovered 6,000 votes in her favor, winning her the nomination. Parker reiterated that the board must restore voting confidence in our elections, and “dump Dominion.”

GRA member Sondra Martin from Cherokee County asked, “What do you have to lose by listening to the people that you serve?  Is there a reason why paper ballots is not a good idea?” 

Many of the attendees were appalled by the polytheistic prayer with which Chairman William Duffey opened the meeting. “To the god which we believe, whether it’s a Christian god, or a Muslim god, or a Jewish god, or any other god, or any other faith—we ask that you be present with all of us, including those who have no faith at all.  We would like for everybody to be comforted by that which they call [inaudible] for comfort….

Several of the activists found the prayer so offensive, they added a comment about it during their allotted two minutes of speaking time. Sondra Martin called it “a non-prayer to non-gods.” Perhaps there is a connection between the lawlessness displayed by government officials and their lack of belief in the God of the Bible who judges kings and rulers by His unchanging standard of justice and who ultimately provides accountability for our actions. Thankfully, we can rest confident that God’s authority over and accountability for government leaders is not dependent on man’s recognition of that authority. 

For more information on how to submit a petition to your Board of Commissioners or Board of Elections download templates here.

2023 Legislative Scorecards Released!

2023 Legislative Scorecards Released!

The 2023 GRA Legislative Vote Scorecards are officially out! But brace yourself, because the results may shock you. 😳

Thankfully, the GA GOP still has a few good Republican legislators whom the GRA and the Freedom Caucus have supported. These include A-rated legislators such as State Senator Colton Moore (R-Dade), State Rep. Charlice Byrd (R-Cherokee), and State Senator Greg Dolezal (R-Forsyth). All three of these candidates were GRA-endorsed in the Republican primaries last year, supported financially by our GRA-PAC, and handily won their elections. They have proven to be worth the investment.

Overall, however, in the last legislative session, the Republican-led legislature dramatically shifted to the left. Not just a little bit. What we mean is that we have never had so many “Republican” legislators score with a failing grade!

In the Republican Party, we often hear folks rightly say that “an 80% friend is not a 20% enemy.” The problem is that for the vast majority of “Republican” legislators at the state capitol, they are not an “80% friend.” They are not even a “50% friend” when you honestly compare their voting record to the Republican Party platform.

We have the vast majority of Republicans in the state legislature who vote more often for Democrat policies than they do for Republican policies. If we look, for example, at the 2023 GA State House, we observe that 89% of the Republican Caucus scored an “F” rating in the last session!

That is why the GRA exists. To combat this “Uniparty” trend in the GOP.

In the State Senate, it was only a little bit better. Only 24% of “Republican” State Senators scored an “F” there. But 73% still scored a “D” or lower — which still means they voted more often for Democrat policies than for Republican policies!

No wonder we are seeing our state becoming increasingly Leftist under so-called “Republican” control! Most of our elected officials serving in Atlanta at the state capitol literally are “RINOs.” That is not merely a pejorative term. That is a fact. We might as well call them “Democrats” because they are only Republicans in label.

One of the worst examples is State House Rep. Sharon Cooper (R-Cobb) who is the Chairwoman of the powerful House Public Health Committee. You may remember how Rep. Cooper blocked pro-life and medical freedom legislation in her committee last session so that it was not even allowed to come up for a vote. Meanwhile, she fast-tracked big-government socialism & corporate welfare expansions, such as with the omnibus so-called “Mental Health” H.B. 520.

For some odd reason, our friends at the Faith & Freedom Coalition gave Cooper a “100% rating” — but they did this by only evaluating her on seven bills! They excluded egregious bills like H.B. 520. If you see our scorecard, you’ll see we evaluated House legislators on 55 controversial bills and 16 controversial sponsorships that pitted Republican policies against Democrat policies. Based on her performance on this legislation, Cooper actually scored an abysmal 30% (F)!

That means there were 53 Democrats in the State House who scored equal to or better than so-called “Republican” Sharon Cooper last legislative session. Thankfully, this week Christian family groups with Operation Save America are canvassing with literature in Cooper’s East Cobb district to make sure her constituents know how poorly she has performed. This is in conjunction with their national conference taking place in Douglasville, Georgia this week.

As a result of this kind of trend, GA GOP Chairman Josh McKoon has appointed an Accountability Committee to investigate options such as adopting the proposed Accountability Rule so that delegates at state conventions could vote to preclude incumbents from qualifying again to run as Republicans in future primaries. In the absence of the Accountability Rule being adopted, the GA GOP Executive Committee or State Committee could vote to preclude incumbents in similar fashion since this is a 1st Amendment-protected right. Meanwhile, in several local county party organizations, GOP groups have already started to adopt their own versions of the Accountability Rule.

The Pickens County GOP under the leadership of GRA-member Chris Mora became the first county Republican organization to officially adopt a policy on how their party leadership could vote to block candidates from qualifying as Republican if they did not meet minimum standards.

Help us spread the word about the 2023 Legislative Vote Scorecard, and let us know if you can help us recruit new Republican candidates to run in next year’s Republican primary for state legislative offices.