Month: July 2017
Marjorie Greene

Marjorie Greene

Marjorie Greene is a GRA member who has worked tirelessly and boldly to promote small-government, constitutional, conservative values in line with GRA principles in her campaign for the 14th Congressional District. Marjorie and her husband, Perry, have been married 23 years. They have three children, Lauren, Taylor and Derek. Marjorie believes the best part of her life is being a mother and spending time with her family. They have worked together to build Taylor Commercial, a commercial construction and renovation company. The company has since managed a quarter of a billion dollars of construction projects. Marjorie successfully started, grew, and sold a thriving CrossFit gym here in Georgia which has become one of the top CrossFit gyms in the country. Marjorie has a unique perspective on how to succeed from the ground up, through true hard work and financial responsibility. Marjorie graduated from the University of Georgia and received her Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration.

Congressman Paul Broun

Congressman Paul Broun

Heritage Action Congressional Score: “A” —

Former Congressman Paul Broun previously served with fearless distinction in the U.S. Congress for four terms from 2007 to 2014, and earned the top voting record in Congress. He was endorsed by Congressman Ron Paul(R-Texas) when he ran for U.S. Senate in 2014 because of his consistent integrity for small, constitutional federal government. Prior to politics, he earned a Bachelor’s in Chemistry, worked as a medical doctor for 40 years, and rose to the rank of Commander in the U.S. Navy. Over the last few years he has worked as the President of our GRA-PAC. He brings a great deal of seasoned experience to the race for Congress, and has proven that he cannot be bought by the Swamp in Washginton, D.C.

Among the challengers to Paul Broun in the race for the 9th Congressional race is State Representative Kevin Tanner, who earned a disappointing “F” on his legislative scorecard.

You can learn more and contribute to Paul’s campaign a