Author: Georgia Republican Assembly
Get Ready for Convention Season

Get Ready for Convention Season

Want to help us make the GA GOP stronger? Want to get more principled GA GOP leaders elected who will advance the principles and ensure we get good Republicans elected to public office? Then mark your calendars and plan to participate in the up-coming GA GOP Conventions starting next month:

Last year was our off-year, but now we have to assemble again to elect the officers of our county, congressional district, and state GOP organizations once again. Already, the GRA has been scheduling trainings from one end of the state to the other to assist new activists in understanding how they can be effective in these conventions.

If you would like for us to host a training in your community, please email us as soon as possible so that we can attempt to include you in our busy schedule.

Cassandra Docherty, Chairwoman of the Speakers Bureau

Cassandra Docherty, Chairwoman of the Speakers Bureau

Cassandra is a classical trained educator who teaches Ancient History, Medieval History, US History, and American Government to junior and high school students for the last 30 years. She has also home schooled all of her seven children from kindergarten through 12th grade, 5 are college graduates and 2 are still in college. After teaching America’s greatness historically and constitutionally to her students for over three decades, she decided to become actively involved at her local GOP.

She works currently as a secretary for the North Metro Georgia Republican Assembly, an Area Precinct Manager in Cherokee County, and as a State Committee member for the 11th District. Recently she helped organize C4 Cherokee which is an organization for 17-29 year old men and women who love America, its history, and its Constitution, and who have joined forces to build a strong local government.

Cassandra’s love of America has taken her to all of the lower 48 states,  most if not almost all of the National Parks, and many of the great museums the USA has to offer (she is pictured at the Ronald Reagan Library with  Reagan’s Air Force 1 in the background), and to a great many historical sites across the country. She has also travelled multiple times across the American Continent by train, and believes the USA is united not only by the historic nomadic American Indians but also by the modern version shown by American’s love of adventure and travel. Yes, Cassandra has American-Indian blood. 🙂

Chris Watson, Chairman of the Events Action Group

Chris Watson, Chairman of the Events Action Group

The Events Action Group ensures the visibility of the organization to the public in multiple formats (Dinners, Conventions, etc.) and adds value to a member’s relationship with the GRA by providing specialized events for members to attend while expanding their knowledge, involvement, and contacts. Chris is a retired interpersonal skills trainer — at writing and speaking. Prior to retiring, Chris was a contractor for the U.S. Government for 25 years training Intelligence Analysts how to write analytical papers reporting the results of their analysis and converting their documents into verbal reports to the Intelligence Community.  He’s been a professional speaker and coach for public speaking skills.  As widower and a Republican from Kennesaw, Chris was originally a native of Maryland for 70 years. But now he says he’s “a refugee from the People’s Democratic Republic of Maryland and living in Kennesaw, GA.”

Robert Smith, Chairman of the Coalition of Leaders Action Group

Robert Smith, Chairman of the Coalition of Leaders Action Group

Robert (Bob) Smith is a semi-retired business executive. Bob spent many years in manufacturing leadership, rising to serve as CEO of two midsized companies. With four patents to his credit, he is also an accredited servant leadership coach, plus a statistical analysis expert. Having lived in five states, he has resided in the New Georgia area with his wife Lynne, for the past twenty years. Together, they have four adult sons. Bob is passionate about preserving the freedoms we have been blessed with in this county.

Banks Wise, Treasurer

Banks Wise, Treasurer

As the Treasurer, Banks Wise manages the finances of the organization. He has been involved in the Republican Party as a volunteer activist for over a decade, first getting involved in the presidential races of Congressman Ron Paul from Texas. He resides in Cherokee County and works in an accounting firm. He has previously worked as a campaign manager for several successful State House races and worked as those elected Republican legislators’ Chief of Staff and their political advisor.

Denise Burns, Assistant Secretary

Denise Burns, Assistant Secretary

Denise Burns was elected as the Assistant Secretary of the GRA at the State Convention in December of 2021. She has been a GRA member in good standing for many years, and was also first elected the 14th Congressional District GA GOP Chairman in May of 2021. She was reelected to that position in 2023. She lives in the Walker County / Catoosa County area, has been a good long-term friend of Secretary Joanna Hildreth, and she assists Joanna with the official correspondence on behalf of the GRA.