Report on GA Runoff Victories

Report on GA Runoff Victories

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Former State Sen. Mike Crane congratulates Brian Jack for winning the nomination for Congressional District 3.

There were lots of potential good news from last night’s Republican Primary runoff! In particular, Establishment-candidate Sen. Mike Dugan (who had a 35% “F” legislative vote score in 2023) was defeated by Brian Jack in the 3rd Congressional District race.

After the Republican Primary in May, Jack was endorsed by Mike Crane and Phillip Singleton, both GRA members who have been previously endorsed by the GRA as legislators for their exceptional performance. Jack has also worked previously on staff for former President Donald Trump.

Jack is expected to be a more conservative Congressman than the retiring incumbent from the district, Drew Ferguson.

In other news, GRA member Gregory Howard from Gwinnett won his runoff for the nomination in the 7th District State Senate race. He’ll now face the Democrat incumbent State Senator in a district that leans Democrat.

In Pike County, former GRA-endorsed State Rep. Ken Pullin (with an 84%-88% “A” legislative score) won his runoff for county commission, defeating the incumbent:

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This win for Pullin was seen as vindication after he was pressured to abandon his State House seat when the late former Speaker David Ralston worked to gerrymander his old House district during redistricting to ensure he would not be re-elected, just as he had done to Phillip Singleton in his former State House seat.

Vanita Hullander

Also it was noteworthy that two of the incumbent Catoosa County Commission candidates who the Catoosa GOP did not qualify as Republicans in the primary lost their Republican primary runoff elections last night. Both incumbent County Commission Chairman Larry Black and incumbent County Commissioner for District 3 Vanita Hullander went down to defeat in their races. Hullander was the commissioner who endorsed a Democrat in a local race and made the absurd retort to an angry local citizen at a commission meeting, when he was complaining about how local tax dollars were being spent by the commission, that “you act like we’re spending your money personal!” The citizen replied to her, “That is our money!”

Hullander and Black took legal action in March to get a local judge to force them on the ballot. That has led to two cases on appeal in both state and federal court where we trust this violation of the 1st Amendment’s “freedom of association” clause will eventually be overturned.

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