This coming Saturday will kick off the annual convention season for the Georgia Republican Party in most counties! If you live in a county with a population of over 80,000 people, be sure to participate in your Precinct Mass Caucus this weekend!
For smaller counties, their caucuses will be on March 23rd — the same date as most counties’ county conventions.
The Georgia Republican Assembly (GRA) has been conducting convention & parliamentary procedure trainings for our members in the weeks leading up to the Over 80K Precinct Caucuses. Let us know if your GRA chapter would like help with a training.
The outcome of this GOP Convention Cycle will determine whether or not we can “drain the swamp” of the National Republican Party.
It’s simple… Do you want the Republican platform to reflect the values of grassroots red-blooded Americans like you or the DC insiders?
If you want to help clean house at the RNC level, and defeat (or at least dillute) the influence of spineless, unprincipled consultants and lobbyists from the nation-wide political industry, we need to elect principled delegates to the national convention.
At the RNC Convention, our GOP delegates from Georgia will vote on the platform of the party, rules, and resolutions. One of the exciting rule changes being proposed would require a recorded vote for the election of RNC Chair. No more secret, hidden votes! This would be a huge step toward accountability!
Ultimately, this convention cycle will determine whether the RNC is run by wine-and-cheesers 🍷 or people of integrity and your involvement will make the difference!
One comment
I need information on the State Convention
Michael Nixon is a congressional candidate for Georgia’s district 2