In Floyd County: Opposition to “Transqueer Pride”

In Floyd County: Opposition to “Transqueer Pride”

IMG 1697
Angela Rubino with Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene

This week Etowah Republican Assembly Vice President Angela Rubino, supported by many other members, spoke out against the facilitation by the Rome City Commission for the Transqueer Pride event being hosted in Heritage Park on June 24th in Rome, Georgia. The event organizers repeatedly call for children to be brought to the event in their promotional materials.

Last year’s event featured middle-aged men, dressed in secondhand thrift-store women’s clothing, doing sexualized dances for tips in full view of the children in attendance – which is illegal under city ordinances as well as Georgia law.

However, city police refused to enforce the law against such a display of left-wing politics in action. What sort of middle-aged men specifically seek out an audience of children to put on a display of this sort in a public park?  

Vendors at last years event hosted in the same public park featured sex toys for sale at children’s eye level as well as women walking around bare-chested.

The currently Establishment-dominated Floyd County Republican Party, chaired by

Jamie Palmer, as well as the local Republican legislative delegation, as led by corporate lobbyist-controlled State Rep. Katie Dempsey (R-Floyd), not only refused to speak out against the event but the Floyd GOP leadership expressed vociferous criticism of Angela and others who did so. Rome Police have indicated that they will take action against people exercising their constitutional rights of free speech to peacefully assemble in public areas as they protest at this year’s “pride” event.

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