These Republican Heroes Need Your Help!
This legislative session, our GRA-endorsed legislators and their partners are tackling some major issues that the Establishment in Atlanta does NOT want to come up for a vote! Last week we met with several of our state legislators (pictured above) such as State Reps. Charlice Byrd (Cherokee), Mitchell Horner (Catoosa), Emory Dunahoo (Jackson), and State Senator Colton Moore (District 53), who are working to champion several of the Republican issues folks back home have been clamoring for!
Issues such as election integrity reform, equal protection for all of the preborn, shielding children from drag queens as well as trans and woke indoctrination, securing gun rights, cutting back cronyism and government waste, and more! But before they can barely get started, they are already meeting with opposition and intimidation tactics from the Establishment cronies in the GOP.
The crux of the controversy: The Republican Party does not exist merely to get people with an “R” next to their name elected. The Republican Party exists to advance the pro-American principles in our Republican Party platform. If we win all the elections, but do not pass Republican policies into law, the Republican Party is not doing its job.
The fact is that we are losing Republican supporters because the GOP is not doing its job. Take, for example, this recent email message we received from one of our readers:

The Establishment in Atlanta and D.C., however, want you to think that Republicans must make people with an “R” next to their name look good regardless of whether they advance Republican principles or undermine them. That’s why they took so much offense at the GRA publicly exposing the wrongs of former Speaker David Ralston and calling him to account, or take offense when we’ve pointed out something bad or questionable that Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger or Governor Brian Kemp has done.

So while the Establishment in Atlanta acts very indignant for the GRA publicly seeking accountability against RINOs, they hypocritically seek to bring their own form of accountability against those of us who do not pretend like all elected Republican officials are wonderful in all that they do (or do not do). They want to “cancel” us. They want to cancel our endorsed legislators. They want to cancel the voice of you, the grassroots activists. They are actively right now trying to destroy, shame, and neuter those champions working to advance the issues you have told us you care about in Georgia.
Issues that are a matter of life and death, issues that determine whether we enjoy the freedom and prosperity we inherited from our forefathers or sink into oppression.
We expect the Democrats, the Marxists, and the “fake news” liberal media to attack us. They have already clearly marked and identified themselves as the enemy. But when people in your own party stab you in the back, that is especially disgraceful.

Over the last two weeks our legislators have been told to keep quiet about election integrity reform. No one in leadership is providing any plan on how to address the concerns. Meanwhile, new Speaker Jon Burns (Screven) has signaled he is not “looking” to take up another pro-life bill this year. Pseudo-prolife groups controlled by the Establishment are pressuring legislators like Charlice Byrd and Emory Dunahoo to back down from introducing Equal Protection legislation and to disassociate with GRTL and the GRA.
Likewise, the first day of the legislative session, Representatives in the State House were given less than an hour to review proposed rules changes before being called upon to vote on them. One of the rules changes gives the state Speaker new authority to bypass the House Rules Committee and bring legislation to the Floor unilaterally, and another rule allows the Speaker to shorten the window of time in which legislators could vote on a bill. These are powers some could reasonably question whether they might be abused. State Rep. Mitchell Horner made an objection on the adoption of these rules and was quickly berated on the House floor by State Rep. Sharon Cooper (Cobb).

Over this last weekend, some officers of our Executive Committee have received death threats from anonymous callers identifying themselves with Antifa. This began at the same time riots of violence broke out in downtown Atlanta. Our words have been twisted and sensationalized to provoke a backlash. The radical left and the Republican Establishment are out to quash the GRA because we are fighting for you. We are fighting for the defenseless.
We need your help! Here’s two ways you can help:
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